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Scientists Discover New Liver Hormone–Increases Life, Boosts Immune System [ picture ]

Wednesday, January 13, 2016 20:49
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Immune systen booster?? Lngevity____Just watch the population thinners grab that.  Agenda 21 in action  Muckracker



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Researchers may have found a new use for a liver-produced hormone that manages the thymus gland. Known as fibroblast growth factor 21, or simply FGF21, the hormone was shown to extend the life of mice in the study, which was conducted at the Yale School of Medicine. The results suggest increased amounts of FGF21 could help boost the immune systems of elderly people.

The thymus is a lymphoid organ in the immune system that develops T cells, agents that fight infection in the body. It’s pretty important in maintaining the immune system, but as we age, it loses most of its fat and the ability to produce T cells. Lower levels of T cells leads to a weakened immune system in elderly patients — many of whom end up being at a higher risk for infections, like pneumonia, compared to the general population.  source

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