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By American Kabuki
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Sphere Alliance Message #15 In the Energy of Love and Joy, You Make the Best Decisions

Sunday, July 12, 2015 10:58
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Musings On The Finite Statist Machine


As received by Denise

This one was very interesting!  I am not sure if the math abstract is even relevant, but I included it because it showed me a different perspective of these three words. . .even though it is very complex, I still now at this moment, feel their humor at my reference to Dr. Seuss.  I guess my filters are showing!

12 July 2015

Had a short thought exchange early this morning about “Choices” and the future and why stay in Joy. 
There was a quick reply of something like: we deal with possibilities, probabilities, and eventualities. 

It felt like a Dr. Seuss reply to me – in a good way – I didn’t realize these were actual terms –I am not a math guru or quantum physicist – yet :)

I did a little google of those three words and got this very interesting Mathematical abstract, which I do not understand.

So  I asked them to help me understand, after I cleared my space and declared that only absolute pure unconditional love and truth are welcome here.

We laugh with you for you caught our humor and yet knew there was so much more depth behind our statement.  Yes it has a ring to it, does it not?  

To simplify for even your youngest student, we say this: one makes a choice, a decision.

Say whether or not to go to the store to buy milk.

Go to the store is one choice, the energy of which that experience will be so much different from the decision not to go to the store.

Looking at all the possibilities, one possibility is you don’t go, you have run out of milk and now cannot eat cereal as you wanted.  

Of course you could eat it dry – we see you laughing – but that was not your original choice – you wanted cereal in milk.  

So now you have another series of choices – go to the store to buy the milk, the experience will be much different than had you gone at the time of the first choice point.

You will be in different traffic, you will encounter different people.  

You will even have to choose a different gallon of milk because the one you would have chosen earlier is now gone.  

This new milk is from a different cow and contains different DNA… you are still smiling!

Yes, because I couldn’t make this one up if I tried!

OK, so now you know why we stressed to you yesterday and today that every choice that you make is going to have an impact on the outcome of what comes next!  

Go within.  

You choose the outcome of this experience by your every thought, word, and action.  

You and we say each of you are creating the possibilities, probabilities, and eventualities of this very experience.  

By staying in JOY and LOVE, your choices WILL RESOUND WITH THOSE ENERGIES.  

In a frequency OTHER than JOY and LOVE, your choices will be very different.


I do :)

With love and joy and so much humor, we say to you, good day and with that we end this transmission. 


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