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TND Guest Contributor: Paul Craig Roberts |
Yesterday’s demonstration in favor of ‘No’ in Syntagma Square of Athens had gigantic proportions and great fighting spirit.
Instead, the rally of supporters of ‘Yes’ was enormously smaller without breath and passion.
Of course, with the exception of state television, all TV channels mainly or exclusively showed the second (Yes), saying that it is a big demonstration, exhausting every possibility to conceal and distort reality.
A climate of hysteria and terror has been cultivated by all private media (the public ones consist an exception) , which present the ‘No’ vote as an emerging Armageddon. The same media produce a permanent stream of lies and distorted or even more nonexisted statements that nobody in reality manages to confirm or deny.
Former prime ministers, senior military officers not on duty, the archbishop of the Greek Church, have come out in favor of ‘Yes’, saying the ‘No’ vote threatens Greece’s position in Europe and the national security of the country.
The political discourse of SYRIZA remains at a level far beyond what is required by the situation and its practical mobilization is very weak. But there is a deep popular wave of peaceful revolt against the Mighty which is struggling against the fear and insecurity current.
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About Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. His latest book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West is now available. His latest e-book, How the Economy was Lost, is available at Counter Punch. Click here and scroll down to order. Dr. Roberts discusses this book in an article published at; click here to read the article. To support The Institute For Political Economy, a non-profit organization that supports research, writing and books and Dr. Roberts’ continued effort to educate and inform, click here to donate.
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