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JADE Helm First Strike: Time To Prepare–Suspicious Walmart Closings (Picture, Video)

Tuesday, April 14, 2015 16:03
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(Before It's News)

Suspicious, Sudden, Multiple Wal-Mart Closures [videos]

400 Employees concerned about Walmart closure

Thanks, SP, for the heads up. I go out to the vet for a couple of hours and this greets me on my return. Makes my hackles rise. I’m still in doggie mode.

As many people know, Wal-mart is not our friend. They are one of the richest corporations on the planet and they are a cabal-related operation. They treat their employees like dirt, underpay, and spy on them in the warehouse, to name a few examples.

Now these people have lost their jobs with zero notice in the stores that are closing. That’s going to hurt even more when they could barely make ends meet as it was on their meager income. Some got 2-months pay and some may qualify for severance. See the news video here.

Professor Doom mentions in the video below the convoy of bright-white Wal-mart trucks we saw trundling down the freeway last year with state troopers on the scene. The alternative news community picked up on it and the trolls were out in full force on FB and the news sites that said it was about the Special Olympics. They wasted no time with their scathing remarks about how we should be ashamed of ourselves for our suspicious attitude about an annual event and the generosity of Wal-Mart to help the kids.

Do you remember that?  I said it was bull, I didn’t like it, and I didn’t believe that fairytale for one second. I wear my tin-foil hat with pride.

Now this. Something’s definitely up. These stores appear to be strategically located and I don’t believe this lame plumbing story. 

“The stores are located in Brandon, FL, Midland, TX, Tulsa, OK, and at an undisclosed location in California.” 

Why “undisclosed”? They can’t tell which store has the plumbing problem? Really? Want to bet it will be in the red area on the bottom of the Jade Helm map? Right. The “hostile territory”.

This might be a good time to make SURE you are stocked up on basic food, necessities, and meds as it is looking like we are about to see SHFT. Make sure you get extra for others if you are able. I think TP (toilet paper) will be in high demand, if you get my drift.  MOREHERE


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Total 28 comments
  • You disable comments on your BS stories so you don’t get called out on being full of it then have the gall to comment on someone else’s story.
    Tisk, tisk, shame, shame.
    Then you say “seriously dont delete it this time.” LMAO

    You’re in on it. BIN wouldn’t delete anything you post.
    If your stories can’t stand up to scrutiny then you probably shouldn’t post them. You and Glenn Canagay are two peas in a pod.

    • well said here here

    • Look at that! They removed LAVENDERROSE’S comment to make it look like she/he was never here commenting? The above comment was aimed directly at that person. Nice try BIN. Always trying to protect your lying contributors.

      Shame, shame. Tisk, tisk.

      -The Mighty Clucker

  • How about allowing comments on your own stories before you complain about others deleting your comments. But, oh no, too chicken to deal with criticism.

  • So a WalMart in Tulsa is Closing as well, What a coincident, since the Tulsa Sheriffs Dept, Police Dept and the Media have been caught red handed in a False Flag Media Hoax over the Death of Eric Harris in 2008, and saying and acting like it happened April 2, 2015, The video shows 2008 and the Uniforms of the cops are of 2008 Issue, Yes I would say were minutes away from all out SHTF, here’s the Video, Can you say TREASON.


  • “Lord Gourd buy gun bullet at Wal-Mart. If close where Gourd go for cheap bullet?”
    ~Thus sayeth Lord of Gourds

  • Folks, this is what a friend mine said: “They are closing to public but are being used to supply military and underground installations. You can easily track the trucks movement in their warehouses. Something is not smelling good…who have money in the bank take it out… You can verify that all these “closed” warehouses was equipped with big generators (a container outside) to allow them to operate off the grid…” heads up!!

  • :arrow: Do you know how to remove the government powers over your city once Martial Law starts? Please read this real world working plan to remove The Police State and the Gov from your city once Martial Law starts. Please make viral and pass on to all freedom loving people as I am doing for you.


    Your local Police Officers ARE YOUR #1 government enforcers who will force you and your community at the point of their weapons to comply with them, but this story gives you specific info how to stop them. Read and you will see how to stop them, and no, they will not be getting military backup as everyone is brainwashed into thinking…

  • Too much speculation and my friend said, “…” crap with this Jade Helm stuff. There is no hard evidence of anything, which is why I’m sure this will be a non event. Also, any time Dave Hodges focuses on a single subject you can guarantee it’s total B.S.

    Good Luck.

    • “Non Event” so that is why they close all Walmarts in Jade Helm Area, yes you Tilapia Guppy Fin… now Eat my GMO :twisted: My Squishy Tumor GMO :evil: Millionaire High Salary Scientists say SAFE and DELICIOUS to eat Tumor :lol:

      • so so hoping you were worm food! guess your just busy cruising gay bars getting sore knees! Bet thats your wife in that picture…you are a sick twink! :shock:


      Down vote and subdue.

      Your NON-SENSE is OBVIOUS.

  • I think they are referring to the Jade Helm as “Jade” as its meaning/referrencing the Far East (China or Russia), and “Elm” meaning a computer hackers scrypt (.elm) that infects computers. Read this in a previous story… Just wonder what the “H” means… But yeah, allow comments to your story… What are you afraid of because you don’t have to read them? So you only believe in a one way Freedom of Speech? Clearly following the government agenda…

  • There was a big “Breaking News” fire at a Walmart in the Seattle area ( last night. It wouldn’t surprise me if this results in a 6-month closure as well…

  • Here’s the #1 question no one ever talks about is WHO is “The General Ordering” the Military To do all these illegal actions in the first place Right? THE HIGHEST #1 RANKING U.S. MILITARY COMMANDER INSIDE THE PENTAGON IS YOUR U.S. CITIZENS AND NATIONS TOP ENEMY; who is allowing and ordering ALL the military below him these illegal orders JUST LIKE FEMA, Jade Helm, Ft Lauderdale Exercise in our streets (with military war weapons and black helocopters)! HIS NAME IS GENERAL MARTIN E. DEMPSEY and here is a short history of him. Now you have a name of who the actual Military IS Ordering all these military crimes on your soil, and to 1S1S; etc..:

    Do not be fooled but doesn’t this ALL start at the single most #1 military Dishonorable Criminal Wearing the Uniform to Give HIS Orders this down to all his troops and to the entire Military? Also, HE WAS APPOINTED by your President himself for that Position, so now you know how easily your President can push around your military? Does he need to be removed as the #1 top commander, who is the very highest ranking military in uniform WHO HAS PROVEN TIME AND TIME AGAIN ON ORDERING ALL THESE ILLEGAL ORDERS for the last YEARS?! WAKE UP PEOPLE and THINK WHO REALLY IS ORDERING ALL THESE ILLEGAL MILITARY PERSONNEL.
    He and his other Pentagon dishonorable Generals and Admirals are all literally Sleeping with the Enemy in bed with 0bama and are the “KEY” to your Government control over you! Not ONE ACTION by the military can happen WITHOUT HIS DIRECT ORDER! Start spreading the truth on who really is ordering these treasunus actions against your nation

    Here is another story I found of great interest. Didn’t you ever wonder why none of these so called disgruntled US Generals and Admirals refuse to do one thing in their power and knowledge to stop this out of control government. They value bribe money more then honor and they refuse to get involved because the government would arrest them for all the dishonorable criminal orders/actions they did to their troops while wearing their uniform. Keep quiet or personally get exposed for the criminal actions each have taken that crossed their desks that were illegal.? Each sold their heart and soul to the devil, and now want to go to heaven, and play the innocent card to the citizens. :wink:

  • You said, “As many people know, Wal-Mart not our friend. They are one of the richest corporations on the planet and they are a cabal-related operation. They treat their employees like dirt, underpay, and spy on them in the warehouse, to name a few examples.”

    You know, that can be easily said of the DemocRAT party and how they treat and look at Americans. Take for instance the negro sodomite, Bill and Hillary and …..

  • WOW.

    Hypocrisy much??

    You and Glenda. You’ll both pipe in on other threads but don’t allow anyone to pipe in on yours.

    I’ve learned not to click on either of your threads. You make it easy since you have a star in front of the titles of your threads.

    • Yeah I don’t click their garbage either. I wish nobody would so I wouldn’t have to step around the garbage like that when I’m browsing through the news feed. I don’t even ready the titles anymore when I see that stupid star. I just figure it’s some idiotism (is that a word?) about Nibiru or Zetas or whatever.

    • TCB

      The word is ‘idiositude.’

      • Thanks Walter. I’ll keep that in mind. Although idiotism does have a nice ring to it.

  • Lavender Nose and Glenn Comedy are two I will scratch off my nostrum. Some people don’t like me, they can always go to the above two as I am NEVER there. :twisted:

  • The police in the USA already execute people on site and don’t need training or any more help when they are facing over weight cowards that have been dumbed down by god knows what they are putting into the food system.

    When people worked out a few years after 9/11 that it was a false flag you sould have done something then if ever something was going to be done but few stood up to demand answers or fight so maybe you are seeing Darwin in effect and should thank your peers.

  • Tesco in the UK just tried to rip off the dead by not paying out for an employee who worked for them for ten years and died of cancer, would not even answer letters.

    Well it only took them a day to sort themselves out after an on-line pertition was launched that hit 57,000 suporters in just over a day so remember that one if you are short of food and fancy some shop-lifting because as Tesco says, every little bit helps and they put GMO crap on the shelves when not selling Donkey meat as Beef.

  • The Author raises a BIG CONCERN, with Walmart closings tied to Jade Helm, these stores need to be watched closely during Jade Helm, see if you can even get in the parking lot. We suspect they are running some drills inside the stores, of the extracted dissidents will be taken to these stores.

    Read this Article, Walmart is not a Store, they are Forced Vaccine Centers:

  • Why is Lavender Rose’s comment so hard to believe? Negative votes from whom? The Chinese are already in this country under all guises. Bill Clinton gave them most favored nation status for a reason. They’ve been building up to this since the 1990′s under that pig. Now we stand to have another election rigged so the Clinton Dynasty can reign on with the Hildebeast. If you think it’s not possible that the Chinks are hunkering down in “traitor” Walmart housing, you’re all brain dead. It IS ALL POSSIBLE, AND MORE LIKELY, PROBABLE!

  • US Special Forces In Yemen Take Over American Walmart Stores

    By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

    An intriguing Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today is expressing puzzlement as to why the United States top Special Forces command, that is currently directing the war in Yemen against Houthi rebel forces, has this past week taken over a number of Walmart stores in America and is now converting them to Command and Control (C2) Centres.

    According to this report, SVR electronic intelligence analysts tasked with overseeing their American counterparts this past week indentified a series of mysterious communications between the United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM), located at MacDill Air Force Base (MCF) in Tampa, Florida, their subservient counterpart located at the US Naval Expeditionary Base Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti (where the war in Yemen is being directed from), and…of all places…from a suddenly closed Walmart store in Brandon, Florida just 20 kilometers (13 miles) from their main headquarters.

    In following these SOCOM communications, this report says, a further strangeness was discovered when C2 links were also found existing between the, likewise, suddenly closed Walmart store in Pico Rivera, California and the massive US Marine base Camp Pendleton located 119 kilometers (74.0 miles) apart…a suddenly closed Walmart store in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the Tulsa Air National Guard Base (TANGB) located 16 kilometers (10 miles) apart…a suddenly closed Walmart store in North Midland, Texas, and Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas, located 416 kilometers (259 miles) apart…a suddenly closed Walmart store in Livingston, Texas, and the highly secretive US Homeland Security base located at the Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base (EFJRB) in Houston, Texas, located 119 kilometers (74 miles) apart.

    As to why all of these Walmart stores spanning the entire length of the United States were suddenly closed, this report continues, US news sources are reporting that they all mysteriously experienced the exact same plumbing problem…but which local news sources, from California to Florida, quickly discounted as being not true.

    More ominous, however, of the sudden closing of these Walmart stores, this report states, is their location in what has been described as the “main combat target zone” of a massive SOCOM military exercise planned for the United States called “Jade Helm”, whose ending in September (coincidentally?) exactly coincides with the 6 month date all of these stores have stated they will remain closed for until they reopen.

    To the massive “Jade Helm” military exercise itself, this report continues, it is an 8-week US domestic battle plan scheduled to begin on 15 July, and last until 15 September, encompassing the US States of California (mostly friendly but with an “insurgent pocket”), Utah (enemy State), Arizona (friendly State), Nevada (friendly State), Colorado (friendly State), New Mexico (neutral State), Texas (enemy State), Mississippi (not designated) and Florida (not designated). [Note: Mississippi and Florida were late additions to this military exercise.]

    And according to the unclassified Request to Conduct Realistic Training—JADE HELM 15 (RCRT-JH15) posted by SOCOM describing this massive domestic military exercise they further state about it:

    “This is a challenging eight-week joint military and interagency (IA) unconventional warfare (UW) exercise conducted throughout Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado.

    The seven states and divided regions therein are designated as hostile, permissive, uncertain (leaning hostile) and uncertain (leaning friendly), with, for example, California designated as a largely blue (permissive) region with a small portion of the south in red (hostile) based on insurgent activity in the area. Here is a graphic of the exercise’s geographic layout.

    Exercise participants come from across the Department of Defense and U.S. government, and include U.S. Army Special Forces Command (Green Berets), U.S. Navy SEALs, U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command, U.S. Marine Corps Special Operations Command, U.S. Marine Corps Expeditionary Units, 82nd Airborne Division and some interagency partners (likely, but not confirmed: FBI, CIA, DHS and others).

    The RCRT states upfront the goals that the exercise hopes to accomplish: to improve the unconventional warfare capability of U.S. special operations forces as part of the national security strategy, and to determine the pros and cons associated with the exercise.”

    Left unsaid/unanswered by SOCOM, or any other US authority, this report asks, is why the American militaries special forces and domestic intelligence/security agencies even need to conduct such an exercise as the United States (people/society/transportation/etc.) is so unique that the only information that could possibly be gained is in how to subjugate/suppress their own citizens as the knowledge gained could not possibly apply to any other nation on Earth?

    Even more grimly to note about this “Jade Helm” “adventure”, SVR intelligence analysts in this report state, are that SOCOM forces are apparently honing the tactics they will soon be using against their own citizens in America…including mass starvation…in Yemen.

    The reason(s) for this being so, they continue explaining, is due to both Yemen and the United States having the largest per capita ratio of privately owned guns in the world, a situation which has enabled both of these nations to be deemed “unconquerable” by Federation war experts.

    But to the greatest (potential) horror of what SOCOM’s “Jade Helm” is really about, this report grimly concludes, can be heard in the words of the late US Army Veteran and FBI informant, Larry Grathwohl, who in 1982 described in chilling detail the Obama regimes “fellow travelers” logistical master plan to kill tens of millions of Americans….and by using these closed Walmart stores as C2 centres to weed them out would certainly be something they could do.

    April 16, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

  • Why is this old news popping up here? Look, everyone was wrong about the scary Wal*Mart FEMA death camps. They’ve lost their credibility as contributors.

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