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Mother’s Mini-Message # 16 – Earth Takes Her Place As the Heart of the Multiverse

Friday, July 17, 2015 23:07
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Mother’s Mini-Message # 16 – Earth Takes Her Place As the Heart of the Multiverse

Indian in the machine:  While this update is not verifiable at this point… that does not mean that is not true… I have heard over the years that earth is becoming the centre of the multiverse… Why are we so special?  Well, for starters we have defeated the Archon Alliance… and their minions… our ascension from the third dimension to fifth dimension has never happened before in the manner we are now doing it… so the multiverse holds us in the highest esteem for accomplishing what was thought of as basically impossible… still, we are doing it… read on… 

Mother’s Mini-Message # 16

Earth Takes Her Place As the Heart of the Multiverse

I have a small message for you today.  I will put it in as few words as I possibly can, because it is such an important concept that I must not over-explain it.  As Father said earlier today, it is a bit like trying to explain what the oceans are by showing you a teacup full of water, but this is the way we must introduce information – a little at a time, building knowledge and understanding as you absorb the basics, then we go on to greater complexity day by day.
Looking back over the landscape of time and space, we see our beloved humankind developing slowly at first, over the first million years or so, then taking on the programming and struggles of dealing with the Annunaki, the Reptilians, the Greys, the Draconians, and other dark races who came to enslave our human children.  Now, as you come through the final chapter, untangling yourselves from the thousands of years of mind-control, we want you, our beloved front-line Lightworkers, to have a glimpse of the cosmic adventure you and your dear Terra have begun.

You are now in the interesting and rather disorienting phase during which the old and the new are overlapping in wondrous and surprising ways.  I will tell you a bit of the cosmic news.  Some of you have heard about the fact that Earth is moving through your Milky Way Galaxy, changing position in relation to the other stars and planets.  

You are puzzled because your scientists seem to notice nothing of the kind, but I assure you, dear Children, it is true.  Your planet is moving at great speed toward the center of your galaxy, and your galaxy is also moving at top speed toward the center of your Universe.  Because of your rise in consciousness, your growing wisdom and spiritual strength, your planet, Terra, shall become not just the center of your Universe, but she shall be the shining jewel which is to become the Heart Chakra of the Multiverse.

Now, I will explain a bit.  We have created a holographic screen for your scientists, whom we have wished to protect from further ridicule and attack on the part of the cabal, until the work of sending them all to the Light is done.  It is a simple technological strategy we devised to prevent undue concern on the part of the worriers and doomsday folks who are fond of predicting deadly comet collisions and so on.  I can assure you noting of the kind will happen as our precious Terra moves through space to take up her final position as the spiritual and intellectual center and heartbeat of the Multiverse.

Terra carries within her body the precious library of Porthologos, the Inner earth depository which holds the history of all the Universes as well as the Akashic records of all our beloved children, of all races, all planetary origins.  It is a treasure trove of knowledge that will be available to all.  Trans-galactic and inter-Universe portals will provide access for citizens of all the Multiverse to come for study and experience the rich diversity that will be found in the New Garden of Eden on Planet Earth.

So, take up your cloaks of wisdom, beloved Children, and prepared yourselves to be the brilliant and welcoming hosts to all the Multiverse.  You will soon become what you call “the life of the party.”  There will be a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips, which you will soon be introduced to by your Mentors and Guides.  It will be a celebration that never ends, on a planet of joy, harmony, great intellectual pursuits and technological advances.

Welcome, my beloved Ones, to the New Golden Age.  Prepare yourselves to be the shepherds who will lead the flocks that come from far and wide.  We are here to help you in every way to gain the spiritual, emotional, physical and intellectual knowledge you will need for your coming role as the great Heart Center of the Universe.

I AM your Mother, together with your Father, in joy and anticipation of your glorious new beginning.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, June 23, 2015

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