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We have seen this movie before. Federal officials abuse their authority and their heinous acts result in the deaths of people who did not deserve to die.
Randy Weaver was convicted of possessing a shotgun that was one quarter of a inch too short. For his transgression, the FBI showed up on his property and shot his 15 year old son as he ran in fear from the FBI. Weaver’s wife was gunned down without by a sniper’s bullet shot through the Weaver’s kitchen window as she was holding her infant child. Eventually, Randy Weaver’s case reached the attention of Congress, who paid him over $4 million dollars in restitution. However, that did not bring Weaver’s family back to him. And the FBI agents who murdered Weaver’s family were never held accountable.
In 1993, Janet Reno, under the direction of Bill Clinton, ordered tanks to breach the walls of the Branch Davidians compound after a two month stand-off. Scores of innocent children were burned to death. Nobody was ever held accountable for this heinous act.
Lavoy Finicum, uunarmed, hands in the air, cooperating with authorities, is shot three times and killed while surrendering to authorities.
The Bundys are in custody along with five others and tragically, an unarmed Robert “Lavoy” Finicum was gunned down in an act of cold-blooded murder as he was surrendering with his hands in the air.
Two eyewitness accounts were posted on Facebook on the evening of January 26 about the murder of Finicum. At least temporarily, you may listen to these accounts by clicking here. I do not expect this recording to stay on Facebook much longer as the government censors will swoop in and remove this account. For posterity sake, if you are unable to listen to the eyewitness descriptions of this event, suffice it to say that Ammon Bundy was able to text that Lavoy Finicum was surrendering without incident when he was gunned down in an act of cold-blooded murder. Make no mistake Finicum was murdered. As was just stated, this true eyewitness account may no longer be available as the public reads these words.
Finicum, father of 11, with no criminal record, seemed to foretell his death in an interview he conducted with the Oregonian the day before his murder. He stated that the Feds were becoming increasingly hostile
Robert “LaVoy” Finicum’s last interview with The Oregonian on the day before his death“They’re doing all the things that shows that they want to take some kinetic action against us,” Robert “LaVoy” Finicum says of federal agents. These were some of Finicum’s last words to The Oregonian/OregonLive on the day before his death.
“They’re doing all the things that shows that they want to take some kinetic action against us,” he said. Lavoy was correct, he was dead the very next day.
When I first heard that the Bundy Patriots had seized a federal building 30 miles outside of Burns, Oregon, I knew that this was not going to end well. I interviewed former US Attorney, Kurt Haskell, and he said that these men were coming out in body bags or with 20 year federal prison sentences.
The MSM was portraying the group as hunkered down wild-eyed militants intent on shooting federal officials. I had repeatedly said that “this was not the hill to die on”. Yet, I sympathized with his cause for reasons I will elucidate later in this article. On January 10th, The Common Sense Show attempted to interview Ammon Bundy to get his side of things as I clearly saw the government narrative all over the reports on CNN and Fox. One minute prior to the interview, both satellites that carry my show were simultaneously taken down. Our listen by phone option was taken down as well as all forms of communications. At the same time, Ammon Bundy and his Patriots had their communications simultaneously taken down. The feds were determined that this interview was not going to take place. However, on January 11, Katy Whelan, the Health Reporter for The Common Sense Show, worked with Shawna Cox and covertly set up the interview for the next day on January 11.
We caught the feds totally off guard and the 40 minute interview went off without a hitch. In the interview, Ammon stated that he was in the area to prevent bloodshed. He cited several instances where he had gone on to land owned by local ranchers and removed BLM imposed barriers placed on rancher land which was depriving them of their ability to use their land to support their families. Ammon Bundy reached out to federal officials in Burns, Oregon and had a friendly relationship with them. Ammon Bundy came across as a reasoned person who was trying to thwart federal land abuse of thousands of ranchers across the West. I would like to ask CNN and Fox, who speaks for the ranchers? Why aren’t these land abuses reported on Fox and CNN?
It is at this point in the story, that I would put the archival link to the Bundy interview here. However, both of my archival records of my interview with Ammon Bundy have been disabled at the source. The federal government does not want the public to hear the sane and reasonable Ammon Bundy that I spoke with on January 11. How can anyone trust an administration that conducts it business in such an inappropriate manner?
From the evidence obtained from sources like the New York Times, we believe that Uranium One is behind the mineral theft of ranchers’ lands in the West. We further believe that the company in question is a Russian controlled front company whose primary mission is to obtain uranium which is sold to the Russians and funnels back payoffs to Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign. This was reported by the New York Times. As a result to all of this chicanery, ranchers have had their land rights restricted in order that they can have their mineral resources stolen. Further, this has resulted in land restrictions for these ranchers that is is preventing them from making a living off of their land. The situation is so grave that as many as 19 counties in Northern California and Southern Oregon have attempted to created a 51st state called the State of Jefferson. It is their belief that if they form their own state, they will be able to better ward off the oppression of the EPA and the BLM.
The newly forming State of Jefferson. Will these people be the next to be abused by federal law enforcement officials?
Incidentally, Shawna Cox, who facilitated The Common Sense Show’s Ammon Bundy interview with Katy Whelan has been arrested on the felony charge of conspiracy to impede officers of the United States from discharging their official duties through the use of force, intimidation, or threats, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 372. Orwell’s 1984 has clearly arrived in which telling the truth has become a revolutionary act.
With the murder of Lavoy Finicum, I don’t expect we will see an immediate push back from the ranchers. However, Finicum’s death will harden the resolve of American ranchers throughout the West. The handling of the Malheur situation has greatly increased the likelihood that there will more deadly incidents like this. And the feds have all but guaranteed that they will be fired upon given how Finicum was executed as he was unarmed and surrendering. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
The Obama administration could turn gold into silly putty. They have managed to take a simple case of victimless tresspass on federal land and turned this into a rallying cry for ranchers all throughout the West.
Lavoy Finicum, you may have drawn the shots that will be heard around the world. Rest in peace.
American Free Press put out an article worth checking out when you’re done reading Daves article. Please Hurry back here to BIN when finished reading. So much going on now and Hillary might be going down for the count soon?!
Yeah buddy! What number of that count are we at now?>
100% Pure Government Manufactured Propaganda BS!
FBI False Flag Operation Underway, No One Was Killed…
The Rogue Illegitimate Federal Government Is Digging Their Own Grave.
Is the once beautiful and constitutional America gone forever?
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
— Abraham Lincoln
Well, we’ve done it!
Attention, this is not a drill a potential false flag may iniate at oregon occupation of building to iniate more extreme gun control measures equal to high cap ban, semi auto rifle ban, and redefinition of armor piercing to be banned; which makes all ammo that can penetrate ceramic armor illegal to sell or produce. Which would dry up the supply for rifles. Everyone, please sign this petition to stop any violence at the Oregon occupation. Please refresh this page 20 times while you read this; but let it load first before refreshing. It will help get this article out there so that thousands can read it and it will prevent a potential false flag attack if we get enough to sign the petition. IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A PATRIOT TO REFRESH THIS PAGE 20 TIMES PER PERSON SO THAT IT CAN MAKE IT ON THE TOP HEADLINES SO THAT POTENTIAL FALSE FLAG TO BAN SEMI AUTO RIFLES WILL BE PREVENTED! IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A PATRIOT TO SIGN THIS PETITION OR IT IS TREASON! IT IS YOUR DUTY AS AN AMERICAN TO SHARE PETITION ON SOCIAL MEDIA OR IT IS TREASON! IT IS YOUR DUTY TO REMAIN PEACEFUL AND TO SHARE WITH TENS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE!
Brother Hodges,
Once again you showed no interest in getting into your truck and driving to Oregon. So, when you call what happened up in Oregon a murder you have no clue as to what really happened. For one thing, as much as I dislike the FBI we will probably find that they were fired upon first by those dumb cowboys. I call them dumb because of the fact they had all of their leaders in the same vehicle.
The guy that got shot had said the day before that HE WOULD NOT BE GOING TO PRISON, and then the day after he said this he was murdered while on his knees with his hands in the air, while carrying a hand gun? Ummm….are you telling us that we are supposed to buy into this crap?
If something happened like this in Arizona you wouldn’t leave your computer to actually drive five minutes to the site, you’d just take peoples word for it. I mean you proved this when you couldn’t get off your ass and make an easy day drive to the Bundy ranch.
Brother Hodges, your #FEEEEEER POOOOOOORN reporting is just PPFFFFFFFTT, if you know what I mean.
Just want to say your up vote is from mitch51, have a nice day.
So now, a Patriot who was actually on the scene and was an eye witness said that he got out of his truck that was stuck, and rushed the FBI. iamanamerican, this is what I said. It’ll be a while before all the information comes out but it sure doesn’t sound like he was on his knees with his hands up. I truly didn’t believe this because he just wasn’t the type of guy to do that.
When you rush the FBI, if that in fact is what happened, the outcome is usually not the best.
There is indeed a false flag being run out of the refuge NOW.
But is did not start until ” Defend the Base” appeared on the scene.
Do you think when the FBI took out the Bundy group that they didn’t , at the same time take over the refuge?
That’s how any military or agency would work.
They would never hit just the Leaders on route to a meeting , they would take out the headquarters at the same time.
Then they would insert their fake Militia group.
After taking out the Bundy group and locking down the town from both the ground and in the air , would they allow any group to go on broadcasting out of Burns?
This is a current false flag and those that were in there when the refuge was shut down by the FBI , will be used as the bodies on the ground after the staged shoot out and the leach as must anti-gun and anti-malitia material as they are doing right now.
Ask yourself , why have the faces changed? Why has the attitude changed at the refuge since the Bundy group were taken out?????
Come one. Come all. The worst possible mistake any militia resistance could make is to flock to any specific location where they can then easily be picked off by federal authorities. I am sure this is precisely what is being set up in this particular scenario. I think the feds were hoping to bait militias from around the country to head for Oregon to meet their demise. They tried first to start a race war believing this would provide the justification they seek to declare martial law. When plan A failed plan B went into effect. This endeavor works for them in two ways. First, armed militia men involved in actions the politically correct refer to as domestic terrorism gives credence to their posturing on gun control. Second, if others respond in force to the call to arms the civil war the feds so desperately want to unleash on America and been preparing for will commence.
I myself, do not advocate violence, but rather “Jeru-salem” or to teach God’s way of peace. The truth we all understand is that this current system is soon to be toast! God gave man six thousand years as proof he is incapable of self rule. What would be the purpose of defending such a corrupt, greed driven style of governance? This is Satan’s world and this nation is one place where his evil thrives. We have reached the point here in America where we have become far more perverse than the evil people who God once destroyed in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Of course we who love and obey God long for an end to this madness, but this is a spiritual war, you cannot physically fight your way through it. You must put on the armor of God through faith positioning yourself under His protective wing.
We have as of November 2015 entered a very unique period of time referred in scripture as the Great Tribulation. What this means is that in a little less than three years Jesus Christ’s second coming will occur. Amazingly we are currently living in a time the prophets of old lived and died waiting for. This is truly amazing! Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
A short drop and sudden stop for the treasonous lot that murdered that patriot!!! Lavoy Finicum we shall meet again in the halls of Valhalla brother!!!
If he was in the mid-west I wouldn’t have a problem with him not making a three day drive to Bunkerville, Nevada. However, he’s in the Phoenix area, an easy, easy days drive to the Bundy ranch. But he’s such a click-whore, time is money I guess to him.
God Bless Real Reporters And Hodges isn’t one.