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The New Waxed Canvas Shell Bag from Birchwood Casey

Tuesday, April 11, 2017 8:17
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Birchwood Casey Waxed Canvas Shell Bag
Birchwood Casey Waxed Canvas Shell Bag
Birchwood Casey
Birchwood Casey

USA –-( The new Waxed Canvas Shell Bag from Birchwood Casey provides shotgun shooters a stylish and practical way to organize shotgun shells and accessories when they step up to the line.

Birchwood Casey Waxed Canvas Shell Bag

The Waxed Canvas Shell Bag features an upper pocket, which accommodates a box of target loads. There is a large dump pouch for spent shells that has a zippered bottom for easy unloading.

The bag has a zippered eye protection pouch, along with a retention strap for ear protection and a hook and loop patch for personalization.

The bag also comes with a heavy duty adjustable nylon belt. The waxed canvas construction is not only durable, but stylish as well.

The Waxed Canvas Shell Bag sells for a retail price of $44.50. (less $$ online)

Birchwood Casey Waxed Canvas Shell Bag Shown Flat
Birchwood Casey Waxed Canvas Shell Bag Shown Flat

About Birchwood Casey:

Since 1948, serious shooters, avid collectors and professional gunsmiths have relied on Birchwood Casey for shooting and gun care products that have stood the test of time. From legendary Tru-Oil® Gun Stock Finish and Perma Blue® Liquid Gun Blue to revolutionary Shoot•N•C® Targets, Birchwood Casey has pioneered innovative products with an unwavering dedication for quality.

Visit the Birchwood Casey website at, write to 7887 Fuller Road, Ste. 100, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 or call 800-746-6862 for more information.

This post The New Waxed Canvas Shell Bag from Birchwood Casey appeared first on Shooting Sports News .


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