Obama’s NWO Policy In Ukraine
Against Russia
Is ‘Bankrupt’:
Geopolitical Analyst
Barry Soetoro, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden. Blood For Oil In Ukraine
PressTV – The interventionist policy of the United States in Ukraine is “bankrupt” and has failed to accomplish Washington’s objectives against Russia, an independent geopolitical analyst in New York City says.
“The truth is the United States has simply lost in Ukraine, their policy is a bankrupt policy, one that has not achieved any of the substantive goals that they set out for themselves,” said Eric Draitser, the founder of Stopimperialism.com.
“The only process that’s having any effect at all in Ukraine, and the only one that can
lead to any substantive agreement or resolution to this conflict is a negotiated settlement process,” Draitser said during a phone interview with Press TV on Saturday.
Generalized Joseph Dunford
He rejected recent comments by US General Joseph Dunford, the nominee to become chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who told Congress that Russia poses the greatest security threat to the United States.
Dunford told the US Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday that Moscow poses
a larger threat than the ISIL terrorist group and it is reasonable to send Ukraine heavy weapons to defend against Russian “aggression.”
“My assessment today… is that Russia presents the greatest threat to our national security,” said Dunford [Puppet Of The NWO & Traitor To The U.S.], who is the current Commander of the US Marine Corps.
The US general’s warning about the Russian threat was “pure logomachy because neither the Russian government nor the Russian military is really interested in getting into a military conflict with the United States,” Draitser said.
“He (Dunford) wants to use the idea of Russia as a military power in order to justify escalating the conflict by sending heavy weapons to the so-called Ukrainian government,” the geopolitical analyst said.
US military officials “have no concept of diplomacy, have no concept of political calculation, and certainly of course by profession, have no interest in peace,” he added.
“From the perspective of the Joint Chiefs, his role is simply to justify continued NATO expansion, continued US military saber rattling and military aggression,” Draitser noted.
Duke Rusov Militia — Sviatoslav Brave kind of Rurik
On this day 3 July 964 AD, now and forever, we — Russia, will celebrate the Day of Victory over the Jewish Khazars. Who are now better known as secular zionists.
This victory made it possible for the physical survival of the Russian people.
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