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Local Residents and The Newton County Quorum Court are Requesting
Buffalo River – Pruitt Landing
More breaking news regarding Arkansas property rights! Monday night, October 3rd, 2016, the Newton County Quorum Court unanimously passed the following resolution for the Shaddox Cemetery located near the beautiful Buffalo River in North Central Arkansas. Click here for the PDF version of the Newton County Resolution that is listed below. The lettering is larger for those of us who have a problem reading the smaller version.
Will U.S. Senators Boozman and Cotton, and U.S. Representative Womack provide this assistance for the purpose of preventing the National Park Service (NPS) from cutting down the next fence that the Cemetery Association will erect to replace the $20,00 fence that was unjustifiably destroyed and confiscated? The good people of Newton County want to protect the cherished burial grounds of their loved ones. Wouldn’t you? If our congressmen fail to officially negotiate this matter for their constituents, it may become necessary for them to hear from those of us who have entrusted them with their jobs of public service.
For more information, continue reading about why the local residents are not going to drop this problematic and sensitive issue. Yes, the Newton County residents have been very concerned about the bullying and and the rough way the National Park Service (NPS) has treated them, let alone that this has gone on for many years in this well kept, still-active, pre-Civil War cemetery. Residents have suffered at the hands of the NPS and have continually asked for help from our elected constitutional officers over the years! Prior documentation is provided here: 1. Memorandum of Request – Sept 3, 2013 to U.S. Senators & Reps & Ark. Gov. 2. Newton County Quorum Court Letter to Sens. Boozman & Pryor & Rep Womack Oct 2014 3. Resolution Opening All Newton County Cemeteries Within Federal Territory Oct 2014
Newton County has one of the best Land Use Plans in the state, and it needs to be implemented in all 75 counties in Arkansas. This land use plan REQUIRES the federal agencies to coordinate with the laws of local and state governments. (Said coordination is to include joint planning, joint research, joint hearings, and join assessments in federal activities that impact the local cultures, environment, or economy).
The Buffalo River National Park Service headquarters is currently in the federal building in Harrison, Arkansas. Do NOT overlook this tragic situation. One of these days, we will finally realize that there is a mandate to acquire land for the federal government, especially land that is as gorgeous as Arkansas. For the full, convoluted story, read Secure Arkansas’ last two alerts: click here and here.
Remember, all Arkansas counties in which the Buffalo River is located could end up in jeopardy concerning private property rights. The Shaddox Cemetery is just a small piece of the puzzle in the federal government’s monopoly. Secure Arkansas is hearing about other private landowners that are concerned about their land and the control the government is using to intimidate people. If you own land in any of the following counties, you should be reading and taking immediate action regarding this alert because without the ability to own and protect private property, we are nothing! Don’t take your property rights for granted. In the future, this could be your problem! The government’s cancerous desire to own or control all land is growing all across this magnificent country!
Heads Up! The Buffalo River flows from West to East in four counties: Newton, Marion, Searcy, and Baxter. Other properties and cemeteries have already been affected and been closed off. Land located on or near the Buffalo River area is greatly coveted by our government and their friends from Non Government Organizations (NGO’s) or stakeholders! Many of you have inherited your land down through the generations and want to keep it in the family for posterity, a type of legacy. It has been covetously stated by those who want to grab this land, that there is no place on the earth like the uniquely designed Buffalo River area, and they want to require that there be “No Human Footprint”… ever! That’s why they want it so very badly! Do you recall the Biosphere and the Blueway? You need to understand what is going on here!
This type of land grab is not unique just to Arkansas, so ALL states need to pay attention! There are many programs within the federal government designed to steal private property and put it under the control of the federal government.
One of the latest land grab attempts is in Utah. On July 18, 2016, Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewell, visited San Juan County, Utah, in preparation for the Executive Branch to bestow the designation of a “National Monument” to 1.9 million acres of land known as the Bears Ears. The designation of “National Monument” makes the land off-limits to any development. The people of Utah are not happy. In 1996, President Bill Clinton designated the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument in Utah, which consists of 1.7 million acres. All of this is being done under U.N. Agenda 2030. The West is really in trouble folks!
Land grabs by the Federal Government are going unchecked. Through the Antiquities Act, the President of the USA has the authorized power to designate National Monuments based on an obscure provision in the 1906 Antiquities Act. With the Antiquities Act designation, the president, without congressional approval, can restrict all sorts of activities on the land, including ranching, off-roading, swimming, camping, hiking, hunting, and NO type of a human footprint – disregarding the wishes of local communities. This is one of the many ways for the federal government to implement United Nations Agenda 2030 (formally called U.N. Agenda 21).
Examples of these egregious programs and agendas are listed below, so please start clicking! You may not know some of this information. (Remember, “the devil is in the details!” Some of these programs may at first sound good to the public, but have ended up hurting us more than helping us):
Antiquities Act of 1906, as amended (PL 59-209; 34 Stat. 225; 16 USC 431-433) The Antiquities Act authorizes the President to designate landmarks, structures, and objects of historic or scientific interest as National Monuments. Click here for a list of the National Monuments that are listed in chronological order from 1906 to 2016. The list shows the monument name, the date established, the President or Congress that authorized the change, and the total acres or square miles affected. The list is from the National Park Service site. Look for yourself at how millions of acres are under control of the federal government. The following Public Law (PL) 113-287 was to codify certain existing laws relating to the National Park System as title 54, United States Code, ‘‘National Park Service and Related Programs’’. PL 113-287 is listed below. This consists of a federal land grab by the President without the approval of Congress. Enactment of Title 54 – National Park Service and Related Programs (PL 113-287) The following are extracts from above Public Law 113-287: Chapter 3201—Policy and Administrative Provisions § 320101. Declaration of national policy It is declared that it is a national policy to preserve for public use historic sites, buildings, and objects of national significance for the inspiration and benefit of the people of the United States. Chapter 3203 – Monuments, Ruins, Sites, and Objects of Antiquity § 320301. National monuments (a) PRESIDENTIAL DECLARATION.—The President may, in the President’s discretion, declare by public proclamation historic land- marks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific interest that are situated on land owned or controlled by the Federal Government to be national monuments. (This is done normally by the President, without the involvement of the US Congress) (b) RESERVATION OF LAND.—The President may reserve parcels of land as a part of the national monuments. The limits of the parcels shall be confined to the smallest area compatible with the proper care and management of the objects to be protected. (c) RELINQUISHMENT TO FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.—When an object is situated on a parcel covered by a bona fide unperfected claim or held in private ownership, the parcel, or so much of the parcel as may be necessary for the proper care and management of the object, may be relinquished to the Federal Government and the Secretary may accept the relinquishment of the parcel on behalf of the Federal Government. The Antiquities parts of the law and regulations must be repealed by the US Congress! Remember, for over 100 years, the President of the United States has had the power to designate land as a National Monument without the authority of Congress or the states. The Antiquities Act power of the President needs to be repealed so that the President CANNOT designate national monuments! Get involved locally, and pay attention because the severe land grab issue is at your own BACK DOOR! Stand up and learn to stick together. Stay tuned because there’s more to come … |
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Secure Arkansas Disclaimer: Legal Advice is Not Provided The material in our emails/alerts and on our websites is only intended to provide general information and comment to the public. We make an effort to ensure that the information found in our emails/alerts and on our websites is accurate and timely, but we can’t and don’t guarantee that. Nor do we guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information contained on websites to which our websites or emails provide links. Information found in our emails/alerts and on our websites should not be taken as legal advice. Legal matters can be complicated. For assistance with a specific legal problem or question, please contact a knowledgeable lawyer for assistance. |
Any law that goes against the united states for America constitution limits is an illegal and unjust law in America.
As such the bogus law should be ignored. The false pretense law is a sham.
Just because some people or person such as a United States CORPORATION CEO, also know as a U.S. President, or his cohorts, in the United States CORPORATION Congress, decides to pass a bunch of so call laws, rules, regulations, executive orders, declarations, proclamations, as so forth which go against the united states for America constitution does not make same LEGAL LAW under the united states for America constitution pen by our founding fathers.
As a matter of fact the United States of America CORPORATION is not the LEGAL united states for America constitution government set up for America by those founding fathers.
The United States of America CORPORATION is a fraud in its representation of itself as a government.
It is JUST a corporation. Like any other corporation such as the WalMart or Target corporation.
The United States of America CORPORATION has no more rights under America’s LEGAL CONSTITUTION, the united states for America constitution, to make laws governing America or her people than the WalMart or Target corporation.
The United States of America CORPORATION could just as well call itself the IDIOT’S DELIGHT CORPORATION.
Both would carry the same authority to govern the American people under the united states for America constitution.