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Obama Makes Disturbing Statement About Children

Sunday, July 19, 2015 20:59
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(Before It's News)

 Thursday, July 16th, 2015  Americans all across the country, and of a variety of political persuasions, were absolutely horrified when an undercover video was released showing a senior Planned Parenthood official casually talking about selling aborted baby parts.

While this disgusting revelation no doubt had some fence-sitters rethinking their stance on abortion, the dedicated progressives who worship at the altar of dead babies have been busy defending Planned Parenthood’s indefensible actions.

‘President’ Barack Obama, seemingly oblivious to the nauseating travesty that had been revealed, posted a message to Twitter regarding opportunity for children.

Obama tweet children

Obama’s tweet read, “We recognize that every child deserves opportunity. Not just some. Not just our own.” (H/T WZ)

Presumably Obama wasn’t referencing the ghoulish activities taking place at Planned Parenthood, an organization he wholly supports.  Rather, he was most likely referring to his unconstitutional executive actions granting amnesty to illegal immigrants, which have also come under increasing fire recently.

Sadly, while Obama is demanding our nation provide opportunity for children who have entered the country illegally, he has made no such demands for the stolen opportunities of unborn children.

Lest we forget, Obama once asked God to “bless” Planned Parenthood, setting them on high as an organization favored by his administration and insinuating that they are doing good work.

It is time for Congress to act swiftly to completely deprive the baby killers at Planned Parenthood of all taxpayer funds, forcing them to conduct their evil work on their own without government support.

Hopefully, our nation will soon be blessed with a pro-life president who will work to limit abortions to an explicitly specific few circumstances and time frames, at the very least.

NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News


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Total 11 comments
  • obamy is disturbing! The FALSE president is obamanation against truth and god.

  • NM156

    What we have come to expect from this POS sodomite. What surprises me is the amount of supporters he has. When these policies start affecting the people who voted for him, they’ll spin it and blame bush ( Oh so tired ) I think people who voted for him are anti-American and anti-Christian. Never enough for the liberals to get their way……They want those who hate or disapprove their god and savoir Oblahma dead with no rights for their children either. Liberals and tglc ARE THE MOST INTOLERANT HATE FILLED PEOPLE ON THE PLANET…..But you do not scare me at all……I’m waiting and you know it.

  • They are not my children, they are not your children, they are their parents children and they are the ones who should be responsible for them. Period. Send them all back with an invoice attacked to their sleeves.

    • See, humans are nothing but cattle, like cows, sheep, pigs… And people think that humans are NOT A FOOD SOURCE? Well, we all are… Soylent Green movie come to mind from the 70s where people are food…

  • CrissCross

    How Public Schools Dumb Down Society! :cool:

    …interesting read, though this has nothing to do with Obama. :wink:

    • I don’t agree… He as everyone knows that has been going on in our society for 60+ years… Only those religious fruitcakes (who follow anyone who speaks a bible verse, and were blinded and following Satan, not Jesus as they think) are blinded and believe humans would never do any harm to any other human… They are why the world is what it is today, and yes, B0 and anyone with 1/2 a brain knows and have been supporting this for decades…

  • :!: :arrow: :arrow: REMEMBER FOLKS, these Children and humans DNA are in all of your “Artificial Flavoring” and GMO food! Like McDonalds, coca cola, candy, and everything you eat that has “Artifical Flavoring”. Doesn’t that make you want to run out McDonalds and grab a humanburger (made of human parts and human DNA)…? Maybe now, the truth will come out to the masses…

  • The puppet master is really using this Obamination! New World Order will be instituted very soon.. End of days is here.. Trust in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior before it’s too late; none of us are promised tomorrow trust in Jesus, and ask him into your heart by repenting of your sin and accepting Jesus as your personal Savior. He will forgive you..

  • The direction the country has taken over the last 6 1/2 years. I would not rule out the possibility that there may not be another election.

  • They LOVE MASS Murdering Babies to honor Baal’s demand for innocent blood.

  • Ohomo is a negro mutt. That’s all.

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