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By Mort Amsel (Reporter)
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Two CIA Agents Arrested By Minutemen While Crossing Mexican Border With 1300 Pounds Of Cocaine

Saturday, April 25, 2015 4:46
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(Before It's News)

via WorldNewsDailyReport by Barbara Johnson

A group of minutemen watching the Mexican Border for illegal migrants and drug traffickers, have proceeded to the citizen arrest of two men in an SUV, carrying 1300 pounds of cocaine. The volunteers were completely astonished when the two arrestees pulled out CIA ID cards and explained they were actually carrying the drug as part of their duties and that the cargo belonged to the Central Intelligence Agency.

The incident took place last night, in the Chihuahuan desert, near the Texan city of El Paso. A group of seven minutemen saw a large black SUV drive rapidly across the border. They chased the vehicle in their own trucks and achieved to immobilize it after a chase of more than 15 miles.

The vigilantes arrested the two men on board and called the border patrol, who proceeded to search the vehicle. They discovered dozens of packages of cocaine, totalling an incredible 618.4 kilograms (1363 pounds).

If true this adds to the long list of incidents where the CIA has been caught smuggling drugs into the United States.  If you haven’t already google “CIA  Drugs” and you will geta ton of info about it all.  It’sno conspiracy it’s a darn fact.  

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Total 22 comments
  • Where did you get your information? Link please. Also, it is known that yes, the Gov, military and CIA do infact bring 95% of the drugs into our nation. No disputing that.

    :arrow: Another little know high profile cocaine producer corporation is based in NJ. They are known as Coca Cola (aka Coke). Their is a reason why this nickname stuck… The main Coca Cola plant in NJ is the only corp. in the USA that has a US legal law license to import coca leaves (unlimited amount). Yeah its real. Research. Their Gov approved “Claim” is that they need an extract from the leaves to give Coke its taste. Just happens, they never ever have any leafs left so this gets turned into Coke in the NYC area. Check it out and do 2 minutes of searching… But of course, they brainwashed everyone into thinking they don’t use “Cocaine Leafs” in their drinks anymore because its illegal, yet they get all the coca leafs shipped to them on a daily basis.. Fun fact guys…. :wink:

    • Medical cocaine is used every day to prevent swelling in surgical procedures.

      So……someone here in the states needs to receive the leaves, process them, and make the drug. I suppose it only makes sense Coca-Cola would remain in that line of shipping even after they are no longer allowed to use it in their drink.

      For a small fee…of course.

      • So then the same corp. owners of Coca Cola also owns the drug company to supply it medically… Good catch…

      • Smelly Plop LYING ALERT!
        Smelly Plop LYING ALERT!

        cOWpLOP wrote “Medical cocaine is used every day to prevent swelling in surgical procedures.”

        WRONG AGAIN, oh, Jen-Jed Bozza!

        For, how can a DEA Classified Schedule ONE narcotic (MEANS NO MEDICAL USE), which cocaine is, be prescribed or used FOR ANY PATIENT by ANY DOCTOR in the jew-nited Fraudulent Fascist states of TORTURE and MILITARY TERROR???

        ANSWER: Cocaine CANNOT BE USED by the medical establishment in the USA.

        Cocaine is NOT USED EVERY DAY to prevent swelling in surgical procedures!!!!!
        CowPlop, you just spread that fresh manure smell all over the Posts of BIN!

        What a true TURD you are!

      • I didn’t say that. I only said it would make sense.

      • Red Mann,

        Go have a car wreck….badly damage your face. See and ENT….have major reconstructive surgery.

        Have a drug test the next day then talk to your doctor…..he will tell you that you tested positive because they packed your reconstruction with cocaine.

        Has that foul female, the CowPlop just laid another foul smelling comment on BIN?
        :wink: :wink:
        I smelled it all the way over on another fine Lyn post!
        :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

      • Oh, yea, CowPlop, and after the coke-pack, the good doctor sends his patients home with a script for a gram or two of heroin!
        To kill the pain!
        Heroin, just another Schedule ONE narcotic, as classified by the DEA!!!!!!!!!

      • What do you think opioids are? :lol:

        Why do you think addict progress to heroin? It’s the same thing…only stronger.

      • It is suggested that the village idiot is the red man who thinks the nouns “heroin” and “cocaine” are interchangeable even though the “drugs” are derived from two completely different plants.

      • Oh, dainty, little Maygirl!
        IT is a known fact that out of your mouth comes fresh christo-laced TURDS!

        For heroin and cocaine are both Schedule One narcotics in the USA, which means they have no medical use, as classified by the DEA.

        Therefore NO doctor in the USA can give out a Prescription for either, nor can said Doctor possess such big, Proper noun, type of drugs!
        So, stick your head right up your dumb as crap New Zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeland arse, and breathe deeply, of pure christo-crap!

      • My dentist says you’re wrong, village-idiot, he administers cocaine regularly but no he won’t give me a prescription for it despite my repeated requests.

      • Why the LAW in the USA says I am right, New Zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelander!
        So, WHO CARES what your Dentist foes in New Zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeland, you MAYGIRL fraud!
        Opps, you slipped up there with the LIE, Maygirl, I mean Jed Bozza!

      • Which USA are we talking about…

        … this one? Idiot.

  • Come on guys, you know they are giving it to the ET Aliens to keep them numbed up from invading us. LOL

    Back to Reality:
    Black ops CIA, carrying official ID cards? Really, Hummm Ok. Yea that makes absolute non-sense. Did they also have CIA License plates and flying a USA flag on the SUV? I wonder where they got the IDs made? Who are they really? Do not ASS-U-ME that they are real CIA.

    IDs are forged for anything and even Passports. A good cover though….till they got caught by the good guys! Time will bring the truth out. This story is too hot for the CIA to ignore responding publicly. Lets see what they say….or prove to us all.

    • Actually it would not surprise me if it wasn’t found out that it is used to make Ritalin. The drug prescribed to young children with ADHD.

  • WorldNewsDailyReport by Barbara Johnson – from their site:

    World News Daily Report is an American Jewish Zionist newspaper based in Tel Aviv and dedicated on covering biblical archeology news and other mysteries around the Globe.
    Our News Team is composed of award winning christian, muslim and jewish journalists, retired Mossad agents and veterans of the Israeli Armed Forces.

    We are based in Tel Aviv since 1988 where are published more then 200,000 copies of our Daily Report paper edition everyday.

  • I am happy to wager that the CIA gave the criminals their credentials in the first place. Peeps, every day there is more examples, then there are the people who deny…..back and forth, back and forth. The trouble with the internet these days is that anyone can say anything, people do not provide proof sometimes even if it is true, doubt is cast over. But take a step backward and then take a broader view……why are people reporting stuff that is not true if not to cover for something else. There is enough evidence of the problem to warrant suspicion, I mean, with all the NSA spying, satellite tracking, law enforcement surely the mighty USA knows exactly what is going on, American troops guarding the poppy fields in Afghanistan…..what the heck for. Big drug problem in America…….if the system was as robust as they make out, then it is illogical. That my dear friends is the conundrum. Look around, your eyes are not lying, unless it is manipulated reality propagated by corrupt media….BIN puts it’s hand up several times a day to be disqualified as an site of integrity. Remove yourself from the drama, let the dead bury the dead and salvage what you can the few shreds of truth that remain in this world. It is the only thing that will keep you strong. Stop being involved in the controversies because they are a contrived reality, only representing part of the truth.

  • The two agents were probably telling the truth, the CIA is nothing more then an international Jew Mafia.
    All this American government agiencies are running on thin ice as more and more people discover their corruption and they have no clothes.

  • The CIA has their own planes, helicopters and AIRPORTS.. why the hell would they be driving a paltry 1300 lbs across the border.. it doesn’t make any sense!

  • Not that the scenario is entirely implausible, but as an FYI, before you wind up with egg on your face, World News Daily Report is a parody site. This particular story is made up.

    “WNDR assumes however all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles in this website – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any persons, living, dead, or undead is purely a miracle.”

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