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Tuesday, April 28, 2015 15:12
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Jade Helm Briefing Notes, All Warnings Were Insane (Video Below Briefing)

Posted by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on April 27, 2015

The Army briefing made it clear, sort of.


World's Stupidest Human, the Army spokesman on Jade Helm

World’s Stupidest Human, the Army spokesman on Jade Helm

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

There are still hundreds, even thousands of websites talking about mass killings and gun confiscation.  A look through YouTube or Google could fill an insane asylum with nearly as many people as the crazies warn are going to be carted away.

The Army presentation, and it can be found everywhere, is clear.  This is all Jade Helm is:

  • Jade Helm is a simulation to teach the Army to not kill every civilian they see like they did in Iraq and Afghanistan
  • Jade Helm will teach, they hope, a totally failed military to operate using human intelligence they might get by not pissing everyone in the world off by acting like total assholes
  • Jade Helm is supposed to teach special operations troops how to survive without Playstations, 6000 calorie lunches and “mama army” 24/7
  • Jade Helm units are going to learn to move undetected, pretend and we mean “pretend” to earn the trust of civilians who will be role players.  I hope they are getting paid for this.
  • Jade Helm is a realization that the defeats in Iraq and Afghanistan and the horrific failures that have left both nations a total disaster can be fixed.  This, of course, is delusional
  • Jade Helm is based on the hypothesis that if troops are trained to work around people better, they can get intelligence, get help from locals the way the Viet Cong and Taliban have done.  This is unrealistic.
  • Jade Helm may well be training to fight in America under a Red Dawn scenario or even a civil war.
  • Jade Helm may be a prequel to American involvement in Ukraine.
  • Jade Helm, however, seems to be a “busywork fix” for a number of problems that have plagued the military that are not being addressed, like fighting the wrong wars against the wrong people for the wrong reasons.
  • Jade Helm, in the most direct terms, is an attempt to train in the art of the Charm Offensive

All rumors and hoaxes about Jade Helm were put to rest.  The real concerns, an army that thinks something this lame will fix corruption and incompetence through playing “hide and seek” in rattlesnake country, is useless for or against any foe, domestic or foreign.

There are things about the basic concept that sound “hip” but when you look at all of what has gone on, it is impossible to place all the blame on the right wing vultures who love stirring up trouble.  The Jade Helm team, through total stupidity, handed the nay sayers a major tool through the shoddy attempts at deceitfulness used.

I don’t know why any community would allow this.  The army got full cooperation from the local police and government officials, or at least they say they did.  I can’t say I like any of it for my own reasons.

I think the army is looking for something to do, because they have over 175,000 troops home with nothing to do.  From the sound of the video, they expect us to feed them, hide them in our car trunks, our horse trailers and drive them around like they were OSS in France during World War II.

There is only so much stupid I can deal with.  The army, in this case, is certainly as big a pack of hoaxters and time wasters as the morons of podcast radio and YouTube with their “FEMA Human Remains Storage Facilities.”

I have to go, I am digging a tunnel to my local Walmart…

Busted: Jade Helm Hysteria Peddlers

Posted by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on April 27, 2015

Jade Helmster Censorship Fail: False Flag Hucksters and those dumb enough to be taken in…busted…cleaned from VT

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

We had seen it all before in the Ukraine.  Video of Russian tank columns, doctored satellite photos, bogus witnesses to the shootdown of MH17.  Now it is being done here and it is the Jade Helm hoax, orchestrated by the same people who gave us the Kiev takeover, the marriage between the extremist right, the neocon-Tea Party alliance and the Mossad.

Our “gem” is the phony video of the FEMA “human remains storage” in “back woods Kentucky.”  They tried to take the video down but we saved a copy, we knew their game.  Kazaam!

We knew, as soon as they were exposed they would take down the video, it was just too good to be true.  The VT study group that began looking at Jade Helm rumors long before the edited and altered army slide show was released saw the hand of a false flag in the making.

We asked ourselves who could put together such a collection of “friends of Israel,” neocon acolytes and FBI informants?

The Jade Helm Experience, this is what we have to call it, is produced in Tel Aviv and is doing a road show across the internet, preying on the weak minded, the careless, the insecure and frightened, a classic psychological warfare operation as only our “to be admired” Israeli friends can do.  They reached into their bag of tricks, drawing on the hasbara across the internet.

In some ways, though the threat of Jade Helm is very real, and by “threat” we mean Israeli organized terrorism to be blamed on the army or a “lone gunman” who will open fire on American military.  Which one will they use and can we stop them by exposing them.  This is classic chaos theory as only Israel can play it, a nation of Nobel Prize winners.

From the beginning, Jade Helm had a smell.  The army document had no timelines or costings, had altered page numbers, an obviously doctored counterfeit that anyone who has ever worked with military powerpoints, and we at VT have years of experience, could spot in a minute.  Let us say this; the military doesn’t go to lunch without a timeline, without identifying every specific unit involved and without a detailed budget.  From a real operational document:

The army even timelines lunch...

the army even timelines lunch


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Total 14 comments
  • Gordon Duff is no longer credible……

    Read the Obama Antichrist prophecies from the Lord Jesus Christ and wake up people….

  • This Jade Helm thing is so unconstitutional it isn’t even funny. There training to come on your private property and take you guns and freedom away from you. Don’t be so naïve. Obama does not intend to leave office. Lies, lies, and more lies. Don’t trust a lying den of thieves. Wakeup!

  • Is there really such a thing as a wise virgin out there? :twisted:

  • Tell me: who’s had their guns grabbed so far? :lol:
    I’ve tried and tried to ask the addresses and phone numbers of all the walmarts closed to be used as prisons. there has been no response by the writers of the reports. To me that shows only one thing: they HAVE NO PROOF that any of this has or will happen. It is all garbage to sell ads and line their pockkets with money from those advertisers they receive when someone clicks on a report, Nothing more. As is said here, WAKE UP, you’re playing right into the hands of those who write this trash and who by your either curiosity or mass paranoia, they get paid whether the stuff they publish is true or not. The don’t care. It doesn’t matter.
    PARANOIA STRIKES DEEP, into your soul it will creep…. :cool:

    • ask those folks in new Orleans after Katrina hit whether they had the national guard break down doors and confiscate their firearms. Houses untouched by the hurricane. Martial law was declared and people were hauled away by force by our very own national guard. you think it won’t happen here on a larger scale, your living in dream land buddy

      • so, who’s greasing down doors and confiscating now.? give me one example

      • You are not answering my question. Where are the wall marts that are closed? where are the prison camps that are filled with gun-toting citizens who’ve had their guns grabbed. where?
        I will tell you. No where. :twisted:

      • And so, with the chaos of Katrina, you’re saying this shouldn’t have happened? What about now in New Orleans???? Are people still being gun grabbed? Please inform how many tens of thousands of gun-owning new orleansinians are jailed or remain jailed? Tell me.
        Paranoia strikes deep…..

  • Warren

    However you slice it, the U.S. military will be (is?) training and practising to conduct a war on American soil against Americans. That is not acceptable under any circumstances.

  • I find it hilarious that on the same day, half-a-dozen contributors that had been screaming ‘Jade Helm, JADE HELM’ went from ‘they are coming for you’ to ‘it’s all a joke’, and did so within only a couple of hours of their articles posting.

    In reality, it isn’t the monster that was first declared (martial law for the sake of martial law), but personally, I believe it is a pre-positioning exercise to put forces into place that they will need once ‘something bad’ happens that they know about, that we don’t.

    The evidence for this is all stacking up for mid-September of 2015 (this year), and here’s why I say that:

    France’s foreign minister Fabius declared ‘we only have 500 days until climate chaos’ (this would put ‘climate chaos’ at September 14, 2015). Ask yourself, what could cause ‘climate chaos’ on a schedule? Only a couple of answers – an asteroid/meteor, a planned controlled detonation causing Yellowstone to erupt, or a nuclear war).

    Of course we now have Jade Helm (running from July 15 to Sept 15) which would wrap up right as Sept 13 rolled around, with pre-positioned forces still on-site to pick up where training left off.

    We then have the Tetrad ending that date (the four blood moons)

    We also have the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) on Sept 14-15 occurring in that mid-month. (which makes me wonder about ‘man-controlled cataclysms’, as a result)

    In the end, you have a lot of pointers saying ‘something’ is going to happen, and no one has told us. Preparations and readiness is wrapped up in ‘conventional training exercises’, and the media is busy keeping you bored about Hillary, Iran and a dozen other things.

    Something is coming, and most of your ‘screaming canaries’ are busy going from ‘SKY IS FALLING’ to ‘FORGET ABOUT IT’, without using a single brain cell to stop and figure out what is actually happening.

    Gordon Duff is just as big of a joke on this, as he has been on just about everything else him and VT ever cover; from Russian invasions to Antichrist announcements.

    • There is no doubt something is brewing and headed our way. And JH15 will put us all in a test situation ? I don;t care who is right actually . All I need to know is that something is very wrong in USSA today and I already know that part ! Lots of good old common sense and much more at my site for free !

  • Gordon Duff is an ego bloated and driven alpha male type who has been exposed by those that are jumping from the VT ship because of how compromised that organization is. Gordon Duff is a fraud and anyone who has followed VT for a while shouldn’t be too surprised. There is a lot of false data out there about Jade Helm 15 and its’ agenda and true intentions so we still have to sift the data to aquire the real truth. I am beginning to see evidence that they are pre-positioning and preparing for an economic collapse for sure, and possibly multiple natural (real or engineered) type of disasters as well. This predicted astroid/meteorite/comet strike is to be somewhere in the atlantic and seems to be quite credible at this point in time. Predicted impact time frame is around mid September. If that event transpires then Jade Helm makes perfect sense with an outer layer of good agenda to it while at the same time accomplishing a very nefarious agenda also. Wolves in sheeps clothing. Nobody will even notice all the missing desenters in the midist of all the chaos. As the extent of the disaster becomes known those in most levels of law enforcement and the military will believe they are there to help and assist just as they did during the 9/11 event while in the shadows more nefarious events will be taking place. It will be the same old Luciferian MO.

  • :!: :arrow: JADE HELM IS NOT A EXCERCISE. How can they train to “Blend In” into Foreign Countries when they do not even speak their Countries Language? 100% Proof this is not Exercise! Right?

    Fellow citizens need to immediately start and organize an around the clock citizens group to monitor Everything going on in your city once Jade Helm/Mayhem starts. You know the Gov and your city will do nothing, so it will be up to you. Now is the time to start planning.

    Gather as many people as you can, plan a 24/7 monitoring of all your key main roads in/out of your city, and ensure you have your entire overnight monitored against the military/police undercover forces that are planning on coming to harm your community. Remember, most of their actions they say will be in done under cover, and in the middle of night, so you need as many people on the streets watching! If you see something suspicious, follow and talk with with.

    First, ensure you all have walkie talkies so freedom lovers of your community can keep in consent communication with each other. Suggestions would be to monitor all your major intersections into your city and monitor vehicles. If they look suspicious, follow them; Or you could have fellow citizens drive up and down your streets at day/night, looking for these criminals… You could even have citizens in chairs on street corners watching. If you see something, call and go see what people are doing. Start shifts. But simply relying on your city and gov to protect you is off the tables, so it is up to its citizens like you. This was to start you thinking and planning today…

    But having a around the clock (especially during the night) MUST HAPPEN for your communities safety. I highly suspect that with these “practice games” sneaking in the dark of night, they will be doing something to target/dismantle your power/communication lines in your city; so when the time comes, they can flip one button, and take down all your cities power/communications at the same time? Or are they placing split wiring so all data in/out of your city goes directly into NSA databases, so they get a direct line for everything? By the Gov targeting that specific key location(s) in the dead of night is to simply rig up some type of device to remove your cities vital link offline when needed. This sounds the most logical reason why they only want to do harm to each city in the dark of night.

    :?: NOT A EXERCISE! How can this just be a exercise? How will any american soldiers practice to “blend in” in civilian clothing to invade any foreign enemy in say Mexico, Cuba, Japan, China, etc? DON’T THEY ALL SPEAK IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE? So how can these soldiers learn to “Blend In” BY NOT SPEAKING IN THAT COUNTRIES NATIVE LANGUAGE? Clearly, this is only to destroy America, where they speak “American”. Even going to Canada, they will not blend in because they don’t have the language, so this is 100% proof it is to Overthrow your Nation and Citizens. So how this “Practice” teaching them to blend in in Iran, or Iraq, India… Impossible! The gov is the citizens enemy and targetting it very own people. Plain and simple. No other logical reason can be given.

    Good luck on your freedom fight for your lives, nation, and Freedom. We all are counting on you. Paul Revere

  • Gordon, you need to get your head out of the sand.

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