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Nibiru, Planet X, Dwarf Star, Rogue Planet & End Times Signs (Video)

Friday, May 29, 2015 13:19
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(Before It's News)

Nibiru, Planet X, Dwarf Star, Rogue Planet & End Times Signs (Video)

Posted on May 29, 2015 by JayWill7497



Are the government plans that Americans are now seeing for a huge event due to the inevitable collapse of the global financial system as has been ex cogitated on Before It’s News and numerous other alternative news websites or is this planning due to the appearance of a mystical planetary body not observed by the human race for thousands of years but since the beginning of time has ushered in disaster and end of times anxieties in those that have come to understand it’s last passing?



It’s been awhile since I reported on this much controversial subject and my stance still stays the same. These Planet X / Nibiru videos hope to shed some light on some extreme weather events among other things that have made the news and yet the ‘whole’ story was not told in order to keep the public from connecting the dots to the ongoing Polar Shift and ultimately Nibiru Planet X.



Many people have been wondering why the presence of the Nibiru Planet X planetary complex would be kept from the public’s awareness, this is done for the purpose of control.



The Powers That Be fear what the public’s reaction will be to the news that not only is there a large planet in our solar system but that it has been here for at least 10 years and is responsible for not only ‘Global Warming’, but ‘Climate Change’ as well.





Benevolent rainmaking gone awry? Or purposeful drama creation and Silent war to support “Climate Change” Political Agenda? Is it a coincidence this is occurring now in the JADE HELM Theater of operations? So many questions. For you Planet X and Dark Star folks, how exactly are they responsible for creating floods when it is quite apparent these are created events??





Is Nibiru real? Does it take Nibiru 3,600 years to complete one orbital journey? As you can imagine, the gravitational effects of a sizable planet moving close to the inner solar system would spell big trouble for planet Earth. Earth has been acting up lately with an increase in earthquakes, volcanoes, global warming (oops..I meant “climate change”), blending of seasons, and more. Open your mind a little and stop believing everything our so called scientists and NASA folks have to say. Every week NASA seems to have learned something new that was unthinkable.



First you have to understand that we might be part of a binary solar system. NASA just found a binary solar system last year. It would explain the earth’s wobble which is still unexplained today. Would it be too far off to believe that a planet can share both solar systems? If you took the time to watch this video, then you might be interested in this newspaper article and these Planet X abstracts. Explore this site and ask questions and share your thoughts.
Newest about Nibiru-Planet X:…
Secrets about Nibiru:…
Reference From Nick Thomas:…





There’s is a bright shining object at sunrise, could it be Nibiru / Planet X?





Navy Seal Explains the Big Event ( 2015-05-12)



Navy Seal Explains the Big Event: I’m going to explain the big big event as condensed and as clear as possible.



This is a subject that is very complicated and leads to an infinite number of questions This is a loaded question I was hoping to put off as long as possible, there are events within events and this is very complex.



I’m going to explain the big big event as condensed and as clear as possible. This is a subject that is very complicated and leads to an infinite number of questions.



I will provide basic key events and information, in layman’s terms, that will help those who choose to travel down the rabbit hole, to do so and research what I provide on their own. For a number of years this event has been shown to us in movies, example Melancholia, and other mediums, if you do the research you will find them.



This, associated with the combination of dead scientists, astronomers and bankers, is the biggest cover up secret in world history. Many people believe asteroids will kick off a foreseen world calamity.



Many have had dreams and visions of asteroids hitting the earth and hitting the oceans triggering off massive tsunamis and devastating earthquakes. In all probability, what they have dreamed and seen are correct, but there is a prelude, an event that begins all of this.



In revelation 8:8 we read a mountain of fire is thrown into the sea, a mountain, not something from outer space, clearly a mountain, or it would describe something from outer space.



If this mountain is of fire, that indicates a volcanic mountain, something from earth. Asteroids, is something that would come shortly after, sporadically for a period of time, and increasing substantially later during what is referred to in the bible as “God’s Wrath”, you don’t want to be here for that.



Every several hundreds or thousands of years a planetary system enters earth’s atmosphere, when it does, it causes the earth to tilt, or rotate several degrees off its axes.



When this occurs, it causes changes in the earth’s magnetosphere, ecosystem, and overall planet environment. Much of this event is depicted at several locations around the globe on cave walls, with artifacts etc, so it has clearly happened before (Noah’s Flood). The calculated time for this planet, and its accompanying moons and other planets, to enter earth’s atmosphere is now, within the next few years, and I am being very conservative with this estimated time.



The government actually calculates it to be here/visible at the end of this year, and the effects being felt by the end of the first quarter of next year.



This is why you are seeing all the pre-staging of equipment. Also, this is why you see CERN ramping up its activity, they actually believe if they alter time, they can hold things off or even possibly divert the event.



Unfortunately, they’re going to make things much worse, adding a spicy sprinkling of hell creatures running around, a result from CERN opening the pit of hell. CERN is what I believe to be the key spoken about in the bible. In addition, CERN is being used to do other things, all extremely evil, but that is for another discussion.



Continuing, world governments have known about this big big event for a very long time, and they have calculated, what they believe to be the correct preparation time for this event. Before the event, the world powers/military’s monitoring systems, evaluation programs, joint logistic networks and currency exchange systems must all be connected, up to a certain level, before the planetary system enters earth’s atmosphere.



This is the reason for the historical military exercises around the globe, emergence of the AIIB, BRICS, CHIPS, massive seed banks, state size underground storage facilities and unprecedented amount of FEMA installations, the powers at be are scared to death. In addition, public control (martial law-via fanned civil unrest) must be implemented and working before the event, so when the first pass by of the planetary system occurs, creating total chaos, there is a manageable cohesive system in place to operate from after the destruction, and this is the New World Order, just as you have seen/heard about over the past many years.



So, world governments are actually going to use the event to usher in The New World Order/world management system. It won’t go as everyone has agreed upon or predicted, they’ll be a lot of backstabbing and advantage taken of one another going on. Again, another subject in itself. So, what is the big event?: A planet and it accompanying moons, planets and debris entering our atmosphere and creating massive destruction and chaos.



This is the ultimate reason for all the preparations, civil changes and world restructuring. Would I believe me if I was someone who has never studied this,or been a part of this or seen certain things occur first hand? The ultimate, and most important, answer to all your question is this: Have you accepted Jesus Christ of Nazareth as your Lord and Savior? Repent and Believe that Jesus Loves you! Hope this helps, SealMan May 12, 2015





Many myths and traditions of ancient peoples and cultures are based on actual events: worldwide global catastrophes of a celestial origin, which had a profound effect on the lives, beliefs and writings of early mankind.



“Worlds in Collision is a book of wars in the celestial sphere that took place in historical times. In these wars the planet earth participated too. […] The historical-cosmological story of this book is based in the evidence of historical texts of many people around the globe, on classical literature, on epics of the northern races, on sacred books of the peoples of the Orient and Occident, on traditions and folklore of primitive peoples, on old astronomical inscriptions and charts, on archaeological finds, and also on geological and paleontological material.” – Worlds In Collision, Preface.


After reaching the number 1 spot in the best-sellers list, Velikovsky’s Worlds in Collision was banned from a number of academic institutions, and creating an unprecedented scientific debacle that became known as The Velikovsky Affair.

In 1956 Velikovsky wrote Earth in Upheaval to present conclusive geological evidence of terrestrial catastrophism.



“I have excluded from [these pages] all references to ancient literature, traditions, and folklore; and this I have done with intent, so that careless critics cannot decry the entire work as “tales and legends”. Stones and bones are the only witness.” – Earth in Upheaval, Preface.




So unexplainable is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a local “protostar” that
never got hot enough to become a star, a faraway galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming its first
stars or a galaxy so engulfed in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through.



“All I can tell you is that we don’t know what it is,” Dr. Gerry Neugebauer, IRAS chief scientist for California’s Jet
Propulsion Laboratory and director of the Palomar Observatory for the California Institute of Technology, said in
an interview.



The most intriguing justification of this mystery body, which is so cold it casts no light and has never been seen
by optical telescopes on Earth or in space, is that it is a huge gaseous planet as big as Jupiter and as close to
Earth as 50 billion miles. Even though that may appear like a fantastic range in earthbound terms, it is a stone’s throw in
cosmological terms, so near in fact that it would be the closest heavenly body to Earth beyond the outermost
planet Pluto.



“If it is really that close, it would be a part of our solar system,” said Dr. James Houck of Cornell University’s
Center for Radio Physics and Space Research and a member of the IRAS science team. “If it is that close, I don’t
know how the world’s planetary scientists would even begin to classify it.”



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