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If Ammon Bundy Loses, This Is Our Bleak Agenda 21 Future

Thursday, January 21, 2016 11:22
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Very impressive Chinese cities, but where are the people?

Very impressive Chinese cities, but where are the people?


Remember when the lifeguard yelled, “everybody out of the pool” and we all scrambled. Today, the clarion call is “everybody out of the rural areas”, 
If Ammon Bundy’s people lose, America will soon witness the following Agenda 21 nightmare. 

As ISIS is rampaging across Syria, Ebola is still on the loose in Africa and the flames of civil discontent are spreading across the United States as the country stands at a crossroads. There are many in the media who believe that America sits on the precipice of martial law followed by World War III. All signs certainly point to these fears coming to fruition. A question that very few seem to ask is what will society be like after World War III and the ushering in of the New World Order?

The United States has a canary in the mine from which to predict its future and it has to do with how China is implementing the United Nations based Agenda 21 policies. Agenda 21 certainly is impacting our daily lives, however, the big changes will not felt until after the United States collapses or is conquered. If one wants to know what life will be like when that time comes, we can look across the Pacific to China.

China has long led the world in repressive and inhuman enforcement of its population with repressive one child policies, mandatory sterilization and forced abortions. We also know that China permits corporate slave labor (e.g. Walmart) within its boundaries by globalist corporations. China is also becoming a model for the implementation of Agenda 21 and this implementation phase is taking a new and dramatic twist through the creation of a series of “ghost cities” in which monolithic cities are built, but there are only a few to no residents occupying these cities. Dateline Australia estimates that as many as 10 of these cities are being built every year. We, in the United States, should watch this Agenda 21 canary in the mine because it represents our future.

Agenda 21, the United Nations and You

The United Nations Agenda 21 policies are in the early stages of nudging the planet into a “more equitable and just new world order”. Although Agenda 21′s influence is seemingly everywhere and completely noticed by those who are in tune to the present globalization trends, the dramatic and full influence will not be fully realized until the United States has collapsed economically. In other words, Agenda 21 is a blueprint for a post-Constitutional America. This leads to the inevitable question as to when the economic collapse of the United States will take place? There is no definitive answer to this question. However, when we consider that the United States has a 17 trillion dollar deficit, an estimated 240 trillion dollar unfunded set of liabilities (e.g.Medicare, Social Security) and the estimated derivatives debt, that the American taxpayer was forced to assume in the “bailouts”, is estimated to be between one quadrillion to 1.5 quadrillion dollars. These three numbers represent the chest pains; the fatal American economic heart attack could come any day.

The Ecocity Builders is a non-profit non-governmental organization, affiliated with the United Nations, which is a collaboration of international networks of associates that influence and actively participate in local city planning projects all across the US. Through training courses they promote the ecocity approach as the future of human civilization. This conferenced laid out the subjugation of the human race. 

Ecocity is a major implementation arm of the United Nations Agenda 21 urbanization policies.

Ecocity is a major implementation arm of the United Nations Agenda 21 urbanization policies.

Through coercive conferences like the International Ecocity Conference series is an international movement toward building locally and globally. The ecocity advocates have created UN sustainable cities in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Brazil, South Africa, Turkey, a dozen countries in Europe, Korea, Australia and the focus of this article, in China.

An ecocity is often characterized in terms with Agenda 21 precepts including:

  • Human settlements modeled after sustainable development that functions with natural ecosystems and living organisms

  • Reduce the inhabitants ecological impact on the environment

  • Restoration of ecosystems after the recolonization of humans into dense cities

  • Sustainable living under Agenda 21 supports regional, national and global economic systems

The recolonization of humans into dense cities is the focus for the remainder of this article.

Agenda 21 Comes to China In Stealth

Agenda 21 is being implemented in China at breakneck speed and the latest phase is coming in under stealth and deception.

The Chinese government is in the process of relocating 250,000 people per week from rural farmlands to densely populated urban areas into what has been dubbed as the Chinese ghost towns. Many of us have heard about these Chinese ghost cities. However, until this year we didn’t really know the true purpose of why these ghost cities were being built. However, the veil is being lifted and now it is becoming very obvious as to what the Chinese are up to.

In one of these ghost towns, the Chinese built a nearly deserted replica of Paris complete with its own Eiffel Tower and Champs Elysees. In the process, the Chinese even leveled a range of 700 mountains as even geography can’t stand in the way of another ghost city. 

Adrian Brown filed a very telling report with the Australian division of Dateline in 2011 on the topic of ghost cities. The 15 minute report received almost no attention in the United States but it received a stunning three million views in Australia. 

China Is Now an Urban Country

China’s urban population has passed the 50% mark, according to China’s Bureau of Statistics. America reached this milestone in 1920, almost a full century before the Chinese and our urbanization was fueled by the demand for cheap labor to fill the new factory jobs. The Communist Chinese regime touts urbanization as the engine behind China’s future economic development. The Chinese propagandists are telling the masses that they must accept relocation from rural to urban because it will fuel the Chinese economy of the future. And what the Chinese propagandists are telling the people is a lie and as with many things in politics, there is the reason and there is the real reason.

Chinese Propaganda

Although the Chinese government and a select few globalist corporations claim that the Chinese urban population migration is fueled by the need for workers, other Chinese experts tell a different story.

In a Nov. 23, 2011 report, the Beijing Times, one of the most liberal of the Chinese newspapers, quoted the deputy inspector at China’s National Land Bureau, Gan Zangchun, said that the government land acquisition has created “fake urbanization.” In other words, the Chinese urbanization, based upon economic reasons, is a fraud. Then why is there such an urgency on the part of the Chinese government to move its population to urban areas at such a rapid pace and with such inhumanity?

The Real Reasons

For the past few years, people in the West were baffled as to why the Chinese were building massive ghost cities that can house over 1 million people each and yet, these ghost cities were dormant until just recently. The Chinese have over 65 million micro-apartments (i.e. apartments which are under 500 square feet) which lie vacant in these ghost cities.

The urbanization of America took place in proportion to the number of factory jobs which were available well into the industrial period of our history. The American factory jobs enticed future workers to leave the farm and relocate to cities. However, China is taking a “build it and they will come” approach. In other words, the more naive among us are supposed to believe that if the people move into the cities, factory jobs will follow. Stalin tried it as did Pol Pot, and it did not work and what we are really looking at here is a cover story.

More Chinese Experts Debunk the State Propaganda

Chinese political refugee and Princeton University professor, Cheng Xiaonong, stated that in several Chinese locations, farmers are being forcibly relocated at gun point and forced to relocate to urban areas. Cheng said, “[Party chief] Bo Xilai has been promoting a policy of moving farmers into towns, building apartments and moving forcibly relocated farmers into these stack and pack apartments and treating this as urbanization.” Cheng said urbanization isn’t about calculating how many farmers are relocated into cities, but about farmers being able to move into the city and gaining some measure of sustainable employment and adequate living conditions. These relocated farmers, without the prospect of jobs, is a recipe for economic and social disaster. Soon, there will be tens of millions of Chinese totally dependent on government handouts to survive. This is the power that governments strive to obtain because it gives them total control. This Chinese scene is reminiscent of the Agenda 21 inspired movie, Hunger Games.

Cheng makes the same observations as many other Chinese experts as he added that “urbanization is generally accompanied by economic growth as was the case in the US. In other countries, urbanization happens naturally, but in mainland China, urbanization is the result of the Chinese regime forcefully pushing farmers off of their land.”

Since the Chinese are not industrialized to the point which would justify the mass movement of 1 million people per month into its ghost towns, any reasonable person would be asking the question, why?

Who Is Behind Chinese Urbanization?

The Chinese government has held many conferences in which they have received consultation from some very disturbing sources, known to most of us as the global elite.

paulsonWho could forget Hank Paulson, the former Secretary of the Treasury and the former CEO of Goldman Sachs? Paulson is championing the strategy of forced relocation. In relation to Paulson’s observation and encouragement of Chinese urbanization he states, “The country’s economy is heading in the right direction. This is more important than achieving short-term growth.” Paulson went on to say that the economic growth in China has made urbanization a necessary and proper development. Are you kidding me? We have heard from Chinese experts, both inside and outside the country, who claim that economics is not fueling urban growth. Chinese urban growth is being fueled by bayonets and bullets. Hank Paulson is such a gem. I’m sure you remember “Mr. too-big-to-fail”, Hank Paulson, when he told Congress that if we, the American taxpayer, did not bail out Wall Street, there would be an economic collapse and we would have martial law and the rest as they say, is history. Bailout after bailout has come and gone and the net effect is that the American economy is in a tailspin. One has to legitimately have to wonder why the Chinese are taking economic advice from him? That’s like taking advice from Dr. Kevorkian on how to preserve life.

Another key globalist, Dominic Barton, the global managing director of McKinsey & CO., and he too sounds like a Paulson clone, as he recently stated, “The good news is that there is an underlying force of growth and that’s urbanization. What we’re basically seeing is more than 250,000 people moving from rural areas to cities every week.”  

Maurice Strong and George Soros are also players in this mass migration movement. If job demand is not fueling urbanization, then what is?

Getting Down to the Truth

It would seem that key globalists are trying to disguise the real reasons on why the Chinese government is forcibly relocating one million farmers per month to their ghost cities. Ask yourself America, where have we seen the philosophical belief that rural areas should be uninhabited and the population should be herded into densely populated stack and pack cities?

Make no mistake about it, the Chinese with the backing of globalist corporations like Goldman Sachs, are engaged in full-blown Agenda 21 relocation of its civilian population from rural areas to the stack and pack of their mega-cities. From the outside looking in, it looks like a beta test. And there is sufficient evidence to suggest that the same is preparing to happen in the United States.

The Chinese Are Behind a Barrel and They Have Pointed That Barrel At Their People

Why would the Chinese be taking marching orders from Paulson, Strong, Soros and company? The answer is simple, the Chinese government hopes to survive the coming bond collapse in the US which could happen in mere days, weeks or months. The Chinese hold much of our debt in bonds. The Chinese have undoubtedly come to the full realization that their economy will massively implode when American bonds crash and the best way to control the people’s backlash is to herd them together in what has become dubbed as “stack and pack” Agenda 21 cities.


By moving one million people per month to the ghost cities, the Chinese will find that subjugating their country will be much easier when a martial law crackdown is instituted as necessitated by the coming economic catastrophe. that is going to befall both China and the United States.

It is also not difficult to speculate that the Chinese have made an under the table deal with the global elite to be the beta test for Agenda 21 style population forced relocation in order to temporarily to stave off absolute financial ruin.

Many are probably wondering if there is anything going on inside the United States which parallels the forced relocation of the population to these “stack and pack” cities?” The short answer is, most definitely. The days are numbered for both American suburbs and rural areas.

Thanks to Mayor Bloomberg and the San Francisco City Council, the concept of transition towns, inner city developmental tax breaks for construction and much more, America is following suit with the Chinese style Agenda 21 policies on many fronts

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Total 9 comments
  • Thanks so much for this report.

  • This is what happens when people don’t know the Revolutionary War was won by the Law Of The Sea, The BAR for the United States of America Incorporated instead of the Law Of The Land of Common Laws, Natural Laws and God’s Laws for the Continental United States.

    Stop sending your children to Government Run Public Schools, is a good start.

  • What will we do in fear of the fear Porn? .

    Start to get along with each other.

    Be a little Kinder.
    If you wouldn’t want something done to you… Don’t do it to others.

    All politics is local period.
    Love your enemy.
    You don’t have to hang out with enemies. To love them.

  • Ammon Bundy definitely will lose, as he and his little band of whiny, entitled, cowbay-hat-wearing freaks should, but what does that have to do with some non-existent agenda 21?

    • jbw

      Ahh, never has a troll’s handle been SOOOO apropos…Patriots are “freaks” and Agenda 21 is “non-existent”….all I need to know about YOU, T R O L L ….You suck Paulson’s dick on a regular basis??? Hmmm??

      • I should have been more clear. Agenda 21 does exist, but it’s not what all of you right-wing freaks make it out to be.

        Ammon Bundy is most definitely not a patriot. He is a whiny, entitled loser who thinks any and all public land should be his for the taking, and to hell with everyone else. Not in this lifetime, jack.

        I’m not sure to whom you’re referring by “Paulson”, but your preoccupation with fellatio is amusing and also very telling as to what you have on your mind. Good luck with that. :lol:

    • Satan owns you, and you will burn! You hide like a coward, and talk like a coward! You are a coward! Go back to your mothers bosom, and suckle on the teat!

      • Seriously? That’s your best rebuttal? I guess I shouldn’t have expected anything better from an adult who still believes in a boogey man. :lol:

  • Obama Treason Cheating State Citizens out of their states wealth and resources !!!!!!!!

    The Obama Administration is allowing Foreign Entities to come in and Use State resources and Land without going through the Formal Process of Article 4 Section 3 Clause 2 , and the Citizens of the states be Compensated formally for such acts by the Obama Administration of states citizens be in charge and make deals themselves with these foreign entities !!!!!!!

    Please read the link ,!/articles/4/essays/126/property-clause

    The whole argument over State Rights vs Federal Government police state rights can be boiled down to the fact that the state has to agree to FORMAL CESSION of sovereignty of that land designated for Federal Policing and Formal would mean that the Public was made aware that this was going to happen and that state citizenry were in agreement of such Cession , and that be with Just Compensation , so the Question would be was these things done in Oregon , or any state that has experienced Malicious actions by a Federal agency that takes land away ????

    These SEZ sites should have first formally been asked for by the federal Government through the process of Article 4 Section 3 Clause 2 and the states cession of said location be made with Just Compensation to the state , and or the state agree on its own to allow SEZ into their state with just compensation to the state and management being done by state policy and activity .
    This guy talks about having More Proof of the CIA , and a Canadian Co. facilitating the Uranium sale off the Hammond’s Ranch working with Hillary Clinton , and will reveal it in his next article, .
    There were no Formal requests made by the Obama administration in the Public forum process under the Article 4 Section 3 Clause 2 rights of the state . This can be said across the board on a variety of states resources according to this link ,
    MAKE THE FBI STAND DOWN in BURNS OREGON while this Constitutional Crisis is being worked out by Demanding protection under the CONSTITUTION RESTORATION ACT !!!!!!!!!!!!
    The FBI is being ordered to secure the area and all areas , YOU CAN under this Constitutional restoration act DEMAND the Federal Government WHO HAS MADE DEALS with Foreign Nationalists for the State Lands resources TO STAND DOWN while you are working out this constitutional crisis , and you can use the Courts to STOP THEM from using FORCE to take back control with this Constitution Restoration ACT ordering the Courts to tell the Federal Government to STAND DOWN !!!!!!!!!!!!
    Its time to Bring a Constitution Restoration Act action against the Obama Administration Claiming Article 4 Section 3 Clause 2 process was Not followed to allow Obama to sell and make agreements with Foreign Counties to own and use US State Lands !!!!!!!!!!!

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