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Top 10 Dumbest Conspiracy Theories

Saturday, November 29, 2014 13:05
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An excellent conspiracy theory captures the imagination of its believers, offers some compelling evidence and makes you look at things from a different perspective. A dumb one, by contrast, throws together some random superstitions and prophecies and makes you want to cry from frustration. Here are the top ten conspiracy theories so objectively stupid they make Donald Trump’s hair look convincing.


10. The barcodes are the proof that AntiChrist exists

Perhaps one of the most discussed conspiracy theories, particularly in 2012, is the one involving the Apocalypse. The Holy Bible points out that at the end of times, mankind will go through several trials before the second coming , one of them being that you need to accept the Mark of the Beast/Antichrist in order to be able to sell or buy. Even though John’s Apocalypse is filled with metaphors and vivid details that can signify virtually anything, many are convinced that the barcodes found on every product today is proof that the Antichrist is walking the Earth.


9. The theories on Princess Diana’s death

Princess Diana was the kind of person that could not simply go by unnoticed. Because many loved and admired Diana, her death came as a shock and it was difficult to accept that the Princess of Hearts is gone. All the theories regarding her death come from that unfortunate night in Paris and the terrible (and perhaps a bit inexplicable) car accident that instantly killed her and her boyfriend. Actually, it was as simple as a car accident that really killed them!


8. Marilyn Monroe was assassinated on JFK’s order

Granted, Marilyn Monroe’s death is followed by the assassination of JFK and his brother rather quickly. However, it seems that some people do not accept or want to believe in coincidence and point out to clues that – in their opinion – prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Marilyn was murdered for the purpose of silencing her regarding the affair with JFK.


7. Michael Jackson’s second persona: LaToya Jackson

As previously mentioned, some fans simply cannot accept their idols’ death. The idea that the King of Pop died of drug overdose is something way below his name. While there have been several conspiracy theories that claimed Michael is still alive, the silliest of them all done not only state that MJ is still very much alive, but he also decided to carry on with his life as LaToya Jackson. It is true that they look incredibly similar and that they were both big fans of plastic surgery. However, let’s not forget that they have been in the same room together several times!


6. KFC and black men impotence

The rumors regarding this conspiracy theory came to life after Colonel Sanders’s death when the world found out that the owner of the chain left 10% of his earning to the infamous KKK group. The association between Colonel Sanders and the Ku Klux Klan lead many to believe that the fast food giant has been ruled by this racist organization ever since. Even though the gossip’s credibility is escalated by the fact that KFC has several secret herb blends, the ironic part is that nowadays, the chain is owned by a black man.


5. Worldwide corporations’ logos are in fact occult symbols that contain hidden messages

This laughable conspiracy theory started off in 1992 with the introduction of the Wingdings font. Back then, some people that most likely had too much spare time on their hands, started to play with the new font, which changes the well-known letters to various symbols. And this is how the entire hysteria regarding the major corporations and the secrets there are hiding was born. From satanic teachings to global enslavement, everything can be proven by typing in the name of a corporation in the Wingdings font. Little do they know that the Wingdings symbols are actually random.


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Total 6 comments
  • you are a shill. shame on you.

  • Joshua 11:20

    10) barcodes are not the mark. Standard barcodes for product labeling do however have 3 6′s imbedded in them.

    9) there are no accidents. Diana’s soul was needed elsewhere and has been most instrumental at preventing disaster thus far.

    8) Norma’s death was accidental, but the Kennedy brothers were involved. They never got over their guilt.

    7) MJ did in fact die. A tragedy as he was so misunderstood in life.

    6) I have no relevant information on this.

    5) corporate logos do in fact utilize sacred geometry and symbolism. They are not alone.

    4) anything I personally say about this is opinion. I will say that the official story is as believable as the tooth fairy.

    3) ancient, yes. Reptilian? Debatable. Is a mule a horse or a donkey? But how is mr. Icke able to say all of these things without becoming a target?

    2) I’ve never been to the moon. Nor do I know why it would matter if anyone else did or who did first. There is only one place in the universe designed for my body to habitate.

    1) I can only offer an opinion on this… As I did with the previous 9 dumb theories.

  • Click a few links and read them.

    NOBODY comments on the imbecilic top ten lists because beyond using BIN as a meas for traffic – NOBODY visits the sites.


  • Wow, NO “dumb” 9/11 “conspiracy theories” made the list? Yet, Sandy Hoax did? And Nazi’s on the moon? And corporation satanic occult logos? And JFK, Marilyn, and Di being “offed” by TPTB?

    NOT a conspiracy if it’s true! :idea:

    The jury’s still out on Michael/Latoya, Elvis, KFC limpness, evil bar-codes, and reptilian overlords.

  • As the top or bottom 10 of anything, i suppose you have an opinion and are expressing it as such.

    I did not read them.

  • In a China, with an dumbfounding, unimaginabre 5000 yeals of a grolious histoly, a many conspilatoliarists say we poach led colar from a Japan. Why this conspilacy not on a you make a rist? China does not poach a colar. You prease a make a new rist. Japan colar is same beautifur corol as a frag of a China and a fact. We not do a poach at Hachijojima so this is lear conspilacy. You make a new rist now or lisk a China be an angly!
    P.S. Evelybody in a China know a Gene Losen make a weak rink. He not make rast rong in a rife now. You bling him to a China befle a knock off and we give the hook nosed Masonic pedo-kike a dose of a Chinese toltule.

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