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Shemitah Exposed – Jubilee Cycle Predicts Crash in September, October!

Friday, July 17, 2015 15:28
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(Before It's News)

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Watch Jeff Berwick on this video and contact me at [email protected] with your thoughts!

Shemitah Exposed!

Jeff Berwick is somebody that everybody should know about.  He’s done a lot of research on financial cycles especially how they relate to the Shemitah or sabbath year mandated by the Torah.  This is supposed to be a year in which old debts and grudges are washed away. 

Every 7 years there seems to be some type of a financial shock to the system.  This was the time when old debts are supposed to be forgiven but our world is run by satanic bankers and they don’t forgive or forget!   We had a massive shock in September 2001 when the false flag attack on September 2001 was orchestrated.  The Dow lost almost 700 points on September 17th when the market opened.  This record held until Sept 29th 2008 the exact final day of the Schemitah cycle!  The Dow dived 770 points, the biggest drop in history!  To top it off, it was the ONLY day in history when the bell would not ring on the stock exchange!

But it gets even more freaky.  There is a 7th 7 year period or 49 year Super Shemitah cycle and this is called the Jubilee year.  This is when God gives back land taken away from their ancestors to them.  In this last Jubilee, Israel won the 7th day war in 1967!  In the Jubilee before that one in 1918, the British empire took back Jerusalem from the Turkish Ottoman empire!  Each Jubilee seems to involve Israel.

The next Shemita starts September 14th and runs into October so I sure wouldn’t want to be in the stock market during this time period!  October has always been when crashes seem to happen also and with Greece and all the other warning signs, I think the chances of a big crash are pretty high.  I sure wouldn’t want to bet against this history.  Watch the video and you’ll see some very strange quotes about the number “7″ by IMF head, Christine Laguarde!   You need to hear her quote at the 20 minute mark in the video above!

It seems something is being planned for this fall around Sept 14th – the beginning of the Schemitah.  Events could hapeen also later in October happened with prior stock market crashes. 

Other Shemitah years

1917 – Year US entered into World War 1

1931 – market dropped 50% during the Shemitah!

1937-38 – another 50% drop of the Market during the Shemitah

1973 – Bretton Woods worldwide financial collapse

1980 – End of massive 70s inflationary times

1987 – Black Monday – biggest percentage drop in history during the Shemitah

1994 – Bond market massacre

This Shemitah thing is something to think about, that’s for sure!   I’m actually happy I’ve moved some money outside the US in the new MAPs system created by a veteran I talk about at    While nothing is guaranteed, I just don’t trust the stock market going into the Shemitah!  Do you?

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