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By, Ashley Jones The Pete Santilli Show
Report: Mega-Quake Would Destroy Big Portion Of Pacific Northwest – First Warning – Shepard Smith Reporting
The New Yorker quotes a FEMA official: Everything west of Interstate 5 Is toast, everything west of Interstate 5 is gone!
Seismologists: Earthquake Unleash Colossal Tsunami
Report: First Sign Of Mega-Quake Will Be “Cacophony Of Barking Dogs”
Thousands of dogs will bark an alert, before the ground liquefies In one location & a wall of water up to 100 feet high will wash over the land – Its coming, It is a certainty!, The question is when?
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Another BS story for the worst news sight on the internet. Its a shame that people post garbage like this. There is a great deal of unreported legitimate news.
How do you breathe with your head buried so deep in the sand?
Compete BS!
You don’t understand. The national guard is drilling for it. There are long period slips every 2-3 days.
I have been watching the seismographs for a couple of years. I have been scouring the nets for information.
Realize also there are 35 major dams in Washington state that will be effected when this event takes place.
They claim that the dams can withstand the shaking. But the models are only up to 30 seconds that I have found. The quake may last 5-6 minutes.
Are you familiar with the Mima mounds? A quake like this is what liquified the ground and created them.
It’s not a joke.
This is the local seismograph at the time I am posting this.
Listen to this man: Farmer X is speaking the facts. What dam of those 35 just in Washington State alone (never mind the Hoover Dam and others all the way across is a fault line, on the 33rd degree reaching the New Madrid)
anyway… I see it coming too, and none can stop it. Cool.
How can you say what u just said Jdelec We have Top Physcicists saying its immenant, we have F E M A saying the same thing, and all the signs are their that their is a great amount of underground (Upwelling ), going on all around the world. honestlly Jdelec you are either too young too realize Reality, or you are a paid shrill!! I am a former Sailer for the U.S.N. and one day my friend and i were walking too our favorite pizza parlor in San-Diego CA. As we walked along we started hearing dogs houling and barking like crazy. Then as we continued we n oticed Cats acting freaky. They would run up a tree, hiss, meow as if in pain, then run back down the tree and run away! I was like what the ^%** !! My friend who was from the Upper California area said , oh #$^(!!! , were gonna have a quake, to which i said OO lol jokingly. Sure enough as i was sleeping off a hangover the next morning a decently sized earthquake happened, It was a 5.6 i believe. I wa son board the ship so i didnt feel it of course being inthe water, but it sure messed up things all around!! The point is this as i write this late tonight their is pretty danged big quakes going off all around!!, so unless your a Geologist Jdelec please stop NOT ALLOWING people too get the point. THIS is a case where people NEED too get nervous, and have emergency plans in action cause IT WILL HAPPEN!! Google the mega quake 1980s San Francisco!!
Trashman you will live to age 103.
MAn, he’s just repeating what the “Legitimate news networks” ALREADY aired the day before..
News sight?
This is a tabloid news site. Are you one of those people that picks up a supermarket tabloid and looks at batboy and says out loud ‘how can anyone believe this? ‘ Is your life so pathetic that you need to try and feel superior to people by pointing out that entertainment isn’t real? Did you watch transformers and utter the phrase ‘Pfffft. Alien robots. This isn’t real’ in a pathetic display, before going home to nod along in agreement with Rachel Maddow?
Just keep your autism to yourself.
What Oh what would I do without BIN fear porn?!?!?!
If someone believed half of the shit on this site, I’m afraid they’d be apoplectic while simultaneously frozen in fear!
This is one of the very few things on BIN I believe is possible to happen. Even more possible than comet Ison being flown by lizard aliens and coming back to the earth.
it is 100% fear porn i mean look at the video pic as that wave looks like a 1000 foot wave when on the news they say it will be around 100 foot IF it did happon ……………….
It’s funny all these so called disasters will hit the USA like it’s the only country in the world. Megalomania much?
I think people had to get reconciled with god.
Nobody knows exactly what the future will bring us.
If your are catholic christian and you do not go to church anymore, please ready this book:
Confession: A Little Book for the Reluctant
I catholic and I don’t go to church. God ONLY knows my worth and I’m sure to get a positive mark when my hour comes.
You guys should show more respect to this transgendered writer. Sometimes you can hear him on the pete santilli show, Ashley has a very beautiful baritone voice. But dont ever disagree with what they say on the chatroom or you get banned and end up just thumbs downing every video they put out, without ever watching another one.
Huge distraction…..
With all the false flag operations worldwide by a scrupulous cabal I can not be other than very sceptic. If scientists are so sure even indicating the strength then it means they use a nuclear bomb to generate the Tsunami. As they likely have done to Fukushima. And 9/11. This world (or at least a small powerful elite) is beyond sick.
No Bomb Needed, They use/used haarp.
FOX has been announcing this as well. I saw Shep Smith going on about it for 10 minutes or so.
It’s very obvious our corrupt government is trying to chase everyone out of the west coast. All the chemtrail “droughts” in CA and now this. They bankrupted us is this their next plan to give our land away? We already know what harry reid was up to with the Chinese.
Fear Porn
Conspiracy theorist information used to generate sexual excitement in Red necks, religious extremists and dudes that live in their mom’s basement.
Agenda 21 needs to remove all people from the west. Fear is their tool.
You mean “relocate” all people from the west.. Agenda 21 needs to “remove” all people from *Washington DC* Fear is THEIR tool…
It’s not a matter of if it’s going to occur, but when its going to occur. The odds right now are a 1 in 3 chance in the next fifty years, and from a geological point of view those are some really good odds. Plus you have to factor in the all of the quakes that have been happening along the “Ring of Fire”. We had the huge Indonesian quake in 2004 that created a massive tsunami killing 200-300 thousand people and began the break up of a tectonic plate between Indonesia and Australia. In 2011 we had the Massive 9.0 in Japan, and since then we have had large quakes all around the “Ring of Fore” except for the West Coast of the United States. So you are having stress relieved along the entire Pacific Plate except for that one section from British Columbia to Southern California. In my mind that makes the odds of a quake even higher than a mere 33.3%.
And given the drought conditions in Southern California the water table is so low the ground is collapsing. There have been whole subdivisions that been destroyed due to the ground collapsing. You are even starting to see signs of it along the aqueducts that supply the water to Los Angles and San Francisco. So now imagine all of these dry underground aquifers being hit by a major quake, with no water to help support the land above them they would collapse in upon themselves. So unless your structures are built on bedrock you could be in for a hell of a time.
I pray for it, every time I go on Craigslist.
The WORST thing happened to America is already here.
A racist and illegal sodomite negro YOU CHOSE to be an imposter for you. LOOK, Drudge Retort has already said the worthless negro has compiled a secret RACE DATABASE down to your mortgage, credit and even school records based on race!
No doubt to FORCE you to become ONE RACE like in Noah’s time. Disaster is coming America!
Did they not say sometime in the next 240 years? I believe something is going to happen but this report said 240 years
The only way you will get a wave like the phony’s in the pictures is with a meteor strike, a big meteor strike. The most you’ll get is what Japan got 2 years ago.
Anywhere a tsunami (like Fukushima or Thailand) & or and an earthquake is man-made! Fact.
There is strong evidence the mega-quake will hit Honsu in
I am not prophesying but I focus heavily on prophetic analysis. I am finding strong evidence to expect the following before the end of September. If you have family or loved ones in Seattle, Portland, Tokyo, Vancouver, Vancouver Island, the coastline of California, Hawaii, please consider vacating to high ground now. All of them very possibly will be wiped out before the end of September 2015. Study each link and connect the dots – the warnings were always there but very very few spent the time to connect them all.
A woman was shown that she would leave Portland, Oregon sometime during September, 2015 and before she could return there would be no Portland, or Eugene to return to.
“On May 13, God revealed to me that something was going to happen in September that would cause my family to move out of the country. I was in the middle of reading Jonathan Cahn’s “The Harbingers” book at the time. I was not aware of the coming judgement on America before reading that book, and, at the time of reading it, I was not convinced that something was really going to happen in September. I was quite startled with the revelation, and I wanted to know what could possibly happen that would cause us to move to another country. This morning God revealed to me that we will take a trip overseas in September and, before the time comes for our return trip home, there will be no more Portland to fly back home to. Eugene will also be gone, and we will not return to America. Since we do not currently have an overseas vacation trip planned, it seems obvious that the trip will be either work related or a family emergency. (My husband is German and works with German companies in his job and has family in Germany). –”
There has been many warnings to vacate the coast for several years, however this is the first time that a specific window of timing is evident.
Go to the 3hr, 15 min mark of the following warnings to Portland, Oregon given by Matthew Stephen and Stephen L Bening in 2013 :
There warning did not have a timeframe – they did however share that the tsunami to hit Portland Oregon would be approximately 70-90 feet.
Detailed visions of this super tsunami taking out Vancouver Island, Vancouver are covered at It must be noted that Seattle, Portland, Hawaii, Eugene, will also be completely wiped out.
Other warnings from Terry Bennett.
It must be noted the warning triggers are in detail in the above link study the document over and over. – a 7.4 strikes Vancouver Island with a small 5 foot tsunami shortly after a second 7.0 strikes in the region. Approximately 7-10 days after this everything in the coast is WIPED OUT.
It must also be noted that a mega-quake hits Japan approximately three weeks prior to this tsunami / earthquake – and this shortly triggers a volcanic eruption from Mount Fuji that kills six million people from the steam / pyroclastic explosion. I suspect this event will be approximately mid-August or later August 2015.
I suspect the super earthquake / tsunami to occur at any time in September 2015, with special significance on September 12, 2015.
The NIKKEI will be shuttered after the Japan quake, and US banking will be halted for 3-6 months in the result of their following events.. It’s result will cause riots and looting and pillaging that will require the entire US military to control. Please prepare accordingly.
Allnewspipeline is much worst with Duckloco there now. She’s the queen of fear porn.
Remember this one that was predicted?
I waited and waited….nothing.
Remember this one?
Ya, there are hundreds of these predictions if you search for them here. All fake, so is yours. Gay
There is ONLY ONE WAY, and that is through Jesus/ Yashaya. Please accept Christ into your heart and repent of your sins. Admit that you are a sinner and do everything you have within yourself to turn away from those sins. Jesus/Yashaya will not let you go once you give yourself to him. He sacrificed himself for ALL of us. Of course its not always easy. Ephesians 6:12 ” For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. Accecpt the way of the light, grow your faith in Christ, stand in your faith. These are the last days and WE MUST FIGHT FOR OUR SOULS! Love you ALL! GOD bless and may he have favor with us all!
Please check this out, about July 22 today, but July 23 see Jango and 0 Sum’s comments on that Sirius rising observance began in ancient Egypt on July 23
now they say it starts in August
But the date may still retain something of the nature of the entity being feted, all that energy. There is something definitely ‘up’ lately, and today the 22nd.
Also it parallels the solstice in winter, usually Dec 21, and three days later, 22, 23, 24, the last being ‘Mother Night’, the 24th, then Yule Day, Child birth day, the morning sun is ‘reborn’ as a baby – Satan incarnate never to die, the evergreen tree child, the emancipator and deliverer of men from the bondage of yore! yeah, right! It’s always been bondage in this system of Godworship on earth!
6 months from now, the rising of Sirius on July 23 in Egypt anciently (an aspect of SAtan) brings us to Dec 23 and 24, both Satanic sacrifice days btw
It is real news: