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Francis, Agenda 21 & Shocking Climate Change “Communist Manifesto”

Friday, June 19, 2015 9:25
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Francis, Agenda 21 & Shocking Climate Change “Communist Manifesto”

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A scientist who believes the world is overpopulated by 6 billion people has been appointed by Pope Francis to the Pontifical Academy of Science.

The Holy See Press office made the announcement today that besides being one of four official presenters of the Pope’s controversial encyclical on the environment Thursday in Vatican City, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber is to join 80 other scientists who are official advisers to the Vatican on scientific matters.

As Breitbart News reported last week, Schellnhuber said in a 2009 speech at the Copenhagen Climate Conference that global warming would devastate Earth’s population and “In a very cynical way, it’s a triumph for science because at last we have stabilized something — namely the estimates for the carrying capacity of the plantet, namely below 1 billion people.”


Schellnhuber is the inventor of something called the “two-degree target” that says governments must not allow global temperatures to rise more than 2 degrees than at the start of the industrial revolution. Any higher and there would be a global die-off.
Breitbart also reported that Schellnhuber proposes an Earth Constitution, Global Council and a Planetary Court to punish environmental wrongdoers.

Schellnhuber is considered to be one of the most “aggressive” scientific advocates for the theory of man-made global warming. That he is one of the main presenters of the new Papal document, and now has been given an official Vatican post by the Pope is a tip-off that the much-awaited and debated encyclical will give climate skeptics a dangerous fever.


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