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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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The Vultures Descend on Charleston

Saturday, June 20, 2015 9:22
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Tim Dunkin / Canada Free Press


Reject them on this. Don’t let the fomenters of hatred and the sowers of discord win.

A terrible crime occurred in Charleston, South Carolina on Wednesday night. 21 year old Dylann Roof, a drug-using white supremacist and repeated criminal offender, walked into a black church in the city during an evening Bible study, pulled out a gun, and killed nine members of the church. In this hideous act of terrorism, not just a community, but an entire nation was shaken to its core. Because of the actions of this disgusting little cretin, race relations in America have been severely damaged, and the fabric of the nation ripped apart even further. In a nation which has already had to deal with the scaremongering and false narratives surrounding Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and others that have been peddled by the radical Left and which have helped to rip America at the seams, the last thing we needed was yet more division and strife. So along comes a messed up white kid gunning down innocent black Christians in their own house of worship. It’s comforting, at least, to know that nobody out there would fall back on their baser, lizard-like instincts and try to exploit a horrible tragedy like this just to promote their petty political agenda.

Oh wait.

Sigh. The bodies were not even cold, and the vultures were already circling. And Pres__ent Obama, that vulture in human form, was chief among them.

It takes a special kind of sickness of the mind to purposefully exploit the assassination of nine human beings inside a church building so that you can push your agenda. Yet that’s what he did. A speech which could have been used to promote unity, to cool simmering tempers, and to mourn the loss of the dead was instead turned into a gun control circus chock full of simpering platitudes and inane, fact-free assertions about guns and gun ownership, such as the claim that other advanced countries (with gun bans) don’t have the kind of mass killings like we saw in Charleston. Except of coursethis claim is utterly and completely bogus. A lost opportunity. Yet, given that this President “never lets a crisis go to waste,” maybe he thinks that the opportunity was fully seized.

The Left finally got the “Great White Terrorist” that they’ve been waiting for. After waiting two decades, they finally got their “right-wing terrorist” who actually was a right-wing terrorist, as opposed to all the previous mass shooters, who turned out to be LEFT-wing terrorists of various types. The Left (e.g. the fruitcakes over at Daily Kos), are running with the theme that conservatives, and even America as a whole, refuse to call Dylann Roof a terrorist because he was white. Now, I’ve heard quite a number of conservatives refer to Roof as a terrorist. Stephen Crowder, who works with Fox News, calls him a terroristAce of Spades HQ, a prominent conservative blog, calls him a terrorist. I will flat out call him a terrorist myself. Happy now?

Though I have to admit, I’m still waiting for even a single left-winger to take the plunge and admit that Floyd Corkins (the guy who shot up the Family Research Council at the behest of the Southern Poverty Law Center and whose self-described motivation was “gay rights”) is a terrorist. Remember guys, consistency.

There are idiots out there claiming that “Fox News caused the shooting.” Shadowy conspiracies abound that “the NRA blames the shooting on the church’s pastor.” Some of the human detritus on the Left are even blaming Nikki Haley, the state’s governor, for the shooting.

Really? Really guys? Can’t these people give it a rest for even one hour? Do they HAVE to be complete and utter pond scum all the time?

And just when you thought things were as bad as they could get, we find out that Al Sharpton is now going to be injecting himself into the mix. Because if there’s one thing this already racially-charged and highly-volatile situation needs, it’s a little “Reverend” Al.

Read more at CFP:

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