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WHO Declares Zika Virus Global Health Emergency: “It’s The Same Old Song”

Monday, February 1, 2016 17:23
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(Before It's News)

Brazil is under attack by the New World Order’s ‘chemical warfare weapons program’. Brazil is one of the BRICS nations that was recruited by Russia and China to join their monetary currency program and the PTB (Illuminati Rockefeller’s, the Rothschild’s and Christine Lagarde’s International Monetary Fund)) are not too happy and Brazil is under NWO attack.

Today I look at what’s Jon Rappaport say’s about the Zika virus and how it is being blown out of proportion and how Brazil medical officers are not overly concerned about the numbers that are being released. This is a fabricated man made virus that was manufactured by the Rockefeller Foundation in 1947 to promote fear mongering and the end game is vaccination and mass chemical pesticide spraying by Monsanto and the Bill Gates Foundation.  

The Zika Virus: The NWO Manufacturing Birth Control 

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