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9-11 Bombshell Israeli Art Students – the Overlooked Evidence – Connecting the Dots

Friday, May 27, 2016 4:39
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(Before It's News)

9-11 BOMBSHELL Israeli Art Students -The Overlooked Evidence -Connecting the Dots

 by: The Golden Path

Israeli Art Students -Zionist -Babylonian Rothchild’s Mossad

Disclaimer, Image taken from google out of fair use.

Main Commentary:
You ever seen those movies where the psychopath do the criminal acts, get away with it, but they begin to see their actions more as forms of art? This type of psychopathic characteristic tends to rub it in people’s faces without their full awareness because it is labeled as “art” & people look elsewhere for answers due to following the mainstream false stories & propaganda. The art of deceit, would be a more accurate phrase to describe it.

I came across this article late last year written by Russ Winter “World Trade Center’s Infamous 91st-Floor Israeli ‘Art Student’ Project” (Must Read and alot of credit to him  & others for exposing this truth like Rebekah Roth. I will be using his source along with many people’s to attempt to put together this investigative research.

BB 18 Fuse Click here for Manufacturer Information

I will attempt to make this article short, and also hand over a playlist connecting the dots through other people’s works, research & documentaries. These people deserve all the credit for exposure. Professional  architects, firefighters & engineers have come together to solve this mystery in the way the government should have, yet did not.


Here is a fun Fact: How much money went to investigating 911? 3 millions and estimated 13 more in additional funds. Clinton Investigation went over 40 million.
Another fun Fact: Rothschilds own 80% of Israel.

Click to Read About the Famous Falling Man












The point is to get the truth out there as quick and fast as possible. Main reason because of the possible soon to be released 28 classified pages with regards to 9-11. People need to know the truth before the half truth’s comes out.

The very people involved are the ones that throws lies at the public through the mainstream media. So, treat this article or documentary as a form of disclosure. For many of you, this may or may not be new. This is more for those who are new & still seeking answers.


 It is however, up to you to decide through your own common sense and observation on whether or not this is true. This information has literally been out for years, and seemingly buried & ignored. It is time to change that by making the truth go viral. Whether or not this goes viral is entirely up to you the reader.

Bombshell Undeniable Evidence:

 THIS WILL SHOCK YOU TO YOUR CORE: 9/11 From Cheney to Mossad
by: & rebekah Roth
Direct Link:


Direct Link:

Firefighters, Architects & Engineers Expose 9/11 Myths (2015) 
Video by: ConspiracyScope
This documentary brought to you by firefighters, Architects & Engineers supports the fact that it was a controlled demolition. They were right, and they deserve to be vindicated & mentioned for their hard work.

Direct Link:

9-11 Cop Who Arrested Dancing Israelis Speaks
by:American Free Press
Direct Link:


Israeli Art Student Research Playlist & More Information

Direct Link:

When this story first reached my awareness; it left me feeling rather bitter. I can understand the reasons why not many people would want to touch this even with a ten foot pole. However, to many of us researching this controversial topic, it blows the lid right out of this can of worms.

A few things to note on this extremely sensitive topic. 


It is not an anti Jewish post, it is in fact exposing Zionism/Nazi’s.  To understand what the differences between them, you must understand the biblical history of Israel. During the time Queen Jezebel & King Ahab ruled & Divided Israel between the followers of the God of Abraham & the worshipers of BAAL.  Jezebel was the daughter of ethbaal, which the name itself literally translates to: “with-BAAL”. Please watch the documentary “Know your enemy” to its fullest to in order to fully understand  the whole story behind this mess & much more including exposure of the Illuminati & Jesuit History along with their connections to the modern day creation of Babylon. (Must watch for any true researcher.)

In Short: Real Judaism are the followers of the God of Abraham/Elijah.  Zionists are the branch that broke off to form Babylon and bel/BAAL worship. Even shorter: Judaism & Zionism are like oil & water to one another. It was Zionism that funded Adolf hitler and  his nazi regime. Hitler was also a Zionist member. It is very important to discern between them.

There are currently rabbis preaching against Zionism. (Very rarely will you see this on mainstream though.)

And if you have any doubt about the existence of Babylon, you better start asking your government questions as to why temples of BAAL are showing up across the world. (As of late, one has been built in London.)

See more:
Temple Of Baal Arch Unveiled Today In London But With Last Minute Name Change

This is done in order to protect myself from governmental paid trolls and being attacked & labeled as an anti Semetic.  If you want any proof on governmental paid trolls visit link below:

Hillary Clinton Trolls Shut Down Pro-Bernie Sanders Facebook Groups Published April 26 2016 by US Uncut

Disclaimer 2:
I do not own any of the images displayed here. All images is of fair use, for presentation purposes, educational purposes, parody or to prove a point.


Fair Use permits limited use of copyrighted material without acquiring permission from the rights holders“ More on Fair Use Read More…


Feel Free To post this nformation On your Website. This Knowledge belongs to the World.

Information is Useless Unless it Goes Viral. Make a Difference Today & Share Knowledge.

 Disclaimer: ALL footage used falls under Fair Use for commentary/research/news reporting purposes under current copyright rules.

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Total 6 comments
  • Excellent, excellent. Everything that exposes the “Synagogue of Satan” (Rev. 2:9, Rev. 3:9) false Judaic, Talmudic psychopaths is desperately needed in a last ditch attempt to awaken the vast majority of ignorant, so called “Christians” who blindly support Lucifer’s “chosen people” (those who call themselves Jews who are not Jews…..the Rothschild Zionists and their minions. Josh. 21:43-45 (amplified) clearly states that GOD fulfilled HIS promises to the people of Israel back then and those fulfilled promises “came to pass”. These promises were not made in perpetuity unless the Israelites remained in covenant with GOD, which they have not.

  • Ephesians 5:11Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

    11 Take no part in and have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds and enterprises of darkness, but instead [let your lives be so in contrast as to] [a]expose and reprove and convict them.

    This verse is also quite clear….for those who proclaim to be Christians. Those taking part in and/or fellowshipping with the deeds and enterprises (agendas) of the Luciferian “Synagogue of Satan”, Talmudic Zionists (false, counterfeit Jews), are then complicit with the Luciferian Zionist’s wickedness as well as being out of harmony with the above verse.

    WAKE UP CHRISTIANS !! :eek: :eek: :eek:

  • Yep…read this last year..the evidence is overwhelming, Israel and American worked together to take the towers down. It’s to take control of our freedoms, get the middle-east divided for Israel and the New World Order clowns. It is the Jews…

  • This is old news but worthy of reviewing. I heard this over a year ago, did my own research, and came to the conclusion that G. W. Bush took his grandfather’s balls and ran with them. There are no good relatives of Prescott Bush.

    Israel is a Holy place with evil men in its’ highest authority. The good people of Israel deserve better.

    Our government willfully, purposefully, and successfully orchestrated the deaths of 3,000 innocent people on that evil day in September. But the leader of our country before Bush handed the torch off to him. 9/11 was years in the making. Not months…years.

    JULY 4th is going to be interesting if Fulford is speaking truth.

    My fingers are crossed.

    • Not to mention how many other innocent people were killed in other countries because of this.

  • Jewish Board of Deputies Australia says ” All Jews [ fake Jews] are Zionists”

    I had a word with Effie Mats from Harris Park who assured me that all jews are zionists.

    Her experience with Victor Alhadeff Chief Executive Officer of NSW Jewish Board of Deputies Australia, assured here that all jews are Zionists.

    The Conversation went like this:

    When Effie asked him what types of jews they represent? He asked what do you mean? Effie said, I hear there are different types, Zionist shepardhists etc He answered angrily and frustrasted all jews are ZIONISTS…

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