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Must See: 9/11 And Flight 175 (Shocking Video)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014 6:05
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(N.Morgan) 9/11 changed the face of America forever. Many of us began to realize then, that our govt may be up to no good and that they were ultimately responsible for this terrible and shocking tragedy.


The video below is more evidence of the questionable story doled out by the media and govt in regards to the 9/11 terror attacks. Flight 175 is the point of focus and you really must see this video to believe it!








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Total 57 comments
  • It is hard to believe that anyone still believes in the string of hoaxes designed to take away our liberties.

  • Thank you for posting this, Nancy. I knew this 9-11 things was a hoax, but this really is icing on the cake. Amazing, thank you so much!!!!

  • that building is on this side of the towers.. or it is as tall as them if it is behind them.

    • Warren

      That is correct. The building is on the camera side of the towers. This has been rehashed many different times in similar forums.

      I do, however, agree that 1/16″ aluminum vs. massive steel beams and concrete is a big issue.

  • This has to be one of the worst “9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB PROOF!!!!” articles/videos ever created. You can blatantly see where the author/creator of the video edited the footage to. Look for the box around the building. Just another nut job pushing his website for Ad Revenue…

    • DefaOmega, thank you for being forthright enough to speak the truth to these tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy loving nut jobs. It amazes me as to how many bat sh*t crazy posters on BIN refuse to accept what has been studied and proven to be fact by a variety of sources including Popular Mechanics, which refuted every single claim that the “Loose Change” lobby has put forth on Sepptember 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks by al-Qaeda. These delusional people refuse to accept the threat posed to the world by Islamic Terrorism and instead cling to the myraid fairy tales that the alein greys or the nephilim or the international Jewish conspiracy or the Bildebergers or elements of our own government are the ones who are the REAL guilty parties in the tragedy that is 9-11. All of you conspiracy theorists are completely insane and should be locked up in a long term mental health facility, under armed guards to protect society and yourselves from your deep seated mental illnesses.

      • Martel, have you not seen the PBS special where 1700 architects and engineers said it was impossible the buildings feel due to a fire which is the government’s story?

      • DTOM74, Yes I did, but what all of those architects and engineers failed to take into consideration is the fact that, 1. The sprayed-on fire retardant material which is applied as the steel superstructure is erected, only was applied 1/2 to 2/3 of the way up to the top. Whether they run low on money, in the mid-70′s when the towers where being constructed and couldn’t afford to apply it all the way to the top, well there is some fertile ground for more conspiracies. 2. The steel that the towers were constructed of, whether covered with the fire retardant or not are only rated for a fixed amount of time in a fire of a smaller magnitude than the one on Sept. 11. The steel heats up to a point where it losses its structural integrity, and the expose to flames causes a deformation which allowed the steel framework of the floors to bend and pull away from where they connected to the outer walls.once you have one beam fail, its just a matter of time before it comes crashing down. I hope this helps.

    • Fake video is the accusation, not the defense. Have you got a different version of the video, for purposes of comparison?

      Also. Show me proof of YOUR theory of 9-11.

      • Martel, I love my tin foil hat. I hate “Kevlar Nazi Helmet” wearers like you, oh , I forgot with alien tech night vision goggles attached.
        Conspiracy Theorist was spread by the CIA after JFK to lessen the affect of “assassination theories”. TROLL!


        Watch particularly from 30 seconds to about 45 seconds- the other Building (the Whitehall Building?) is clearly in front of the Tower

  • Wow. I can’t believe I never noticed that either. As a graphic designer, I usually notice every photoshop hack job etc… good eye! So sickening. So sad. You really got to wonder what is going to happen next. Surely by this time, “they” must know a lot of people are on to their b.s. God save us all.

  • Wow. I can’t believe I never noticed that either. As a graphic designer, I usually notice every photoshop hack job etc… good eye! So sickening. So sad. You really have to wonder what is going to happen next. Surely by this time, “they” must know a lot of people are on to their b.s. God save us all.

  • Where are the people that were on this jet then if this jet is fake because there were passengers that went missing so where are they ????????

    • Please don’t ask questions like that. You’ll get the people that frequent this site into a tizzy. More than likely someone will pipe up and “inform” you that the people aboard the plane were also the actors at the Sandy Hook “false flag”. 90% of them are biologically related to Sasquatch and they have “BREAKING NEVER BEFORE SEEN PROOF!!!” of it. 5% of them were abducted by Greys were they serve as sex slaves to the Nephilim. 4% are part of the Illuminati and just talk about them might get you killed. The remaining 1% worked together to create President Obama’s birth certificate, passport, school records, human suit, jet pack, and time machine. Oh and 1 of them, not 1% exactly 1, is an ex-pilot with information confirming that Chemtrails are real and contain mind controlling enzymes that absorb only in sex organs so the government can control when you get an erection.

      • Its not that difficult to figure out. They killed them and disposed of the bodies.

      • The same thing that happened to the passengers of MH370.

      • Warren

        It helps to approach surfing this site the same way one should approach panning for gold. After panning away a lot of gravel and silt, with some patience and a bit of luck, there are flecks of gold in the bottom of the pan.

    • To learn what really happened to those on the 9-11 flights check this link.

  • Here is what needs to happen in this country.

    The Political System Is Broken
    We Can Fix It As Simple As 1,2,3
    We all agree – even the politicians agree. The entire system stinks. It is filled with corruption. How did the system get so bad? How can we fix it? Fixing it is so simple it is hard to believe!!
    Unchain the Committeeman Process – Elect FREE Committeemen

    NOTE: Be prepared – the politicians, the political operatives and even many of those friends you think know the facts will try to tell you this information is incorrect. They are ALL wrong. What you are about to learn is absolute truth. Yes, once again we find; decades of misinformation has subverted the TRUTH.

    A True Committeeman Is NOT Appointed. A Committeeman Is An Elected Position

    The dirty trick that political parties have used for decades is the secret subversion of the committeeman process. The committeeman is the foundation of America and the entire election process. By controlling the committeemen they control everything. Without control of the committeemen the political parties are powerless.
    The political parties have deliberately turned the committeeman process upside down and backwards. The general perception (note; the perception) is that the committeeman is a pledged part of the political party. The perception is that the political party chooses who will be able to be a committeeman. The perception is that the committeeman works for the political hierarchy. This is not true. The committeeman is “LEGALLY” intended to be an ELECTED FREE AGENT. A committeeman is ELECTED by his neighborhood district and represents the will of his neighbors.
    Under the past and PRESENT law, the committeeman may (should) interview the citizens in his community and put forth candidates chosen by the citizens. The committeeman can reject the candidates put forth by the political party. Yes, the committeeman has the power to reject political choices and put forth ANY candidate of choice.
    Under the past and PRESENT law, the committeeman may gather ballot petitions and signatures on behalf of the candidates put forth by the citizens. The committeeman can reject gathering of ballot petitions and signatures for the political party candidates.
    You do NOT need the blessing of the political party to become a Committeeman. You do NOT need anyone’s “permission”. YOU do it yourself. America needs FREE Committeemen. YOU can be one as simple as 1,2,3.
    It’s hard to believe that for years now we have been running around like chickens with our heads cut off. We have spent so much time, energy, and money to get nowhere. We yell, scream, protest and have NO effect. It’s hard to believe it is so simple to change that. The key is that we all become FREE COMMITTEEMEN. We then control the entire political process. In 1 to 2 election cycles, we could change every elected official and change every law on the books.

    How do you become a FREE Committeeman?
    • You must be a registered voter and petition for Committeeman of that political party
    • During the nominating dates fill out a Committeeman Nominating Petition
    • Go to your area neighborhood homes (neighborhood district) and get 20min. to 50 Signatures on Petition
    • Fill in the bottom of Petition with Your info.
    • Turn the Petition in to your county Board of Elections
    • That’s it – after the primary election date you will be notified – you are a FREE Committeeman

    Is there a $ cost? No cost – except about 10 to 40 hours a YEAR of your time.

    What are your specific commitments? None. You can choose to follow “party requests” OR take your own initiatives – on your own or you can even choose to do nothing at all.

    It’s as simple as 1,2,3 to teach you what you need to know. It’s a small effort compared to what you already do. So, what say you? Would you like to join our committee? Would YOU like to be a part of an organized group of FREE COMMITTEEMEN? Contact Al – [email protected]

  • We don’t need anymore videos of planes and buildings to know that the media was in on 911. The proof is right in their own news video. All the networks changed the video to hide the infamous Nose-In Nose -Out scene by mid afternoon on 911. All the networks were working together and they got caught red handed showing us a special effects movie designed to hide what really brought the buildings down.
    There was no flight 175, only a movie to make you think there was.

    • Hey Anonymous your tin foil hat is a bit too tight, perhaps you would think clearer if you had one a size or two larger. You and your ilk don’t want to get at the truth you prefer living happily in your twlight zone induced psychosis’ If you cant believe that radical Islam is responsible for 9-11 and you believe that the US government pulled off the this horrible act of terror you are just plain CRAZY!! The US government CANNOT keep a secret. If they were behind this incident, they would have had 10′s if not 100′s of thousands of people in on the scam. It is inconcievable and quite impossible for that too occur. I better let you go now so that you can take your anti-psychotic meds. You should double up on the dosage, because you clearly had not taken any before you wrote that stupid post. Get some mental health treatment soon for all our sakes!

      • @ martel you are a real bonifide idiot you do no research of your own u just bad mouth other people; Project Blue Beam, Dr, judy woods ‘where did the towers go’ (book) phd’s out the wazoo and who are you what do u have to offer other than your idiocy, get with the program, understand “the break away society” understand that the military industrial complex is “YEARS” ahead of what we see on the streets, my father worked in the WH and at Mt. Weather “DUMB”, took him there once in the 60′s….’YOU ARE CLUELESS” and have no comprehension of this demention go somewhere else with your paid opposition, u are no longer welcome here, and a picture of Jesus you are a joke

      • Hey Zippy Stardust, U sir or madam are the idiot and you demonstrate your bona fides by your completely STUPID statement! First of all ASSHAT the avi is not of Jesus, unless the Jesus your familiar with wears a medieval helmet, BTW that just show how utterly clueless you are. So I suppose it was they Israelis were the ones that brought down the towers because they all skipped work on Sept 11th, right smart ass? Or maybe it was Larry Silverstein because on the afternoon of 9-11 silverstein said pull it. Right, dumbass? May be it was you stardirt, maybe it was you that brought down the towers? that makes as much sense to me as your (conspiracy) theories. Oh I’m supposed to be impressed with a Dr. because she has phd’s out the wazoo? are you kidding? Ive met some brilliant phd’s and I’ve met others who are dumb as a bag of rocks. If you are so convinced that nefarious forces in your government did 9-11 and not some religious zealots who would love nothing more than to offer Islam to you moments before they cut your head off, you are a bigger fool than most of the conspiracy nuts that call BIN their home away from home.

      • The government keeps lots of secrets, Martel, but 9-11 is not one of them.

        It took time for relevant information to come to light. During which time, most members of the public had a pre-programmed lie drilled into their heads.

        You can easily establish that you were lied to.

        You can easily find out what happened that day.

        Complicit individuals are not going to tell you, though. They would be killed for that. And people would hate them for being complicit to start with.

      • Martel, I suppose you assume the patriot act is for your own good? That was a direct result of 9/11. Are you familiar with Operation Northwood? ” A series of well coordinated incidents will be planned to take place in and around Guantanamo Bay to give genuine appearance of being done by hostile Cuban forces.”
        The proposal continues with ideas like spreading many rumours through clandestine radio(media today) US sinking their own ship and holding mock funerals for the victims. Their idea was that Cuban ships coming to investigate the blown up ship, would place Cuba at the scene adding to their apparent guilt. Blowing up an unmanned drone and blaming it on Cuba. Even attacking their own base in florida.
        Operation Northwood was approved by the joint chiefs of staff and presented to the secretary of defence. This document is PROOF the US is capable of orchestrating an attack on itself and lying through the available media to gain public support for military intervention in a foreign country. Believe it or not this IS what happend on 9/11. You are worried about Islamic/Muslim terrorists? Pick any year since the beginning of the United States and there is about a 90% chance your country was at war. That’s right! Out of the 238 years the US has existed, there are only 21 years when the country hasn’t been at war. That being said, tell me again who real terrorists are?

    • The problem with all of you true believers is that you completely disregard EVIDENCE! I have spoken with many people who worked in the financial district in and around the Trade Center. I have also spoken with first responders. You all seem to discredit what these witnesses say, who are/were eyewitnesses the most audacious terrorist attack in modern history. You also seem to discount what bin-Laden said in the late ninties.

      “First we obliterate America,” Osama bin Laden told his son Omar in 1996. “By that I don’t mean militarily. We can destroy America from within by making it economically weak, until its markets collapse.” excerpt from ‘Usama bin Laden’ by Michael Scheuer, chief of the CIA’s bin Laden unit from 1996-1999.

      UBL previously agreed to finance a plot originally developed by Khalid Sheikh Mohammad and Ramzi Yousef which would have as its objectives the assassination of Pope John Paul II, the simultaneous bombing of 11 jetliners over the Pacific which would have resulted in approximately 4000 deaths and the hijacking and flying a passenger jet into the CIA HQ at Langley. This operation was known as “Oplan Bojinka.” The plot was disrupted when a chemical fire drew the attention of the Philippine National Police, but not without Yousef first carrying out a test run by bombing a mall and movie theater injuring scores of people, as well as detonating a bomb on Philippine Airlines Flight 434, killing one person and nearly causing enough damage to result in the destruction of the aircraft.

      Philippine Intel. further warned U.S. authorities in Jan. 1995, that on Yousef’s computer hard drive a secondary plan existed which considered involving the hijacking of more airplanes. The World Trade Center (New York City, New York), The Pentagon (Arlington, Virginia), the United States Capitol (Washington, D.C.), the White House (Washington, D.C.), the Sears Tower (Chicago, Illinois), and the U.S Bank Tower (Los Angeles, California), would have been the likely targets. Abdul Hakim Murad (an indicted co-conspirator, now serving a life sentence in US federal prison) said that this part of the plot was dropped since the Manila cell could not recruit enough people to implement other hijackings in his confession with Filipino investigators, prior to the foiling of Operation Bojinka. This plot eventually would later become the basis for the September 11, 2001 attacks which involved hijacking commercial airliners as opposed to small aircraft loaded with explosives and crashing them into their intended targets.

      More basis connecting UBL to plans to destroy America was Osama bin Ladin’s assertion in 1998 that it was his Islamic duty to acquire weapons of mass destruction (and) ensure that the fulfillment of this intent “would become a top priority for his lieutenants in the ensuing years.” In an effort to explain his thinking to his followers, and to help guide their efforts, the al Qaeda leader has offered a number of statements that provide a need and rationale for using weapons of mass destruction as a means of achieving the group’s concrete and ambitious goals. Most recently, he promised in a 2007 video release to “escalate the killing and fighting against you (Americans)”.

      What more do you people need? It is easier for you to believe that the outrageous ‘LOOSE CHANGE’ conspiracy theories that everything surrounding 9-11 and the war against radical Islam is all an inside job? Why is it so much easier for you folks who are regulars at BIN to believe that the Military Industrial Complex, The Illuminati, the Free Masons, the Global Zionist conspiracy, the Alien Greys or what have you are behind the violence that Islam has been and continues to perpetrate against not only America, but all the Western democratic nations? WHY???

      • Martel, where is your evidence? Osama bin Laden denied involvement in 9-11. Osama bin Laden was never charged with complicity.

        Osama was charged with other crimes, by the US, but never in connection with 9-11.

        After Osama’s death, fake videos were made — the actor does not even resemble bin Laden. If the “claiming responsibility” videos had any credibility, Osama would have been charged, wouldn’t he.

        Again. Show me evidence of your theory.

      • DEANO AND Lifels; Al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab or Boko Haram or any number of Islamist groups who want to kill both of you and every other American, could stick a bomb up either of your asses, with each one of you bending over and spreadin the others butt cheeks for ease of insertion and you would still come up with asinine conspiracy theory’s and blame the Zionists or Bildebergers. You people are the ones to that need to do your homework and stop listening to Alex Jones and start researching what the real threat to the world is today. Ignorance and believing in every stupid theory that comes down the pike doesn’t make you on the cutting edge of the national intelligence it make you on the cutting edge of conspiracy theories. If you are so convinced that all of these terrorist attacks against US interests are nothing but a bunch of bunk, then you and your fellow travelers are doing a great disservice by not exposing it to the light of day.

        Zacarias Moussaoui, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Ramzi bin al-Shibh, Mustafa Ahmad al-Hawsawi, Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali and Walid Bin Attash have all been indicted for their part in 9-11. It is true the bin-Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri while being indicted by the US for their role in the embassy bombing in Africa in 1998 have not been indicted for 9-11. do you think just because they havent been indicted that that exonerates them of responsibility? Im really sorry to have wasted my time confusing you both with facts and reality.

      • Martel saying “the bogeyman will get you” is not the same thing as evidence in a specific crime.

        In THIS country, not being charged, let alone convicted, does indeed mean a person is not responsible for a specific crime.

        The law is logical, that way.

        What people SAY, what the “news media” say, what government officials say, does not make anybody responsible for anything.

        Common sense will tell you that confessions obtained by torture don’t mean anything.

        Again, where is your evidence, for your theory of 9-11.

      • Martel, you have just stated that the philipines warned the US about possible attacks on bldgs by hi-jacked planes.
        So why werent they fully expected & prepared?
        Why did BUSH say “Who could have known they would fly planes into bldgs” ?
        Why was NORAD missing on 9/11?
        Why did BUSH admin link Suddam & Iraq to 9/11, when all intel info stated otherwise?

        You have really fallen for the MUSLIM FEAR PORN, so much so that you even where a medieval CRUSADERS Helmet. Keep believing in BUSH admin middle east CRUSADE. God Bless America v’s Death to the Christian Infadel!

  • The guy doing this video is a fool. The plane’s wing is behind that building because that building is in front of the WTC. The plane is flying between the two structures, so of course the building overlaps the wing.

    The real anomaly here, folks, is the flash of light at the nose of the plane as it hits. There’s your conspiracy.

    • John

      correct…the angle is the building puts it in front of the tower therefore the wing is to be expected to travel behind it as show in the video…I agree as this building is nowhere near the height of the trade towers yet its almost same height in video putting it in front

  • Let me share this with you all..
    Many are enlightened in America while some still sleep. The truth is our very own government aided in killing hundreds of innocent citizens on 9/11 . That’s an atrocity.. But the biggest atrocity is that , so far, they have gotten away with it. No one has been tried or imprisoned for killing their own. Why are we complacent and have allowed our own government to get away with this? I didn’t believe it either when I first heard it…but time has proven to me it is all truth. Wake up and MAKE JUSTICE happen.. Write the politicians you know and demand justice here in America. We have to turn this country around….

  • The subject interests me, allways has. I too have this footage, but in mine, the building in the background is lower, the very tip of the wing travels across it, but staays visable, so I think your film may have been altered, you should check. Also, with that explosion, I don’t really see the plane slicing through the building, maybe some parts of it, and of course the fuel, but the plane pretty much blows to smithereens on impact. I’m just glad those terrorists were right in the nose of it and got the plane up thier asses.

    • Sheriff of Knottinghole

      I doubt “those terrorists” (wether they were 19 arabs, the Mossad or Baby Bush) were in those planes… more likely radio controlled just like MH370 or no planes at all… too easy for Hollywood to pull off a hoax like this with all the CNN/FOX sheeple swallowing it hook, line and sinker…

      and we really don’t have proof there were any passengers either… after Sandy Hoax it’s obvious they didn’t need any real passengers…

  •; – 45 minute video that shows how 9/11 was all a video composite. This video is just one clip of proof. “We all saw it on TV, so must be true.” *Mind blown*

  • These conspiracy theories originate from idle minds without a shred of proof and all conjecture. I was there, not more than a block away when the plane went though the tower, don’t tell me what I saw was my wild imagination. You guys are absolutely delusional!

    • capoprimo,
      Hopefully you will be given a chance tell your eye witness story while deposed soon. Most of the people that were within a block of the towers are now experiencing different kinds of cancer. How is your health, or were you even really there?

    • capoprimo I would tell you that you saw either a remotely-controlled plane, civilian or military, or a Global Hawk drone, which is a plane that is always remotely controlled.

      You didn’t say if you were looking up at a fast moving silhouette or out at a fast moving plane.

      Some members of the public described the planes as “blue” or “gray” and windowless. But we didn’t get to hear from them right away. Phone service being cut off and all.

      I would also tell you that eyewitnesses often give very different descriptions of the same event.

      Yes, what you see can be your imagination. But there’s no way we can discuss it, unless you describe EXACTLY what you saw.

  • Great vid. Good find by the narrator.

  • one question:

    how do you explain the shadow of the airplane on the tower just before impact?, and the shadow is correlated to the aircraft approach, the shadow gets bigger as the acft gets closer

    nice try!

    no conspiracy here, just clicks for money…..hahahha!

    • Are you kidding, Boo Boo? You have never seen a shadow in the movies? Don’t be ridiculous.
      Much of what you see in the news and in movies is computer generated now.

      • Don’t be ridiculous Anonymous, not everything is CGI dude!!

    • No shadow, reflection. That happens with glass.

  • You know in your heart that we have not seen anything yet. Oh and by the way, what kind of symbol is on the very top of the new “freedom tower” right now?….looks like divided and conquered applies and 99.9 don’t even know it….remember, what kind of symbol is that? Look it up for yourself.

  • I think 9/11 was an inside job…but I don’t believe your theory.

  • The building in the foreground with the fancy architecture on the top appears to be the Whitehall building as seen on Google Earth. The building just behind it with three vertical ‘window’ shapes is clearly in front of the then twin towers as seen easily on Google Earth.
    So the plane’s wing should indeed be seen going behind that building.
    This does not mean that the plane seen disappearing into the south tower was not CGI.
    It would be interesting as to where the video was taken from as Google Earth shows no vantage points anywhere this side of the Whitehall building unless perhaps taken from the water in front of Governor’s Island or maybe from one of the buildings on it.

  • I would think if the govt was going to use photoshop they would have at least put the airline info on the plane. Looks like a grey, military type plane to me.

  • Nothing to see here the other building is in front of the tower so it looks like it is a fake plane which I really hate the thought of as the planes were very real just the outcome seems to be wrong. Sometimes there seems to be a real complex reason needed for something sometimes the simple answer is the right one, like the Kennedy assassination being just a plain accident like being shot by a secret service agent. Don’t over think things guys the planes were real who was at the head of the attack is a different story

  • As I watched this it really didn’t surprise me at all, that our government would have some part or
    All involvement in this,with all the reverse engineering going on for decades, with alien craft, wait
    we don’t talk about u.f.o.s , very high classified,right? What the hell is wrong with our government
    with all there hush-hush,secrets

  • They needed an excuse to go to war and to take away our civil liberties. .

  • Hi All, Just a new Roswell… we’ll never know… :cool:

  • I know. Thank you.

  • I have debunked this video in my latest video….
    “World Trade Center – Holographic or CGI Plane? – Debunked”

  • This video was nailed as a fake years ago. But I thank the contributor for reminding some folks, Dr. Fetzer in particular, that we care. A phone call to the contractor who created this photoshop was met with a refusal to discuss this video. True, the entrance of the jet and passage through the thin convoluted steel wall seemed impossible, but with a prep job with steel cutting ordnance, squared off sections of this steel panelling allowed easy and complete access to the jets.

  • how about this. how about we all post a picture of our actual face on this site

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