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★Have A Super Inner Power Kind Of Day★

Saturday, July 19, 2014 12:01
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★Have A Super Inner Power Kind Of Day★

This super inner power kind of day will happen more and more if you are willing… it will happen if you are willing to put some energy into balancing your inner spirit and will… rather than physical distractions and the will of others…  this is an essential component to freeing yourself of undesirable experiences. ;)

 The message I share below from Kathryn E May will also do the same… as will her others… as will her historic radio show… which I have been listening to for days…  On her show St Germain said some very interesting things about the illuminati checking into the Fema camps for their own safety very soon, the efforts behind the scenes relating to the revaluation of world currencies, and regular updates on the spiritual awakening of humanity and how to see the spaceships in the night sky, like the “New Jerusalem”.  Read the the M.G. message below and feel better about all matters. ;)

Be free…

Indian in the machine

If your inner energy often is expressed in the outer as something that energetically resembles these pictures below then click here for some information that will change your life for the better, before you finish reading the end…

We can be like this but we must consciously choose and put our ALL our energy there:



Mother God:  Find Your Freedom Within


Mother God:

Let us begin with a big hug from me to you.  I am so delighted to see the growing confidence with which you all fearlessly go inward to your hearts for understanding, comfort and Love.  This is our portal through which we communicate, and we cannot reach you with our endless flow of Love and acceptance if you are distracted or trying to exercise your brain in some way.  Let it be, Beloveds, so that we may carry the energy and Light of Love directly through your central portals and into the depths of your heart.

Practice your meditations and Visual Centering every day.  This way you achieve centeredness with your eyes closed and open.  You will feel the power of your meditations being carried with you throughout the day, and you will be able to sense our presence even while you work, walk, drive or cook your dinner.  This is the state of Grace we wish for all of you.

My heart fills with emotion as I send this message to you.  We are closer every day to the complete connection with you which is Oneness.  It is our hope, our plan, our fondest dream that this hard work you are doing now will be the push which puts you over the tipping point, into the deepest faith and trust – the knowing that We are One, and that we are all a part of the great Love which is Creation.

Nothing else matters, you see.  Only Love is real, and only a heart can experience that Love.  Those of you who complain that you do not feel our love and do not trust that we are really there for you are simply saying that you have closed the channels through which you can accept our Love.  You have closed those channels yourselves, Beloved Ones.  You were born with the capacity to feel us; all children are.  The “hard knocks” that cause you to shudder and cringe, fold yourselves fearfully around your heart to protect you tender feelings, are the cause of this state of numbness you feel now.

We understand, Dear Children, that you do have tender feelings, and that repeated disappointments have caused you pain.  It is not a weakness on your part to have tried to shut down to protect yourselves.  Do not think badly of yourselves for this.  All children do this, and all adults who have had a difficult time begin their work in just such a state.  This is the reason we continue to work with you, providing tools for your growth and freedom.  We urge you to use these tools, over and over, until you feel yourself growing and blossoming.  This work has its own rewards – happiness and peace of mind like you have never felt before.

Father God worked with our channel for thousands of hours to provide you the messages which appear on the website,  When you read them, you will feel the air around you brightening, for they are filled with the deepest Love.  The energy of our feelings for you are there, in every word, stored and available for you to absorb.  We also were involved in every chapter, and Sananda also participated in the final writing, editing and organization of the book, Who Needs Light? which is a compilation of the work of Sanat Kumara and Kathryn.  

Sanat Kumara volunteered to come to a life on Earth so that he could teach the Visual Centering technique, to prepare a very large number of people for the present lifting of vibrations.  The thousands of people he taught are now the ones who will be able to lead the way because of their ability to reach deeply into the center of their being to find peace of mind during the changes which others will feel as disruptive or chaotic.  His work lives on in the teachings we have asked Kathryn to offer you, on the internet and in workshops around the world.

None of this was an accident, Dear Ones.  The timing of these lifetimes on Earth were all carefully choreographed, including yours.  The relationships you have built, the people you have touched, the writings and comments you have shared -  all contribute to the vast pool of knowledge which is now aligning with the wisdom of higher dimensions.  You have no idea how important your actions are, and what an integral part of the process of Ascension you have become.  

We have called to you, “All hands on deck!” and you have responded with excitement and anticipation.  That feeling – the excitement – is the stuff that Ascension is made of!  It is the expression of lifting your vibration, raising your entire being to meet us.  When you meditate, call to us, raise your eyes upward, and feel the quickening in your heart and the tingling through your whole body.  This is Ascension!

We do encourage you to cultivate forgiveness, compassion and good will toward all around you, but that is just the beginning.  It allows you to build the clear and steady foundation based in Love which is the platform from which you can spring into higher dimensions.  Smiling and “acting nice” is not a step toward Ascension.  In fact, it reinforces the inner organization that is the false self you created for protection, out of desperation during your formative years.  Feel your way now to the space behind that artificial creation.  It may cause some anxiety and feelings of being exposed and vulnerable.  Reassure yourself that you are no longer vulnerable, because you grew up.

This work, of releasing the false self behind which you were hiding, is the important step which will allow you to be completely free.  I will give you a hint about how to identify it.  First, suspend all judgmental ideas about what is good or bad, or what you should or should not have done.  You cleverly did what was necessary at the time. There is no crime or shame in having developed a false self.  In fact, it is a measure of your resourcefulness and creativity as a child.  So, thank that child you were.  Use the powerful psychological technique of making a picture of the child you were at a young age, and put him or her in the chair just beside you.  Acknowledge how dear, how sweet and innocent that child was, and send nothing but pure love to heal all feelings of doubt and fear.

Now, remember with admiration the tricks and strategies you developed as a child to deal with the difficult people around you.  Smile with compassion on that child, letting him/her feel the sense of acceptance which is warranted.  Take the position of being an indulgent, amused aunt of uncle who sees only the best qualities in this child, for it is those best qualities which are your true nature.  Use only this standard to evaluate (not judge) your actual talents.  Search your entire life to identify the most brilliant moments, the peak experiences, and use only those moments as the true measure of who you are, for you cannot reach higher than you are, or be a larger being than you are.  It is the only guideline you need.  

Now, with us as your cheering section, lift your heart to recreate the exhilaration and hope you felt at those best moments.  Perhaps it was a single action, a brilliant athletic feat that you never again were able to recreate (because of self-doubt and disbelief).  Or perhaps it was a moment of wonderful creativity in which you produced something far beyond your usual level.  Perhaps it was a moment of daring in which you faced down a fear, showing confidence and courage you have not experienced since.

These, Dear Ones, are who you really are.  These are the times you came through the fear and “protection” of the false self and showed what you are really made of.  This is the You we see when we look into your heart: the brilliant, creative, courageous Self just behind the added structure – something like a scaffolding surrounding your beautiful face and body.  Imagine yourself, like the inspiring Statue of Liberty, which had to be covered and hidden for some time while extensive internal repairs were done.  Once the reconstruction to return her to her former glory was complete, she was unveiled, more glorious than ever, the wonderful symbol of freedom, shared by France and America, standing as a reminder to the whole world that we are One, and we are free.

Claim that freedom for yourself, now!  Come out from behind the scaffolding that now supports only fear.  See the path before you, where we hold the Light for your passage.  Be daring.  Claim your right to live without fear, without anxiety or despair, at peace with yourself and those around you, no matter how contrary or difficult they may seem at the moment.  They too have a center of gold behind the false self they were required to adopt for their role in this life.  By revealing your True Self, you set the standard, become the inspiration for yourself and others.

Yes, you can be the inspiration for yourself.  Talk with the small child you were.  Acknowledge how brave and persistent s/he was.  The evidence is that you survived; you are here to tell of it.  You came through difficult times which might have caused one to give up, or spend the rest of life rocking in a mental institution (although some of those are fulfilling an important role too).  You are here, and as long as you breathe, you can begin again, new.  

So, Precious Ones, breathe life into the New Self, the one who has been in hiding, just waiting for this brand new chance to live truly free, without the inner constraints that have caused you such discomfort and resentment.  Yes, it is your own restrictions and rules which have caused the anger to simmer within, fueling the feelings of being trapped and persecuted.  You have been victims of your own imaginings, a habit of thought repetition which re-enacts the actual victimizations you experienced in childhood.  Your imaginings were for good reason, but those reasons are now in the past. 

Lift your eyes to merge with our eyes, Dear Ones.  See yourself as the brilliant Light which we see when we gaze into your inner being, the deepest place in your heart where your true feelings of hope and pure Love remain to be tapped.  You will learn you are unlimited, untrammeled, unhampered in any way.  Your love can flow endlessly without your ever becoming tired or “burnt out,” for Love is in endless supply when you link your resources to ours.

Breathe our Love; it is in every molecule of oxygen you take in.  (Your scientists are close to discovering this, but it will take them some expansion to understand what they have found.)  Feel it being absorbed into your lungs, into every cell, and into the center of your brain, where it will infuse every thought and every action.  This is the route to genuine freedom.  You will feel it when you get there.  As you practice these exercises we have given you, we are here beside you, cheering you on, with tears of joy.

I am your Mother God, speaking for all the Realms of Heaven when I tell you: We love you without end.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, July 18, 2014, 1 PM, New York

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website,
JULY 15 2014 FATHER GOD: GOD IS BIGGER THAN THE BOOGIE MAN… It is I, Father God, the one you have come to know as your mentor, friend and resource over recent years, as I speak to you in many voices, through many sources, but you are beginning to understand that you too can hear my voice, feel my presence, and know that I am loving, compassionate and that I possess in unlimited measure the qualities you might call patience and tolerance.
JULY 12 2014 SANAT KUMARA: TRUTHFULNESS IS FREEDOM… Sanat Kumara: It has been a long time coming, hasn’t it? You have all been dreaming of Paradise, RV parties where you share your blessings with the world, and dancing in the streets. Your high vibration expectations and plans have already created your Dream. It cannot be otherwise. I want you to know that I am with you in the joy of high spirits and great expectations. We have worked together for eons, have we not?
JULY 10 2014 ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: REWIRING YOUR BRAIN TO RECEIVE JOY… AA Michael: We have asked our channel to send you a message every day until the Revaluation of Currencies takes place. There is much for us to talk with you about, and it is a time of high energies and high emotions. This also makes it a very good time for learning new ways of thinking and being.
JULY 9 2014 SAINT GERMAIN: OUR TWIN FLAME PROJECT – CONVERTING LUCRONEXIA (MATERIALISM) TO FREEDOM AND LIGHT… Saint Germain: I bring greetings of Love in abundance and Light. This will be a week in which we offer you complexities, puzzles and challenges to tickle your minds and jump-start your heart. The reason we are opening all the windows and doors and helping you to air out your psyches is that we are embarking on the first wave of the abundance packages. With this massive change will come startling shifts in the way you will need to deal with your lives.
JULY 9 2014 SUBJECT: A REPLY FROM ST. GERMAIN TO ……………….. RE: SANANDA: A CALL TO HELP OUR KATHRYN… This Scribe, Alesha posed the following question
Dear Company of Heaven: Can you please first identify yourself and then tell me, and the world, what the truth is about Dr. Kathryn May – the one who has been channeling several of you for quite some time now? Thank you.
“It is I, St. Germain, who wishes to come forth to defend my beloved Lady Portia. It grieves me immensely to see her name dragged through the mud like some agent of the cabal, when all she has ever done is to work in service, often without compensation of her time and talent, and often without extrinsic reward for all the work she has done to become a clear channel for our messages we have long wished to offer your planet on a larger scale.
channelled by James Evans
July, 8 2014
Greetings Beloveds, it is I Sanat Kumara. Today, it has been decided by the Council of One that I will speak through this channel on behalf of my beloved student and former colleague Dr. Kathryn E. May. I was in embodiment as Amos, a fellow psychotherapist and researcher in ways to assist people to permanently heal themselves. We have spent decades together and who besides her immediate family would know her better than I?
JULY 8 2014 SANANDA: A CALL TO HELP OUR KATHRYN… Sananda: Beloved Ones, I wish to talk with you about something that is dear to my heart. During the time while I have been in higher dimensions preparing for this dramatic time which is to be the great ending of our time in darkness and the beginning of the glorious Golden Age, I have treasured the times when I was able to speak through a partner who was there in a body, carrying my message to the world.
JULY 7 2014 FATHER GOD: ON RISING TO THE OCCASION… Father God: We would like to encourage you to be patient as you await the blessings which have long been planned for you. You understand, this program which will bring prosperity to ALL, not just the few who control the complex and secret financial systems, must be carefully implemented to prevent the greedy financiers from raking it all into their coffers before anyone else gets a chance to trade in their currency.
JULY 2 2014 ST. GERMAIN: LOVE, JUSTICE AND OUR NEW WORLD… St. Germain: I want to talk to the world about Truth and Justice. There have been some very cruel attacks on good people around the world, and I feel pained to see the ones I love dearly being defiled in the media and on the internet. Here in Higher Dimensions, we do not keep minute tabs on every tiny faux-pas and every minor slip of the foot walking to a microphone. We love all of you; we support all of you, and we consider it a triumph of major proportions when a human being is able to live a life in which they not only survive, but are also able to accomplish something which uplifts a number of people along the way.
JUNE 27 2014 OBAMA’S CHALLENGE AND OURS… Sananda: We have a few things to talk about with you today. I want to first reiterate what I have said on my internet radio show with Kathryn earlier this week. Lady Portia told the story of soul aspects and soul projects, and the many different ways a soul can experience life in a body, either as a “solo” inhabitant, who lives in one body from birth until death, as it was often done in the past, or the more fluid possibility of sharing a body with another soul. There are many different ways to arrange that as well, and it has been a more common phenomenon in this period of time, since everyone wants to be here now, and there are not enough bodies to go around!
JUNE 17 2014 THE NEW FEMININE MANIFESTO… Portia: It is a pleasure for me to begin a new relationship with you, dear Readers. I will have some things to tell you that you will find astonishing, perhaps, thought-provoking, certainly, and refreshing, I hope.
JUNE 12 2014 FATHER GOD: ON THE NEW ASCENSION PATH… Father God: It has been an intense week for many of our Lightworkers on the ground. Energies continue to flow in great waves from the Great Central Sun, our Source. These powerful energies are specifically designed to help those on Planet Earth and elsewhere to raise their vibrations as part of the Universal ascension program. It is especially helpful at this time for humankind, as all DNA is being influenced in the conversion from carbon to crystalline-based functioning.
JUNE 3 2014 TIME FOR CHANGE… Sananda: I want to give the world a written message which will expand upon my talk from yesterday on BlogTalkRadio: It was an unusual message for me, in that I included many philosophical and moral points which are the basis for what you might call our spiritual way of life. It is the foundation for what Mother/Father God have called The True Way.
MAY 26 2014 SANANDA: THE ENERGY GRID THAT SUPPORTED DARKNESS IS GONE, TODAY… Sananda: Something fantastic is happening right now. Everything you thought was real is shifting, evolving, changing. We are protecting you in new ways. The first step has been to send higher dimensional beings to Earth as walk-ins to lift the vibration of all Cabal members. You are going to see the Dark Hats suddenly changing their tune, and they will be as surprised by it as you will be.
MAY 21 2014 SANANDA JOIN US TO CREATE PROSPERITY AND FREEDOM…the long climb out of Darkness reached a turning point. As portals were being cleared, Earth’s crystals were reactivated and ley lines reestablished…  a tipping point was suddenly reached. It became possible for your Creator beings to complete clearings which would have been impossible to accomplish even the day before.
MAY 16 2014 ASHTAR – HELP PREPARE FOR IMMINENT LANDINGSIt is a wonderful party we’re planning on the ships. The Twin Flames are here, on the New Jerusalem and many other ships. We are an enormous fleet, housing billions of souls who have come to land with us as soon as we can safely put down…
MAY 14 2014 SANANDA – Life is ONE (also Spanish)As you ponder these thoughts and feelings, be aware that what you are feeling is Truth. You need no philosophy, no arduous work with formulas and figures. You only need to go to the small, quiet place in your heart where you can connect directly with your SoulMind in the center of your brain, and from there to All That Is.
MAY 2 2014 ST GERMAIN: JUMPING TIMELINES, FALSE FLAGS, AND CREATING PARADISEThe questions have inspired a second look at other “catastrophes” like the Oklahoma City bombing, the storming of the compound in Waco, Texas, the plane crash of JFK, Jr., the assassination of JFK, RFK and MLK, and the recent “suicides” of dozens of banking officials, to name a few. All these suspicious events…  
APR 25 2014 MOTHER EARTH SPEAKS TO PORTIAA personal message from Kathryn: I have just come from a grounding session with Mother Earth, and the result has been profound and disturbing. I feel compelled to call on all of you for your special help because you are the people who can reach deeply to find what is needed to help Gaia right now. I believe it is crucial to our ascension.
APR 20 2014 A MESSAGE OF LOVE FROM ST GERMAIN, SANANDA/JESUS, AND PRIME CREATORI can only applaud the eloquent words of my beloved Messengers, Sananda and St. Germain, and I thank our dear channel, Kathryn, for her tireless dedication in bringing you our messages, clearly, without question or doubt. ~ Prime Creator
APR 17 2014 ST GERMAIN’S UPDATE ON PORTAL CONSTRUCTION AND ASCENSIONThis will be a short message to all who were disappointed at not being able to ascend through the April 15 portal. For some of you it was not for lack of sincerity or preparedness.
APR 15 2014 METATRON’S ASCENSION MESSAGENow beloved ones, I would like to give you a little more information about the adventure that is about to begin for all of you who are listening to this call, listening to this message. It is a historic moment in the history of the universe.
APR 11 2014 ST GERMAIN TELLS THE STORY OF (CHIHUAHUA) CHE’S KIDNAPPING AND HAPPY RETURNThese are some of the events of April 10, the result of the kidnapping and rescue of little Che, Kathryn’s beloved chihuahua, who escaped to join his friends at the beach… the drama unfolded over a period of almost 10 hours, with intense negotiations with the kidnappers,
MAR 29 14 PRIME CREATOR TELLS THE BIGGER STORY OF FLIGHT 370…You have raised yourselves to a new level of consciousness. You are awakening to Oneness, the sense of belonging and absolute Love which sustains the soul. It is your time, Dear Ones. Join with us to bring a brand new and brilliantly original experience of life into existence.
MAR 24 14 Part 200 – FATHER GOD TELLS OF EARTH, GALAXY AND BEYONDIt is time now to close this chapter of the story of the descent and final ascension of Planet Earth. Humankind has triumphed over the darkness which has kept them in the grip of unhappiness, suffering, illness and poverty…
MAR 22 2014 OPERATION TRUTH-OUT ST GERMAINYou are by now all too familiar with the mystery of missing Flight 370. I wish to assure you once again, in concert with Ashtar, our Supreme Commander of the Galactic Federation fleet, that the passengers and crew are alive, well…
MAR 21 2014 SIRIUS UFO BRINGS WORLD PEACE – WORD DOC Many of you have seen the video of the “cigar shaped UFO” over the Crimea – the territory where Putin gathered his ships and ground troops to try to “keep peace” by applying military force.
MAR 20 2014 ASHTAR TRANSCRIPT MAR 12 2014 (black/white)Use this version to copy and paste into your own computer to print copies.  This version does not include the live links.  This is for printing only.
MAR 20 2014 ASHTAR TRANSCRIPT MAR 12 2014 – (word doc)This copy includes a live link to download the Word doc into your own computer for printing.
MAR 20 20114 PRESS RELEASE / (black/white)This version enables you to copy/paste the black/white version into your own computer and print.
MAR 20 2014 PRESS RELEASE / (word doc)This version includes a live link to download the black/white Word doc into your own computer.
MAR 19 2014 SANANDA’S REQUEST TO THE GROUND CREWI ask you now to take the press release which Kathryn has written and send it to every media outlet you can find, whether it be your local newspaper, television station or Internet source.  I have asked her to attach it to this message so that you can print it out, hand it out everywhere you go, and…
MAR 17 2014 SANANDA URGENT MESSAGE – KESHEI want to send a brief message to the world about the current wave of change which is coming.  It will bring unbelievable prosperity and comfort for all God’s people, beyond anything that has ever been known on this planet.
MAR 16 2014 SANANDA TRAINING FOR ASCENSION – LADY PORTIA RETREATI will tell you a little background about our Training for Ascension call on Sunday, March 16, at 2 PM.  We will go to the etheric retreat of Lady Portia – which will be fitting, don’t you think?  Here we will talk a little about Ghana and why Lady Portia chose that location for her retreat.
MAR 15 2014 SANANDA’S LESSON IN 5D THINKINGNow many of you are still very stuck in the way of thinking that you have been trained to – which is all about either this or that – yes or no – measuring things against other things and chosing between them. This is what we call ‘reductionist thinking’ – you have to chose, you have to prove something wrong in order to prove something else right.
MAR 10 2014 ASHTAR – SIRIUS “UFO” BRINGS WORLD PEACE!.We promised you Disclosure, Dear Ones.  Well, here it is.  It may take a few days for the inevitability of this massive change to sink into the consciousness of all the citizens of the planet, but I assure you, it has already begun… we are certain the citizenry will adapt very quickly to the fact of permanent and lasting peace on Earth.
FEB 26 2014 CURRENCY EXCHANGE AND CELEBRATION TODAY!Today, at last, my Beloved Ones, you will be able to exchange some of the currency which will begin the great march toward World Prosperity.
FEB 24 2014 ST GERMAIN – LIFE – POST RVOnce the revaluation of currency trading is underway, which we expect immediately, we will be on to even better and more dramatic changes.  The arrests of the criminals who have enslaved the planet for their own profit will be coming forth in great numbers – so many you will not believe your eyes when you see dozens who were honored…
FEB 15 2014 Part 198 MOTHER/FATHER GODThe Dark Ones had to be neutralized before your material blessings could be dispersed to you.  It would have simply increased the conflicts had they not been identified, maneuvered into position and entrapped by the sting operation which was a prime part of the revaluation of currency.  It has been a masterful plan…
JAN 29 2014 Part 197 FATHER GOD ADDRESSES OUR FINAL CHOICESAll Earth’s inhabitants will  be given the opportunity to explore and experience other planets for a brief time…  All existing cities, roads, skyscrapers, wooden structures, the residue of mining and fossil fuel exploration, all automobiles and other transportation devices and so on, will disappear deep into the crust to be dissolved.
JAN 25 2014 PART 196 THE GALACTIC COUNCIL SPEAKSDo not fear, Beloved Humankind, we are with you in complete solidarity, and we are coordinating the efforts of the entire Galaxy in your behalf.  Soon a group of you will cross over the line to higher dimensions, and another phase of the great adventure of Planet Earth will begin.  Keep your vibrations high…

I wish to declare that today, Monday, January 20, 2014 of the current Gregorian Earth Calendar will henceforth be known as the First Day of The New Golden Age.   It will usher in the beginning of new prosperity, peace, mutual cooperation and joy throughout all the Kingdoms of the Earth and beyond.
JAN 12 2014 – Part 191 – NEW DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE FOR PLANET EARTHSoon, the changes across the planet will come, faster and more abruptly than you could have imagined.  We have declared that WE ARE FINISHED waiting for Earth’s squabbling governments and ruling families to come to terms with the fact that IT IS DONE.  
JAN 05 2014 ST GERMAIN – CURRENCY INSTRUCTIONSEnjoy your ability to give gifts to all you meet who are in need!  Share your love along with those gifts, for the truly uplifting encounter with Destiny which you have arranged for yourselves.  A New Day begins, and with it, the birth of the New Golden Age.

It did not happen because the banks refused to release the numbers. They went on strike, banding together to create what they thought was an invincible force. They presumed they could extort even more enormous profits… they believed they were indispensable to the process. Of course they are wrong.
DEC 24 13 – SANAT KUMARA – CHRISTMAS EVEThis Holiday Season, the winter solstice, is a time of celebration as never before. You are on the threshold of abundance as it has not been experienced on Planet Earth since  the beginning of the Lemurian civilization. It is your time.  You will not regret having been here, no matter how difficult it may have been. 
NOV 29 2013 – PART 190 – MOTHER/FATHER GODDear Ones, we are aware of the hardship being felt by some of you as the expected revaluation is delayed.  Many of you invested in dinar currency with the last few dollars you had by putting some on layaway, with faith that it would happen soon enough for you to be able to pay off your investment.
NOV 08 2013 LANTO SPEAKS – ABOUT OUR PLANETI come to you with news about the planet which I know you will be of interest to you and those who read your postings. It is a time of tremendous change, as you know.  I will give you an update on some of the happenings you could not have access to in your media.
OCT 16 2013 PRIME CREATOR’S PREDICTIONS FOR 2014This is a great Lesson in soul expansion.  A Lesson in becoming More … allowing our Selves to rise above the suffering we see, knowing it is temporary and was expected by the Soul when coming into physical. This is an Ascension Lesson to be learned.
OCT 14 2013 SANANDA’S PREDICTIONS FOR 2014You have succeeded, Beloved Ones.  You have made it possible for us, your loving friends, to return to walk among you, to join you in celebrating the New Beginning which will come gloriously and unmistakably into fruition in 2014.  We are on the ships awaiting our reunion.  Our beloved Twin Flames are among you… 
OCT 14 2013 – PART 189 – MOTHER/FATHER GOD’S PREDICTIONS FOR 2014We foresee a dramatic and revolutionary shift for Planet Earth in 2014, the likes of which have never been seen before on the planet.  Humankind will rise to new heights because of the new freedom from poverty and want which the Prosperity Funds will make possible. 
OCT 6 2013 ST GERMAIN ON GLOBAL ECONOMICSThe news today is about the revaluation of currencies. It will be happening this week from what we can see.  The holdouts have found they have no choice but to go along. There is a gradual changing of the guard as some of the old bastions of power are overtaken by new, enlightened leadership. 
AUG 28 2013 – PART 188 – REPTILLIANS WHO LIVED AMONG AND WITHIN USIt is very difficult for us to speak of the dissolution of the Reptilians who did not agree to come to the Light, to come back Home to us. They were our children, all, and we loved them with all our hearts. 

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