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The definition of insanity

Saturday, March 7, 2015 16:56
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An never before seen event took place in America on Tuesday March 3. The leader of a rouge nuclear nation who is being investigated for war crimes, was given the opportunity to speak to the United States congress concerning a nuclear non-proliferation deal between the United States and Iran. The partisan speech given by Israeli president Benjamin Netanyahu was aimed at convincing the U.S. of Iran’s imminent threat to global security. 
 What right does this man, who is a war criminal, have to interfere with an agreement between the U.S. and Iran? Don’t you find it a little strange that those who decided to attend Bibi’s speech gave him a standing ovation? 
  I understand there were 50 democratic congressmen who chose to boycott the meeting and Obama said in a nutshell that he had more important things to do. Many congressmen were offended by BiBi’s arrogance and lack of respect for the United States government. Rightfully so, as it is inappropriate, to say the least, to come and make a partisan warmongering propaganda speech less than two weeks before the election in Israel and without proper invitation. He was invited, but by republican John bonner. It is NOT in John bohner’s job description to get involved in ANY foreign affairs, let alone go above Obama’s head and misuse american tax payers money to escort bibi there. He should be fired. 
  Now, I know why all republican congressmen showed up with bells on and it’s because Israeli first lobby groups like AIPAC paid for their elections and therefore the congress is expected to represent Israel’s agenda. The case is the same for the democraps, they are directly influenced by israeli lobby groups in the same way, but at least 50 of them had the integrity not to support the unconstitutional partisan speech. It’s a well documented fact that Israeli zionist lobby groups dominate both sides of congress. This has been the case for a number of years and is historically well documented going back to the time of Teddy Roosevelt(Rosenfeld) and Woodrow Wilson. (Warburg,Schiff)
  It will be interesting to see who of the 50 democrap congressmen keep their jobs, because the zionist lobby didn’t pay for them to be congress men so they could act in defiance of israel. The lobby paid their way to office to insure that they would support israel through thick and thin. Based on the historical and present evidence of Israel’s war crimes, I’m not sure how anyone who supports them can sleep at night. Most politicians know what their getting into but in case there are any that don’t , after they accept their campaign donations they soon realize who it is they are really working for, as congressional confrontation regarding Israel’s agenda has resulted in the loss of more than a few jobs. Just ask former congressman of 22 years Paul Finaly about it, or better yet, read his tell all book that can be obtained for free in PDF form.
“In the beginning it must appear that we want to perform the governments a service. In return for this we receive the favours that we need: release from military service, and the like.
Above all, toleration of our propaganda and occasionally (upon our request) an ungracious word, but with the main- tenance of order.”
“Then, too, our diplomats will be at work (we shall make financial concessions in the form of loans and special gifts).
Once we are outside, we shall put our trust in our army, our purchased friendships, and a Europe weakened and divided by militarism and socialism.
This is Jewish emancipation.”  (Founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl)
  Something I don’t understand is where the public support for Israel comes from? There are plenty of people out there who see nothing wrong with Netanyahu’s partisan speech, or his actions. Those same people also parrot his lies about Iran, as if they could possibly be true. I ask these people, do you not remember who’s lies convinced the U.S. to illegally invade Iraq without the approval of the U.N. in 2003? An aggressive war that resulted in the deaths of more than 2 million Iraqis. Where weapons made from depleted uranium were used to completely destroy the country. All that, based on false information, lies, from the mouth of Netanyahu. They never found any WMD’s in Iraq because they never existed and therefore the U.S. had absolutely no reason to be and more than 2 million people died as a result.
   He lied then about the threat of Iraqi nuclear weapons and he’s lying now about the threat of Iran. Why do you choose to believe a proven liar? What makes you think you can trust a single word that comes out of his mouth? If you think he’s telling the truth than tell me, when in the last 300 years has Iran ever started a war? The true answer is never. Israel on the other hand, started an illegal and aggressive war in 1948 when they ruthlessly murdered and evicted more than 700 thousand Palestinians from their homes, many of whom were defenceless farmers, and this war continues uninterrupted to this day. The fact that Israel refuses to define its borders and continues its aggressive land expansion by military occupation, means they are in direct violation of international law and cannot legally be considered a state.   
  This is not just my opinion, it is the common ground on which nearly every human rights organization on the planet stands  Since the U.N. chose to acknowledge the state of Israel as a nation consisting of 56% of the land mass of Palestine, its members have passed more than 69 security council resolutions against the actions of Israel and Israel refuses to acknowledge any of them, let alone comply with them.
 This number, 69 is not counting the 30 resolutions that were vetoed by the U.S. Showing no regard for human life or international law they arrogantly push ahead with their hostile take over of the Middle East. In 1973 the U.N. officially declared that zionism is a form of racism. Eventually G.H.W.B led the charge to have this official ruling revoked and indeed it was revoked. 
  Of course the immediate reaction of Israeli pressure groups like the ADL and B’nai Brith were quick to blame U.N. condemnations on organized “anti-semitism.” Really? The only response they have to serious and legitimate international condemnations is name calling? Are we really to believe that the U.N., which was basically created by dominant world financiers to legitimize the state of Israel, who’s first major international decision was to recognize the state of Israel, is guilty of organized anti-semitism? 
  That is just ridiculous. Name calling does not change reality. Either every single human rights organization on the planet is involved in an organized “anti-semitism” conspiracy or Israel is guilty of that which they’ve been accused and has no rational defence so therefore results to aggressive insults and name calling.  Which of the two scenarios is most logical and likely? That was a rhetorical question, let’s not be ridiculous. 
  Based on the historical and present facts concerning israeli behaviour, the U.N. was absolutely correct in its assessment of zionism being a form of racism. The very foundation of its belief system is based on the racially superior ideology that they and they alone are gods chosen people. If you can find a copy of their most authoritative “holy” scripture the Talmud, flip to chapter 3 where it discusses the laws of the Sanhedrin on which their religion is based. You will be absolutely shocked.
  Now, to address the idea of Iran being a nuclear threat to global security. First of all, do the supporters of this ideology understand the meaning of non-proliferation? Generally speaking in layman terms, a nuclear non-proliferation agreement is an agreement that insures that weapons will not be manufactured with nuclear materials. To insure this agreement is abided by,  the supply of radioactive materials is under the constant video surveillance of the International Atomic Energy Association. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The signers of this agreement must also allow random inspections of their facilities performed by the IAEA.
  That being said, it would be damn near impossible to manufacture nuclear weapons when bound by this agreement and that is the whole point! Besides that, nuclear energy requires uranium enrichment of about 20%. Nuclear weapons on the other hand, requires radioactive materials to be enriched to 90% or greater. This is a different process entirely and requires a different type of facility.
  So not only would Iran’s radioactive materials be under 24/7 video surveillance, they don’t have the equipment or facilities that would be required to enrich materials and produce weapons grade substances. 
  Again, this is not my opinion, but is the result of multiple random and organized investigations performed by the IAEA in Iran, a country which has been investigated more times than most and has always been cooperative with investigators. 
  Now going back to the non-proliferation agreement. This agreement is signed by all nuclear capable countries to insure that radioactive materials will not be refined and weapons will not be manufactured. I must correct myself though because when I said all nuclear capable nations are required to sign the nonproliferation agreement I failed to mention that there is one country that refuses to adhere to this agreement. Can you guess which country that is?
  If you guessed Israel, congratulations you are correct. That’s right, although Netanyahu is the one accusing Iran of being a terrorist nation who is a nuclear threat to global security, it is Bibi and his nation who are the only country on earth who refuses to sign the non proliferation agreement. To be honest it’s too late now, because they are known to have illegally manufactured and to posses no less than 300 nuclear warheads. They have on numerous occasions, denied the request of the IAEA to perform standard inspections and they are also the only nation who refused to decommission their chemical weapons, which they have since used on civilian populations in occupied Palestine and Syria.
  So I ask you again, supporters of Netanyahu and his rouge nuclear regime, why is it that you trust anything this man says? What remote proof do you have to justify parroting the lies that come from his mouth and the mouths of his paid for supporters in D.C., which suggests Iran is a terrorist nation or a nuclear threat to global security? The only information that suggests such false claims comes from the lying mouth of bibi, his paid supporters in D.C. and the mainstream media who are paid to read a premeditated script from a TelePrompTer, plain and simple. 
  I have stated well documented and easily accessible historical and current facts to support my argument and I could go on for hours but I believe I have proven my point. The response from the accused party is always the same. “That’s just anti-Semitism”
Well I say that’s just inappropriate name calling intended to intimidate those who call you out for your lies and crimes against humanity. Sadly this technique of intimidation has proven rather effective throughout the years, slandering names and ruining lives of many righteous human beings trying to stand up for the future of humanity. I am telling you now, you do not control me, therefore I will not let you intimidate me for speaking out in the name of justice and human rights.
  The belief that Israel is an ally of anyone but themselves is a mistake. They have become a costly burden on countries who support them. Understanding who was the driving force behind the establishment of Israel, (Rothschild) makes it easy to see that supporting Israel in the beginning was a mistake and will continue to be a mistake as long as the support continues. Doing the same thing over and over is the definition of insanity.
  To all the zionist evangelist Christians out there, I ask you to turn off John Hagee and actually read what your bible says. Do not let some man in a costume tell you what it says. Have you seen the house this man lives in? 
What would your good lord who whipped the money changers in the temple think about this? Would he be ok with this kind of exploitation of his name? Are you?
  The bible says God’s covenant was with Abraham and his seed. The idea that today’s “jews” living in Israel are the seed of Abraham is simply a lie. Firstly because this has been proven by DNA analysis performed by numerous prestigious universities and medical research centres, the hebrew university of tel-aviv being one of those universities. 
  A professor of history at the hebrew university by the name of Shlomo Sand wrote an entire book on the subject called “the invention of the jewish people.” In his book he reveals the true origins of today’s Jews and how their ancestors were never from the Middle East but were from the nation of Khazaria. An area located between the black and Caspian Sea. Their ancestors were pagan phallic worshippers who converted to Babylonian Talmudic judaism in 740 AD. This is also the conclusion of the results of the genetic tests. The most recent of which to my knowledge was performed by a jewish geneticist from the John Hopkins medical research centre of MAS.     
The encyclopedia judaica says that Phariseeism is today’s orthodox jewery.  ” ye are of your father the devil. “
  Secondly, the “Jews” didn’t exist in the time of Abraham, nor Moses. “Jews” were Judeans, which was a province in Palestine under roman occupation and law. Judaism is a religion that was being practiced there and its practice was/is based on the Babylonian Talmud. The Judaic authorities in the time of Jesus were the Pharisees. Originally these are the men who claim they were at the base of the mount Sinai when Moses received the commandments. These men claim that God gave them a more authoritative revelation of these laws through the spoken word while Moses was on the mountain. 
  These are the men who originally led the followers of Moses away from God which resulted in the first destruction of Israel. They were part of the 71 members of law makers called the Sanhedrin who If you recall, pleaded to Pontius Pilate for Jesus to be crucified. Remember? It’s right there in your bible, Pontius stated he could not find a flaw in Jesus that warranted crucifixion but the “Jews” pleaded for him to be crucified. 
  There are numerous accounts of Jesus being harassed and even stoned by these people. They called him a blasphemous black magician to his face. Jesus said to them, if you were truly the seed of Abraham you would recognize and accept me and my works for they are of my father, but you are of your father the devil, a murderer from the beginning(Cain)and you do his works. “I see thy tribulations and poverty (but thou art rich) and I see the blasphemy of those who say they are jews but are not, but are the synagogue of satan.” Its all right there in your bible.
  There are truly many occasions throughout the bible where Jesus and the jews come into confrontation and based on what the bible actually says, it is very clear that a large majority of jews denied Jesus as their prophesied messiah and this is still true today. Christians have been arrested for handing out the New Testament in Israel. Anti-christian crimes since 1948 have always been a substantial problem there. 
  Before 1948, arab jews and Palestinians lived beside one another relatively peacefully for hundreds of years. Since 1948 and the illegal immigration of 250,000 Europeans who call themselves the seed of Abraham, Arab jews have either been exiled entirely or are treated like third class citizens and the Palestinians continue to lose their ability to exist.
  Since 1948, when the UN “legally” recognized israel as an independent state consisting of 56% of the land area of Palestine, Israel has illegally expanded its borders by way of military occupation to the point where they now illegally occupy more than 94% of the Palestinian land mass. Not only that, but they have not paid a dime in reparations to the millions they have left homeless. International law requires them to provide reparation compensation to those which they have defeated. Again, they haven’t paid a dime. Instead they spend 1 million dollars per foot on a MASSIVE apartheid wall to make sure no Palestinians can never return to their homes.
Consider everything I have mentioned here and then ask yourself, is this something a loving God would wish to see from his creation? How can anyone in their right mind support this insanity?
If you still choose to support Israel because of an unjustified, nonsensical belief that today’s “jews” are gods chosen people, that truly makes you a “religious extremist” for supporting terrorism based on religious beliefs that God supports the atrocity that is today’s Israel.

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