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Brookhaven Labs 11973 Zip Encodes Birth & Death of World Trade Center

Friday, April 8, 2016 7:09
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(Before It's News)

Yes, the zip code to Brookhaven National Laboratories is in fact 11973. That’s 9/11 backwards and 1973, which is when the World Trade Center officially opened. The screenshots above are of ground zero. The red lines projecting up, (side by side) point back to Brookhaven Labs. We see in the lower left corner how a beam could have sliced through the Marriot Hotel after demolishing WTC 2. We also see the diagonal lines (right) where the beams may have arced out and toasted the cars on those streets (burned cars were only on these streets). The videos below show in detail the theory of the Brookhaven particle disassociation technology that could have brought down the Twin Towers on 9/11!

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