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A call for action, All embassies and every country has ignored me

Monday, July 6, 2015 12:22
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I have been pursuing to build a hybrid plant in Ecuador, since 2004. However, it was not until a few days ago (July 2, 2015) that I had a vision. In such vision I saw the following:

  1. The solar pyramids that I have wanted to build had to be built with quartz, because they can create a precise signal for frequencies, oscillation, magnetic forces and particle beams. It has to be build according to this design presented here.
  2. All energies of the world must be part of such structures, those must be: Fire, Water, Earth and wind (solar power) must be involved. It is in fact the only place where that can happen is where I had chosen, right in the “Chachimbiro” volcano. Is under ley lines, it is also close to the equator and in the only place where an electromagnetic field can be created. It is the closest to the ionosphere, it can spread the electromagnetic field to be created equally to the entire earth. By being so close to the center of the earth could then restore the magnetic field, the magnetosphere and the ionosphere to protect the planet.
  3. It will be able to operate as a “electric generator” that could transmit electricity through the air, but at the same time it will be able to shoot incoming meteors through the particle beams created for that purpose at the angles of the pyramids.
  4. The Crystals at the center could create such power that can be transmitted wirelessly, but it is key to do it if we want to have vehicles that can operate in an efficient manner without combustible engines. The disruption of oil fields may destroy hundreds by earthquakes, tectonic movements, pipelines destroyed, tsunamis. Etc. so the only way to reestablish some sense of order immediately is to have “electric power such as tesla had proposed. The principles to be applied should come from Tesla himself. Governments must collaborate with each other.
  5. The entire project can be financed, please read below. To be able to purchase the land as soon as possible and to finance everything I only need the commitment of each nation on the planet. They can sell my “books” they must adopt such proposals to create a better economy in the world. Two million copies of each book, a total of four million books, if you sell it at the suggested price of $9 and $6 dollars, that will be $30 million dollars, if you keep half and make a profit actually. I shall take half (50% for royalties, that is $15 million. That will be to build these pyramids in Ecuador. If each nation releases the books in their country, those is Spanish and English are ready, those in other languages have to be translated. Such as Chinese and Russian and other languages, nevertheless I need your help and assistance. We must move as fast as we can. There is not enough time.
  6. We need the support of every Latin nation to build the Regional plan, they should operate with Hydrogen trains and hydrogen ships. They are needed to carry all the quartz needed to build the pyramids. The regional plan can be accessed in this address ( ) Spanish version, English Version

  1. I have twenty inventions and I will put them all for the benefit of humanity in my company. They include a new brick system, an electric car, a temporary housing system and others.
  2. My own company will operate the plant with obvious adjustments, just as I have proposed in my plan
  3. We have only ninety days to start building, I am asking that all scientist and all contributions start working in the fastest possible way. I am asking for all your support.  
  4. I am at your service. Any help and assistance is welcome.
  5. All countries that do have Pyramids, such as Mexico, Egypt, China, Russia, Peru, Ecuador, Ucrania, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador. Must clean their pyramids and apply this science so we can save the earth. They must be covered with quartz to absorb negative energies that are affecting the planet, that will help stabilize the magnetic fields coming from Planet X
  6. All scientist can help and contribute and assist. Housing assistance, hotel building and University cooperation will be arranged.


Companies that can assist and support now, will be thanked by providing contact and purchases later. Such as the purchases that we will need building the pyramids. Should you want to assist please do so. My original business plan is the following:

To start immediately I have listed the immediate needs we have: We need to move as fast as we can because time is short. I need two Fords 150. I have asked Ford company to assist. We need thirty playstations to work as supercomputers in groups of ten. To track down the meteors, and Nibiru.

Then we need the following:

Scientist in every country must track down Nibiru. The following two pictures must provide the approximate coordinates:

We need five geothermal drilling machines. (water drilling rigs) two for each site and one back up) better if they are all terrain.

We need a unique stone cutter which will be capable of building new and unique “quartz” stones, to be cut in precise, laser or plasma cutting to be able to create specific frequencies, oscillation and signals in the construction of the pyramids.

A satellite study with ground penetrating radar that will map out exactly the Chachimbiro volcano. Other three regions that can be supplied upon request.

Archimedean plants to be able to create more electric energy until we finish building the plant.

Biodiesel plants to be built along the regional plant to be able to have diesel in the best possible price with clean production. The building of the plant will require a lot of heavy machinery that use a lot of diesel which is scares in Ecuador.

Geothermal plant that could function next to the solar plant.

The explanation as to why the pyramids need to be build: Scientist will understand. I will be happy to send you the information, Please contact me at [email protected] or visit my blog and you will see the information

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