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The Homosexual Movement Is The Most Hateful And Most Vile Group In All Of The Western World

Tuesday, July 7, 2015 11:58
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(Before It's News)

By Theodore Shoebat

Sodomite activist, no different than Nazis

Sodomite activist, no different than Nazis

The homosexual movement is the most hateful and most vile group in all of the Western world. The sodomites are supremacists; they believe that they have the superior lifestyle, a disposition and constitution more superior than the “others,” who they consider as inferior breeders. This is the ideology of sodomism.

Sodomism is the ideology of homosexual superiority, in which the homosexuals desire to usher in — through propaganda, violence and state coercion — a utopia in which homosexuality is seen as a supreme ideal, and those who believe in the conjugal union as is affirmed and established by the Christian Faith, are viewed and treated as enemies.

Many empires have advanced sodomism, with each attaching it to a particular religion. The Roman Empire advanced sodomism as it was associated with their own religion; the Seleucids advanced sodomism as it was associated with their hybrid religion of Syrian and Greek mythologies; the Greeks did the same, as did the Samurai and the Muslims.

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St Paul was a witness to this supremacist way of thinking. He described the homosexuals as “proud, boasters,” (Romans 1:30) and as “leaving the natural use of the woman” (Romans 1:26). They are proud because they reject the woman, and this can only be described as someone esteeming himself as superior because of his homosexuality. While the modernist heretics of today want to accuse us of sexism, they praise the greatest form of sexism, and that is homosexuality, where gender is seen as insignificant, the role of the woman is seen as nothing, and where a child having the chance to be raised by a woman, is viewed as frivolous, and any objection to this is viewed as dangerous.

Its quite interesting that the Bible describes the sodomites as proud, and today they flood the streets and call their assemblies a “pride rally.” They are proud of their sodomism, and lift their heads above humanity. We see this in the story of Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah. The homosexuals surround the house and cry out, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may know them carnally.” (Genesis 19:5) They immediately wanted men, seeing the conjugal union as inferior.

This dark sentiment fully manifested itself once Lot cowardly offered his daughters to satisfy their violent lusts, and they said: “Stand back!” (Genesis 19:9) They wanted nothing to do with women, because at that point, they had totally plunged themselves into the prison of the demonic and fled away from the higher humanity; but not only this, it was because they saw the woman as inferior, and homosexual sodomy as superior.

There is no other reason as to why the sodomites wanted to abolish marriage between a man and a woman, than that they view the conjugal union as inferior to their sexual anarchy. They see sexual anarchy as superior to orthodox monogamy, and this is why they demanded the redefining of marriage. It was purely a supremacist push.

The problem is that the Christians of the West kept insisting that they “loved” sodomites, and that sodomites needed to be treated as equals. Instead, what we should have been doing from the beginning, and what we should continue to do, is declare the Christian Faith as superior to the diabolical ideology of sodomism; we should always be exclaiming the Christian religion to be supreme, as opposed to continuously apologizing and pre-qualifying our affirmations against the homosexuals. We should not be referring to modern thinking, but to St. Peter when he described the homosexuals as “natural brute beasts made to be caught and destroyed” (2 Peter 2:12).

The modernly minded Christian will say, “All homosexuals are made in the image of God,” but St. Peter compares them to animals, and we can refer to Christ Who said: “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine” (Matthew 7:6). Christ calls them animals, because they have lost that image of God that was infused into humanity when God created Adam and Eve. The demons possessed two men, and when they saw Christ, the men were ready to be liberated from the bondage of darkness. The demons begged to be cast into pigs, because through Christ man is an icon of God, and no demon can possess him unless he has reduced himself to the prison of Satan.

We should be referring to St. Paul who referred to homosexuals as “deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.” (Romans 1:32) St. Peter tells us that when Lot lived in Sodom he “was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked (for that righteous man, dwelling among them, tormented his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds)” (2 Peter 2:7-8). His very soul was oppressed by the homosexual darkness. So are we not oppressed? Why don’t we sense the hand of the deranged tyrant, why don’t we revolt against the tyranny of confusion and anarchy that is being imposed upon us?

The problem is that many people, while expressing disagreement to homosexual “marriage,” are attached to the sodomites. They have “gay friends,” or they have “relatives who are gay,” and they are attached to them because of their likeableness. They do not adhere to the command of Christ: “Remember Lot’s wife.” (Luke 17:32) Lot wanted to flee Sodom, he hated it, but his wife, on the other hand, had an attachment to the wicked city, and so she “looked back behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.” (Genesis 19:26) The next time you hear someone say, “Christ never mentioned homosexuality,” you can quote Christ when He said: “Remember Lot’s wife.” (Luke 17:32)

People are confused as to why “gay marriage” has had so much success in the US when the majority of Americans oppose it. You can complain at the government all you want, the ultimate reason as to why “gay marriage” succeeded, is because many of these same Americans who oppose “gay marriage” do not want to remember Lot’s wife. They are attached. They are attached to their “gay friends,” they are attached to their favorite gay characters on their favorite TV shows, they are attached to Sodom. The ultimate cause for same-sex marriage’s success is because the West is filled with Lot’s wives.

Lot's wife turns around to see Sodom and Gomorrah

Lot’s wife turns around to see Sodom and Gomorrah

The homosexual movement cloaks itself as a gentle and tender group, with gay men portraying themselves as caring, sensitive to your emotions, and concerned for your hurt feelings. This is far from the truth. Underneath all of the smiles, is an offense against the good, and while they present themselves as outgoing and fun-loving, within them is a declaration of war against Heaven itself. What most do not know, is that the common image of the “fun loving gay man,” was a propaganda tool that the sodomites made up as a way to help portray themselves as harmless in order to desensitize the society to sodomism.

Terrorist sodomites threaten to kill their enemies, who they term as

Terrorist sodomites threaten to kill their enemies, who they term as “fascists.”

In 1987, an article entitled, The Overhauling of Straight America, by two sodomites — Marshall Kirk and Erastes Pill — was published. In the article lied the strategy to conquer America with sodomism. One of the strategies was called, “PORTRAY GAYS AS VICTIMS, NOT AS AGGRESSIVE CHALLENGERS” and “TALK ABOUT GAYS AND GAYNESS AS LOUDLY AND AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE”, to which they explained how to use the portrayal of gays as harmless victims and the utilization of Hollywood as a means to remove the guard that American society once had against homosexuality:

In any campaign to win over the public, gays must be cast as victims in need of protection so that straights will be inclined by reflex to assume the role of protector. If gays are presented, instead, as a strong and prideful tribe promoting a rigidly nonconformist and deviant lifestyle, they are more likely to be seen as a public menace that justifies resistance and oppression. For that reason, we must forego the temptation to strut our “gay pride” publicly when it conflicts with the Gay Victim image.

… The visual media, film and television, are plainly the most powerful image-makers in Western civilization. The average American household watches over seven hours of TV daily. Those hours open up a gateway into the private world of straights, through which a Trojan horse might be passed. As far as desensitization is concerned, the medium is the message–of normalcy. So far, gay Hollywood has provided our best covert weapon in the battle to desensitize the mainstream. Bit by bit over the past ten years, gay characters and gay themes have been introduced into TV programs and films (though often this has been done to achieve comedic and ridiculous affects).

In films and TV shows, sodomites have been and are being portrayed as nice and humorous people. This is being done as a way to cover up for their true demonic goals: tyrannize Christians in a utopia where homosexuals are superior to people who are not sodomites. In the same article that was just quoted, the sodomite authors write that “the campaign should paint gays as superior pillars of society.” And this is what they have been doing: portraying sodomites as more intelligent, and morally supreme.

The homosexuals desire to establish a utopia: where homosexuality is seen as superior, esteemed as surpassing the natural fashion of intercourse between man and woman in a higher level of human evolution in the Darwinian scale, and where natural love between man and woman is deemed as only a breeding mechanism to keep the propagation of humanity sustained. Lower humans — the heterosexuals — are just breeders to keep mankind going; they are slaves whose purpose it is just to produce children who can maintain the world, and be absorbed into the homoerotic utopia. The breeders breed, so that we can keep living. This is how the sodomite agenda sees us in the end.

Of course I am sure it is hard for many of you to believe this, but we know this mindset to be existent just from what the homosexuals themselves write. The homosexual writer James Baldwin, according to pro-homosexual author Byrne R.S. Fone, “presents homosexuality positively as an ethically superior kind of love”. (Byrne R.S. Fone, The Columbia Anthology of Gay Literature, p. 675) The idea of promoting homosexuality as a “superior kind of love” can only signify the dark sentiment that sodomites are superior to people of natural attractions.

The homosexual movement is a supremacist movement, that sees homosexuality as not only intellectually and spiritually superior, but genetically superior. Have you ever wondered why the sodomites are so fixated on proving that they are “born this way,” and obsessed with discovering the “gay gene”? Its because if they can prove that homosexuality is genetic, then they can be more enabled to gradually inculcate the idea (which they already believe) that they are genetically superior to normal people.

Its the same reason why atheists are very enthusiastic on finding the “God gene,” because if they can prove that some people are genetically inclined to be religious, then atheists are genetically superior to Christians (and from such thoughts, mountains of bodies and skulls are erected).

Bertram Cohler, one of the devisers of the idea of the “gay identity” that so many today are subscribing to, wrote of one idea that taught that “the homosexual gene, in proper proportion, would confer an evolutionary advantage to the population in which it existed”. (Bertram J. Cohler & Robert M. Galatzer-Levy, The Course of Gay and Lesbian Lives, p. 57)

Bertram Cohler

Bertram Cohler

Jim McKinight, Chair of Psychology Department at the University of Western Sydney, wrote that “straight” men who carry the homosexual gene are superior to those without it. His writing is quite reminiscent to the type of language used by the eugenists and the Nazis. He speaks of how “homosexual genes confer a benefit to the species”, and goes on to say:

Those straight men who have one homosexual gene (and here we are assuming a single gene for simplicity’s sake; the actual situation is more likely polygenic) probably have an enhanced sex drive which leads to great numbers of children and to a retention of the blanched homosexuality gene. These straight men are therefore genetically superior by virtue of having a dose of gayness — least in this respect. (Jim McKnight, Straight Science? p. 76)

When I read all of this talk of “benefit to the species,” and being “genetically superior,” I cannot help but be reminded of the Nazis and the social Darwinists who dominated Western society in the 20th century. I also cannot help but make several observations: 1) That when the leftists claim to be against racism, they are not only liars, but promoters of racism and supremacy of the worst kind — Darwinist racism and supremacy; 2) When the homosexuals claim to be for “equality,” they are actually for superiority, superiority over those who have natural affections for the opposite gender, superiority over women who want to partake in their God-given roles of motherhood and wifely duties, superiority over men who want to be men and not try to recreate man into an diabolical image.

Ruse M., another pro-sodomite writer, wrote that “the existence and persistence of homosexuality is a function of superior heterozygote fitness.” (See Richard C. Friedman, Male Homosexuality, p. 31)

Actress Lisa Kudrow, says that homosexuals are “superior beings”:

I don’t know who I’m going to offend by leaving them out, but I need to say that I think gay men are superior beings in my mind… The two sides of the brain communicate better than a straight man’s, and I think that has to be really important. They’re not women — they’re still men — and women also have thicker corpus callosums, so I think it’s the combination of those qualities that makes them like a superhuman to me.

Lisa Kudrow

Lisa Kudrow

Moby, a well known musician, states that gays are superior to people of natural affections:

I’m straight but I’ve grown up around gay people and gay clubs. They are superior to straight people. If you have a gay child you’re more inclined to be a prouder parent.



Satoshi Kanazawa, evolutionary psychologist at the London School of Economics, wrote a long paper on the connection between superior intelligence and homosexuality. He wrote:

Regardless of their true sexual orientation, more intelligent individuals may identify themselves as homosexual, engage in homosexual behaviour or report homosexual fantasies and desires.

Satoshi also said, “more intelligent individuals are more likely to identify themselves to be homosexual, while more educated individuals are less likely to do so.” He also wrote: “more intelligent individuals in the United Kingdom have had significantly ( p < 0.05) more same-sex cohabitation partners in their lifetimes than less intelligent individuals.” He then went on to say:

My paper represents one of the most comprehensive empirical attempts to establish the association between intelligence and homosexuality, using large, prospectively longitudinal and nationally representative samples from two different nations. While other studies have noted a potential empirical association between intelligence and homosexuality, to the best of my knowledge, the Hypothesis provides the only theoretical explanation for why we may expect such an association to exist at all. It explains why more intelligent children may grow up to identify themselves as homosexual, express homosexual attraction, have more homosexual sexual and cohabitation partners than less intelligent children.

Satoshi Kanazawa

Satoshi Kanazawa

You will deny that this is what the homosexual agenda truly believes, you will say that this is a false accusation. But, the reason why I make these affirmations with confidence, is because of the history of homosexuality. In history, we see the future. It is in their very history, in their very wicked disposition, to believe that they are superior to those of natural affections.

Just look at pagan history, where homosexuality dominated, and you will see how pagans did indeed esteem homosexuality as a superior love.

The sodomites, when articulating this warped view, are inspired by the pagan world — such as the Samurai, and especially the Greeks and Romans — where homosexuality was seen as a supreme action, superior to any relations between man and woman, and a virtue that even had spiritual significance and meaning.

They also believe that because the pre-Christian pagan empires were dominated by homosexuality and homosexual religion, that homosexuals are thus the founders of civilization, and Christians — because they conquered the pagan world — are the ruiners of their sodomite golden age.

The supreme view of homosexuality was innate within the religion of both the Greek and Roman Empires. It is all inherent within the pagan spirit itself. The exaltation of the male body was rooted in the pagan hatred for women, which was inherent in the Greco-Roman religion. Hesiod, one of the greatest prophets for the religion of the Roman empire, wrote that Zeus actually created women as a curse to men, a belief completely contrary to the civilized and beautiful Genesis account of Adam and Eve:

Both immortal gods and mortal men were seized with wonder when they saw that precipitous trap [woman], more than mankind can manage. For from her is descended the female sex, a great affliction to mortals as they dwell with their husbands–no fit partners for accursed Poverty, but only for Plenty. …even so as a bane for mortal men has high-thundering Zeus created women, conspirators causing difficulty.

Bust said to be that of Hesiod

Bust said to be that of Hesiod

This verse establishes the position of inferiority upon the woman, and the exaltation of men, created by Zeus. This inferiority would be instrumental in the exaltation of homosexuality within the pagan religion. Zeus himself was a homosexual, sodomizing a young man named Ganymedes. Clement of Alexandria exposed the homosexual nature of the Greek religion when he listed the young men who the gods sodomized:

For your gods did not abstain even from boys. One loved Hylas, another Hyacinthus, another Pelops, another Chrysippus, another Ganymedes. These are the gods your wives are to worship!(Clem. Alex. Exhort. 2)

Clement of Alexandria

Clement of Alexandria

The homosexual intellects will quote and point to various statements made by the pagan ancients that praise homosexuality as superior to the natural affections. One of them is the statement by Protogenes, recorded in one of the dialogues of Plutarch. In the conversation, Daphnaeus asks Protogenes,

Do you call the marriage and union of man and woman most disgraceful, than which no holier tie exists nor ever did?

To which Protogenes replies:

Why, as all this is necessary for the human race to continue, our legislators do not act amiss in crying up marriage and eulogizing it to the masses, but of genuine love there is not a particle in the woman’s side of a house; and I also say that you who are sweet on women and girls only love them as flies love milk, and bees the honey-comb, and butchers and cooks calves and birds, fattening them up in darkness. But as nature leads one to eat and drink moderately and sufficiently, and excess in this is called gluttony and gormandizing, so the mutual desires between men and women are natural; but that headlong, violent, and uncontrollable passion for the sex is not rightly called love. For love, when it seizes a noble and young soul, ends in virtue through friendship; but these violent passions for women, at the best, aim only at carnal enjoyment and reaping the harvest of a beauteous prime, as Aristippus showed in his answer to one who told him Lais loved him not, ‘No more,’ he said, ‘do meat and wine love me, but I gladly enjoy both.’ For the end of passion is pleasure and fruition: but love, when it has once lost the promise of friendship, will not remain and continue to cherish merely for beauty that which gives it pain, where it gives no return of friendship and virtue. You remember the husband in the play saying to his wife, ‘Do you hate me? I can bear that hatred very easily, since of my dishonour I make money.’

Not a whit more really in love than this husband is the one, who, not for gain but merely for the sexual appetite, puts up with a peevish and unsympathetic wife, as Philippides, the comic poet, ridiculed the orator, Stratocles, ‘You scarce can kiss her if she turns her back on you.’ If, however, we ought to give the name of love to this passion, then is it an effeminate and bastard love, and like at Cynosarges, taking us to the woman’s side of the house: or rather as they say there is a genuine mountain eagle, which Homer called ‘black, and a bird of prey,’ and there are other kinds of spurious eagles, which catch fish and lazy birds in marshes, and often in want of food emit an hungry wail: so the genuine love is the love of boys, a love not ‘flashing with desire,’ as Anacreon said the love of maidens was, nor ‘redolent of ointment and sprightly,’ but you will see it plain and without airs in the schools of the philosophers, or perhaps in the gymnasiums and wrestling-schools, keenly and nobly pursuing youths, and urging on to virtue those who are well worthy of attention: but that soft and stay-at-home love, spending all its time in women’s bosoms and beds, always pursuing effeminate delights, and enervated by unmanly, unfriendly, and unimpassioned pleasures, we ought to condemn as Solon condemned it: for he forbade slaves to love boys or to anoint them with oil, while he allowed them to associate with women. For friendship is noble and refined, whereas pleasure is vulgar and illiberal. Therefore, for a slave to love boys is neither liberal or refined: for it is merely the love of copulation, as the love of women.” (Plutarch, On Love, section iv)



Notice how Protogenes does not deny that marriage between man and woman is necessary for the continuation of the human race, and that this conjugal union between man and woman is fit for slaves, while homosexual connections are for the superior man. This ancient homosexual view of heterosexuals reflects the modern homosexual views: normal couples are merely slaves for the purpose of breeding, while homosexual debaucheries are for the superior people. An evidence to this is the homosexual use of artificial insemination: they hijack the natural order to recruit a child into their agenda, knowing that their ways is contrary to divine nature, but at the same time seeing it as below them.

In the conversation, after Protogenes expresses his fanatic devotion towards homosexuality, Daphnaeus interrupts him, and while supporting sexual relationships between men and boys, affirms the superiority of marriage between man and woman:

But indeed, Protogenes, if we look at the real facts of the case, the love for boys and women is really one and the same passion: but if you wish in a disputatious spirit to make any distinction, you will find that this boy-love goes beyond all bounds, and, like some late-born and ill-begotten bastard brat, seeks to expel its legitimate brother the older love, the love of women. For indeed, friend, it is only yesterday or the day before, since the strippings and exposures of the youths in the gymnasiums, that this boy-love crept in, and gently insinuated itself and got a footing, and at last in a little time got fully-fledged in the wrestling-schools, and has now got fairly unbearable, and insults and tramples on conjugal love, that love that gives immortality to our mortal race, when our nature has been extinguished by death, kindling it again by new births.

This statement shows that there was still some sense that was preserved amongst the pagans, and that they understood that marriage between man and woman was far older than homosexuality, and the natural process for procreation.

Nevertheless, homosexual ideology was still espoused and subscribed to in the pagan dominated empires where sodomite relations were seen either as superior or equal to natural relations. The words of Daphnaeus also shows that marriage, even in pagan dominated lands, was between man and woman, and that homosexuality came later, only to heavily percolate itself throughout the world. This is what the sodomite agenda desires to do now: to take what has already been established by God and to bring us back to what already sprung its colossal head in pagan antiquity.

In Plato’s Symposium, homosexual desires are esteemed as “great and proud thoughts” and amongst “much finer customs” (trans. Benardete). In the same dialogue of Plato, Aristophanes tells Eryximachus that the first humans were individual male and female, but beings who had two sets of genitals, some with a phallus and a vulva, and others with either two female genitalia or two male privates.

These beings tried to overthrow the gods, and as punishment, were cut in half, and from this severing came individual women and men. Homosexuals, to Eryximachus, are simply people who were originally from the line of those who had two penises, and thus, to indulge in homosexuality is to simply return to one’s natural and original nature. Eryximachus says:

First of all, the races of human beings were three, not two as now, male and female; for there was also a third race that shared in both, a race whose name still remains, though it itself has vanished. For at that time one race was androgynous, and in looks and name it combined both, the male as well as the female; but now it does not exist except for the name that is reserved for reproach.

…And each one had four arms, and legs equal in number to his arms, and two faces alike in all respects on a cylindrical neck, but there was one head for both faces — they were set in opposite directions — and four ears, and two sets of genitals, and all the rest that one might conjecture from this.



Eryximachus goes on to say that lesbians are simply related to those who were, in the most ancient of days, attached to women, and sodomites are simply related to those who were connected to men. Homosexuality, according to Eryximachus, is therefore natural, and that homosexuals are naturally superior to other men:

And all women who are sliced off from woman hardly pay attention to men but are rather turned toward women, and lesbians arise from this genus. But all who are males slices pursue the males; and while they are boys — because they are cutlets of the male — they are friendly to men and enjoy lying down together with and embracing men; and these are the best of boys and lads, because they are naturally the manliest.

Eryximachus later describes homosexual relations by saying: “this was our ancient nature and were wholes.”

In Sparta, the gymnasium was institutionalized in the role of forcing recruited young Greek boys, by the age of twelve, into becoming homosexual warriors. The historian Plutarch writes:

By this age the boys came to be courted by lovers from among the respectable young men. The older men, too, showed even more interest, visiting the gymnasia frequently and being present when the boys fought and joked with one another.

The sodomite agenda wants to see this same cruel tyranny established today, in order to build a homoerotic utopia where boys are recruited for a homosexual army, and the male body is exalted as the primal and pure physique of a warrior. Lets not forget what the Gay Manifesto says:

We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us. … We shall raise vast private armies, as Mishima did, to defeat you. We shall conquer the world because warriors inspired by and banded together by homosexual love and honor are invincible as were the ancient Greek soldiers.


The Spartans recruited boys into a militant homosexual system, and so today we find the sodomites gradually trying to extinguish parental rights in regards to sexuality, for the purpose of convincing children into becoming sodmites, and ultimately, recruit them for their movement. This is clearly seen in Chris Christie’s decision to ban all licensed therapists from treating homosexual children to bring them back to normality and the natural order. They want the state to sever the influence of parents from their children, and make the youths open to homosexual propaganda, and thus for recruitment.

Since it would be difficult for the sodomites to actively introduce children to homosexuality, they want parents to do this for them. One reprobate has made this recent statement:

I have had intuitive thoughts that such would be a healthy way for parents to interact with their children and introduce their children to sensual/sexual pleasure and bonding and loving practices … Who better to do it, than the parents first?

Homosexual acts were not only encouraged and common, but imposed in the pagan world. In Sparta, for example, if you were a handsome man of good character and did not have a male lover at all, you were fined. The ancient scholar Aelian explains:

And any man of good appearance and character who did not fall in love with someone well-bred was also fined, because despite his excellence he did not love anyone.

Amongst the Samurai, women were seen as breeders and the conjugal union as the means to human propagation, while homosexual sodomy was esteemed as superior, even to a spiritual level. In the Encyclopedia of Gay Histories and Cultures, edited by George E. Haggerty, distinguished professor at University of California, Riverside, it says:

Among samurai, homosexuality was viewed positively, in contest to heterosexuality. Women were principally considered as breeders of heirs to ensure continuation of the family line, and they were looked down upon as inferior to men. Indeed, some sects of Buddhism in Japan taught that women were by nature more sinful as less likely to attain enlightenment than men, while menstruation was viewed as a sign of tainted karma. The Chinese idea of yin and yang also contributed to this belief — male sexuality as primarily yang, while female was primarily yin, and a yin element in man was taught to be exposed through physical contact with a woman. Consequently, association with women was considered a feminization of the male self, except for the purpose of impregnation of the mundane gratification of one’s lust carnal lusts. For spiritual uplift and enhancement of their masculinity, warriors were encouraged to associate with other men.


There is one saint who is almost unknown to the modern world, who was martyred because he refused to be homosexual: St. Pelagius, a martyr of Spain who lived in the 10th century.
St. Pelagius was a young man, and was a prisoner to the Muslim caliph ‘Abd Al-Rahman III, an inveterate homosexual, who had a whole harem of male lovers, and who would soon lust after the young Christian.

Al-Rahman invited Pelagius to a party and promised him a life of utter luxury if he would become his homosexual partner and convert to Islam. He also told him that if he accepted this offer, that he would be completely permitted to have homosexual intercourse with any man in the palace, and that he would free any of his relatives from prison.

Pelagius refused, and being utterly adverse to both Islam and homosexuality, rejected his diabolical proposition. After this rejected, al-Rahman touched Pelagius in a homosexual way, and the Christian, so repulsed by, struck the caliph in the face and said, “Take off [your hands], dog, do you think me like one of yours, an effeminate?”

Al-Rahman then had the other homosexuals in the palace try to persuade Pelagius to join the sodomite tryst, but this did not work. It is said that at this point al-Rahman put his hand firmly on Pelagius’ face, he then put his arm around his neck, and drew him to closer to kiss him. Pelagius was so incensed about this that he struck the Muslim in the face, hard enough the blow drew blood which dripped down to his beard.

‘Abd al-Rahman was so filled with homosexual frenzy, that he had the young Christian saint slaughtered in the most brutal way. For six hours he was tortured: he was slowly dismembered; they cut off his arm, then his leg, then more parts of his body were severed, until he was reduced to pieces. They then threw body parts into a river and they were later picked up by fellow Christians.

The martyrdom of St. Pelagius

The martyrdom of St. Pelagius

There are other examples of Islamic homosexual tyranny on Christians. Mehmet II, the sadistic sultan who invaded the Christian city of Constantinople, tried to force two Greek Christian boys to be his sex slaves. One of them, aged fifteen, refused to be raped and so was stabbed to death by the possessed sultan. (Gibbon, Decline and Fall, vol. v, ch. lxviii, p. 1213)

Ottoman art

Ottoman art

ISIS are a bunch of homosexual, anti-Christian murderers. They are the purest form of the homosexual agenda, and they are just as evil and anti-Christian, as the reprobate sodomites in the West. There is a recent report that reveals that ISIS officials have homo sex with other men in their tents.

Look at this Islamic terrorist's face. He looks no different than the sodomites and pot heads you see walking around the mall, just without the turban. I am telling you, these Muslim terrorists are possessed by the same devils as the deviants you see in the streets, preying on children. In the West you see them attacking Christianity, and in the Muslim world you see them killing Christians. What the Muslims are doing is what the sodomites WANT to do in the West. Islamic persecution of Christians is the fulfillment of the modernist utopia.

Look at this Islamic terrorist’s face. He looks no different than the sodomites and pot heads you see walking around the mall, just without the turban. I am telling you, these Muslim terrorists are possessed by the same devils as the deviants you see in the streets, preying on children. In the West you see them attacking Christianity, and in the Muslim world you see them killing Christians.
What the Muslims are doing is what the sodomites WANT to do in the West. Islamic persecution of Christians is the fulfillment of the modernist utopia.

According to the report:

In a joint statement released on August 13 2014 two senior United Nations officials spoke out against Isis’ “barbaric acts” of sexual violence and “savage rapes” of Iraqi minorities. “We are gravely concerned by continued reports of acts of violence, including sexual violence against women and teenage girls and boys belonging to Iraqi minorities,” Zainab Hawa Bangura and Nickolay Mladenov said.

One detail in Arango’s story, however, stands out: it is the reference to homosexual sex in an Isis training camp. “He [Barho] said he saw men having sex with other men behind the tents in the desert night.”

There are homosexuals in superior levels of leadership of ISIS, such as one “prince” of the group who sodomizes new recruits as a way of initiation. Therefore, these Christians who are being killing by ISIS, are martyrs not only slain by Muslims, but by homosexuals. Are we this stupid not to connect the dots? We are that superficial and sick as a society that we cannot see with our own eyes the diabolical conspiracy happening right now? We have homosexuals in ISIS killing Christians, we have homosexuals in the West who want to control Christians through lawsuits, and not only this, the lesbian dyke mayor of Houston subpoenaed pastors for anti-homosexual sermons. The picture is clear: these homosexuals are terrorists who want to subject us through their despotism.

Stuart Kellogg, the homosexual writer and editor for the sodomite magazine, The Advocate, presents an essay by Byrne R.S. Fonethe utopian inspiration that homosexual writers have from the “Arcadian ideal” (based on ancient Greece) and how they frame their utopian fantasy in which homosexuality is superior to natural relations between man and woman based on the decadence of pagan mythologies:

I would like to suggest that the Arcadian ideal has been used in the homosexual literary tradition in a fashion that speaks directly to the gay sensibility. The homosexual imagination finds a special value and a particular use for his ideal, employing it in three major ways: 1) to suggest a place where it is safe to be gay: where gay men can be free from the outlaw status society confers upon us, where homosexuality can be revealed and spoken of without reprisal, and where homosexual love can be consummated without concern for the punishment or scorn of the world; 2) to imply the presence of gay love and sensibility in a text that otherwise makes no explicit statement about homosexuality; and 3) to establish a metaphor for certain spiritual values and myths prevalent in homosexual literature and life, namely, that homosexuality is superior to heterosexuality and is a divinely sanctioned means to an understanding of the good and beautiful” (Stuart Kellogg, Essays on Gay Literature)



Notice the use of the term, “divinely sanctioned.” These sodomites hold up homosexuality to something divine, raising themselves up as gods above the insignificant breeders of humanity. While normal humans partake in sex between men and women, the homosexual is doing something that is beyond human, beyond the natural order, beyond the creation of God, and thus they make themselves as being above God.

The sodomites see themselves as gods, bent on overthrowing the only God in Heaven, to recreate the human race, from being images made in the likeness of God, into vile idols of the devil, from being man and woman — for “Male and female created he them” (Genesis 5:2) — to being whatever creatures they see themselves as. You cannot deny this superiority complex. How else can you explain how they see themselves as empowered to recreate reality, to say that man is woman and woman is man, that reality is not what is, but only what is perceived in their reprobate minds?

How else can you explain that these people will suddenly stand up and declare, that the dignify of womanhood means nothing, that the profound nature of the woman to bring forth new life, to partake in the process of creation, is meaningless, that women have no distinct roles in the family, no significance, that the influence of a mother towards her child is but rubbish, in comparison to what they see as the superior system of seeing human beings as just mere living things that can be redefined a million times over until they have no distinction, until they lose the image of God that was given to them in mankind’s beginning?

They are like the pagans who “changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things” (Romans 1:23), only these heathens corrupt the holy image in which mankind was created, changing it into the vile fantasies of sodomites, becoming “vain in their imaginations” (Romans 1:21) that are so plunged in the never-ending quagmire of odious viciousness. The sodomite looks to the woman and says, “You are just a living thing, your natural gift of bearing new life means nothing to us, except for producing children for our new world. You are just a breeder.”

You will deny that they think this way, but go ahead and tell the sodomite that two men cannot have children, and they will tell you: “Yes we can! We can use artificial insemination!” meaning that they will have a woman hold their seed, and once the baby is born, it is taken away to become a citizen of sodom and called their child. To these sodomites, the woman is nothing but a breeder, an incubator, only a means to an end in their utopia in which homosexuality is esteemed and held up as the superior way of living, and the conjugal union between man and woman is seen as only a method to bring children.

To the sodomite, the woman is not the one who bears the Seed that crushes the head of the serpent, but the incubator who holds a child who will only be added to the schools of Sodom to learn more of their rebellion against God; to the armies of Sodom, to learn more about cruelty, to be amongst the demons when they try to overthrow the throne of Heaven; to be added to the tyranny of confusion, where truth is oppressed, where the only god is the self, and where the only enemy is the One Who said: “Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” (Mark 8:34) The sons of Sodom forever scorn the citizens of Heaven, in a spiritual war that is between Babel and the heavenly Jerusalem.

We have to prepare our minds and intellect for this spiritual war that we are in. This is why I made a 2-disk DVD series on teaching the warring spirit of the Christian Faith.


Reposted with permission

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Total 104 comments
  • Man

    you don’t know any homosexuals do you? name one who thinks like that

    also… bisexuals….

    • I know very many and I’ve never met a person like that. I do know that they are a lot more manly than the majority of the men today. Stupid guidos, dumb muscleheads and latin guys are the worst.
      When did men become such dicks?…and the girls who keep staying with them even though they’re getting the sh1t beaten out of them. Generations get more stupid by the day.

    • He names well known people in the historical record.

      What, did you want to hear about some unknown stranger? :mrgreen:

      • PeoplePower

        Hitler was gay, and he recruited gay soldiers because they had no limits on their savagery .  The brownshirts’ had a no women rule, that extended  into sex, how do you think they got the name brownshirts’.

        Hitler discovered that he could not get straight soldiers to be savage and brutal enough to carry out his orders, but the homosexual soldiers basically had no limits and the savagery and brutality they were willing to inflict on whomever Hitler sent them after. So he surrounded himself, virtually all storm troopers, the brownshirts, were male homosexuals.

        Fact: The Nazi movement is extremely prohomosexual, and is currently  behind the most powerful gay rights advocacy groups in the world.  Keep in mind,  George Soros, and his best friend Adolf Hitler, were known to partake in sword fights under the sheets.

        Just look around today.   All you see is Prohomo  Neo-Marxist Fascists.  The ‘Neo-Nazi Prohomo Agenda’ is driving the world into a demonic cesspool…

        • DK

          George Soros was born in 1930, would have been 3 when Hitler became chancellor, like most accusations, mud slinging with evidence gained from the History Channel.

      • Man

        he names from history who aren’t gay in a period when homosexuality isn’t allowed.

        also….. you would think it was a globol thing…. not just US

        So this is pure BS in ALex jones worthy turd

    • Homosexuals are killing people by forcing the gay agenda upon people but why not mention the head homosexual of them all? Barack Obama. Say it.

      • Man

        so stop the heterosexuals who have gay children!

        btw do you have any figures on the deaths of hetero’s by the gay agenda?

        would love to know that

        • The gay agenda is killing millions. Obama’s responsible. Obama’s a flaming homosexual and the Antichrist aka the “Abomination” (gay) of the Bible.

        • Breaking News! Obama’s the Antichrist because the lottery in his hometown drew 666 the day after his election.
          If we spread this news to the world we’ll be saved.
          So do it.

          • You can see the lottery of 666 was on Page 2 (back-to-back) to Obama’s historical election news-headline news.

            I bought the Chicago Tribune of the day of Obama’s victory with the Lottery draw of 666 in it:

            See it here:




            There’s no denying the numbers marked Obama and that this is a heavenly supernatural mark. The chances are too great for it to be chance. And if it’s chance then it’s just Obama’s ill-luck to be marked by this chance-destiny.

            Hurry! Get with this, people! Hurry to be saved.

          • Look at the Winning Number History Search of the Illinois State Lottery website (Obama’s hometown).
            For Nov. 5, 2008, (the day after his election) the Pick 3 draw was 666.

            That 666# a heaven-sent miracle. Nobody can deny that. Only miscreants can deny it. People with blinded eyes can only deny it.


            Here’s a video of the search for the numbers. You don’t even have to search they do it on the video for you.

            Obama’s State Lottery Is 666 Day After Win

            Obama – 666 Illinois Lottery (11/5) Nov 6. 2008 Screenshot Special Victory-edition Antichrist


            I bought the Chicago Tribune of the day of Obama’s victory with the Lottery draw of 666 in it:

          • You’re not KoS. But you’re trying. What happened to the real KoS? There is some trippy sht going on here. I’ve been reading comments from KoS for years, this is not KoS. Weird.

          • The Real Deal is a paid Obama operative paid to heckle and distract at BeforeItsNews.
            He’s FBI-paid: we’ll ferret them out when Obama’s sentenced for High Treason by court of law, Obama who’s the “Hideous Beast” (the Antichrist) of the Bible, the Abomination (homosexual).
            I’m targeted by them because I’m the only person on earth who’s confronting the Antichrist aka Obama Barack Huessein, the Muslim Antichrist.
            Islam is the worst thing existing in the world.
            Shame on the Left for their Islam-loving and their gay agenda.
            How wrong can the Left be?
            Mental issues seem to be the problem at play with the Left. They’re mad lunatics.

          • People are losing patience with the Antichrist and going ballistic on Internet.

            Google this:
            Antichrist Obama Watched You 7 Years (Video) Full Revelation! Obama The Antichrist Uncovered! Spread This/Be Saved

        • My god. You aren’t even doing a good impersonation of Kaptain Kraptacular. Go get a girlfriend, or something. Does it hurt to sit at your computer, pretending to be a delusional eunuch, with your Boba Fett doll up your arse?

          • Bill Lyle’s an FBI mole. Trace his IP address, he’s making threats against me. Let’s get him banned from BeforeItsNews.

          • Hello Bill, maybe we could start some sort of membership drive like they do on PBS and buy a plastic blow-up doll for that new fruitcake.

          • Threats? Really, Krapachakra? You’re back to this schtick? Go ahead, numbnuts; trace my IP. You couldn’t find the handle on a coffee cup, but I’m sure you have no issue finding the handle on a gay man.

      • PeoplePower

        Obozo is no Antichrist, he’s nothing more than a Nazi Homo Aristocrat.

  • The headlines are a little harsh and you have used Jesus’ “pearls to swine” way out of context !

    The homosexual marriage thing goes beyond the pale, it is a blatant move to be a part of the plan to break down the fabric of society. A small loud % of the population of gays controlling the quiet majority of heterosexuals.

    And when children are confronted by gays on daytime tv. telling everyone to watch or come to their gay mardi gras, I draw the line.

    They have taken the word gay and now have stolen the rainbow ! So each time a hippy rainbow of peace is displayed it will now be associated with homosexuals. Not at all impressed !

    But like most societies the meek are fooled and railroaded into believing wrong is right ,living and dying none the wiser .

  • Read Romans 1:1-1:32.

    Those who CONSENT to others doing these things ARE WORTHY OF DEATH !!!

    America is WORTHY OF DEATH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • President O-BOMB-Ya, DemRepugnantcan Party of One

      I totally agree, ameriiiSCUM should be destroyed.
      Not for screwing the wrong sanctioned hole.
      You know, christo-CREEP, that All male wrote Book of Babble you quote SHOULD BE OUTLAWED for putting murderous thoughts into the heads of dim-witted judeo-christo-FREAKS, like you!

      DEFENDERS of the Fable of the white-skinned mangod!
      YOU ARE ALL DANGEROUS LUNATICS that MUST be locked up for MY Protection, from YOU christo-LUNATICS!

      Thinking of you!
      So little time, SO much to do!

      YOUR Commander and Chief,
      President O-BOMB-Ya, DemRepugnantcan Party of One
      Drone Specialist, First Class
      Licensed to Fly ANYWHERE in the World


        Chang then answered his own questions: “As far as I’m concerned, those quasi-religious, hypocritical bastards should have been castrated on the steps of the cathedral they so pompously took it upon themselves to ‘protect’ – talk about your bulls–t grand-stand plays. That’s right. We should get rid of ALL of them in one fell swoop. I say that we firebomb the next planning meeting.”

        “Hands off my uteris (sic)!!” agreed: “They should have burned their f–-ing church to the ground!” So did “Rolf”: “They were lucky they didn’t start castrating them.”

        …Assaulting and humiliating people and interfering with their nonviolent expression is OK if done for the right political cause. So the right wingers should note all of this. …”

  • Personally I think isis is worse, then maybe the so called christians who pickit at funerals,weddings, an fill the world with hate threw the bible, when the bible is a book of love.

    • The Bible specifically says that God hates a reprobate.

      • Any action, including Homosexual ones, that physically make people sick and kill them is bad.

        Go take a look in the microscope at how many bugs are in human waste.
        Then ask yourself why the lifespan of the average homosexual man is about 41 years.

        • “Any action that physically make people sick and kill them is bad.”

          I agree. Such as drinking too much alcohol. (liver problems-death0
          Over eating. (All manner of health related problems such as diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, kidney problems from the diabetes and high blood pressure.)
          Smoking. (Do I have to say it?)
          Whoring around with the opposite sex. (All kinds of diseases including but not limited to AIDS/HIV.)

        • Country Boy!!!!
          I was wondering when you’d crawl out of your hole.

          So, there’s bugs in human excrement? Care to elaborate, since you’re either a certified Scatologist (look it up. It’s real), or just examine feces for fun. Are you insinuating that gay people get insects in their genetalia? Can you describe the bugs? C’mon, genius.

          • I thought that you would never ask and I will be glad to courtesy of the Center for Disease Control:

            Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) have been increasing among gay and bisexual men, with recent increases in syphilis being documented across the country. In 2012, men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 75% of primary and secondary syphilis cases in the United States. MSM often are diagnosed with other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections.

            HPV (Human Papillomavirus), the most common STD in the United States, is also a concern for MSM. Some types of HPV can cause genital and anal warts and some can lead to the development of anal and oral cancer. Men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who are uninfected to develop anal cancer.

          • How do people catch hepatitis A?

            The hepatitis A virus is just one of many disease-causing germs found in human feces. People usually catch hepatitis A by getting the virus in their mouths, often because they eat food or drink water that has been contaminated by human waste. Children who don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom can easily spread the germ to caregivers and other children. If the germ gets on your hands — perhaps while you are changing a diaper — your hands will need a good wash before you touch food or put one of your fingers in your mouth.

            A person can also develop the disease if they have sex that involves oral-anal contact with someone who has hepatitis A.

            People with hepatitis A are usually contagious for a couple of weeks after they start feeling sick. Once you’ve had the disease, you can’t catch it again.

          • I still see nothing here, to support your claim that there’s bugs in human feces. Who’da thunkit? Country Boy recycles Geir’s thtatithticth, with another wonderful copy/paste job. BTW, you may wish to remove the O in Country, boy.

  • Homosexuality is a sickness. The Kenyan Squatter in the White House (Our House/Not his) is a Flaming Homosexual. :wink:

    • So is stupidity. Maybe you can pray that away, too.

  • I was in the homosexual lifestyle for 30 years, and I can verify alot of what he is saying as true. I worked on the front lines of the homosexual equality group Human Rights Campaign. The largest LGBT group in the world; we fought for gay rights and same sex marriage. The largest annual sit down dinner for the organization takes place in Dallas, TX and raises well over a million dollars (dinner alone) $400 person sit down dinner and auction for 2000 plus. We also have a live auction which boasts over $500,000. It’s extremely organized and well thought out and executed. All that to say the author of this piece is not far from the truth. When I was participating an drinking the cool aid I truly believed the women were for breeding purposes. We always joked that We need women to make more gay babies. Gay men are funny, nice, sweet, your neighbors will work really hard to make you like them (I used to do the same thing.. everyone in my neighborhood LOVED me and my now Ex partner) BUT.. If you husband ever looked our way just once… I guarantee we would try to get in his pants… Unfortunately, it’s the nature of homosexuals to think about sex ALL THE TIME…
    We will respect you and your relationships… But we’re always looking for the next sexual partner..NO JOKE.. And I can’t begin to tell you about all the husband swapping and all the OPEN relationship agreements that gay couples have… NO ONE is faithful to their partner, if they tell you are…. THEY ARE LYING.. Some try.. But it’s their nature to find sex… I do disagree with a few of his points, but ultimately, he is DEAD ON.. And now that I have trusted Jesus Christ as my Savior and have changed my life.. Not saying I’m straight; Not saying I’m gay. Either one of those monicres just identifys my sexual preference.. I am a truly love accepted adored and treasured child of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.. THAT is my identity… I don’t know what the Lord has in store for me “sexually” BUT it’s not homosexuality or anything dealing with the LGBT community.

    • Hey! What hateful miscreant down voted this comment?

      • I gave him a thumbs up and I even gave you a thumbs up, now there’s a surprise. :lol: :lol: :lol:

        • *relaxes, adjusts hair and straightens collar. Smiles nicely*

          Thank you.


    • A serious question:
      Considering you were able to find god and change your sexual preference and identity, could it be possible that you weren’t actually gay? If you can turn it off, which side are you really denying? Did you deny your heterosexuality and become gay, or did you turn straight, thereby denying your natural homosexuality?
      Don’t get me wrong, but if you can pray the gay away, then you indeed made the choice to be gay, in the first place. It’s not that simple for most.
      Again, it’s not my intention to be inflammatory, I’m just curious (no, not THAT kind of curious).

      • There is a thing called abstinence/celibacy………it doesn’t matter if you are gay or straight then.

        • You can be abstinent, but that implies a desire to curb sexual impulses altogether, be they gay impulses, or straight ones. Nowhere in Texas’ post, did it mention that he became abstinent. Though it may be the case, it sounds more to me that Texas was gay, found God, and gave up on it. It’s not like quitting smoking.
          My question to TEXASPROUD stands.

  • Impressme

    This BS, the writer here has lost his mind, it is nothing more than propaganda to demonize all gay people.The fact is, Gay people only wanted equal right and nothing more.

    • Ha ha ha sodomites demonize themselves, they need no help from anyone else.

      • >Holy Bible

        A Jew-worshiping Judeo-Christian is more foul and filthy than any homosexual. The homo may practice sexual submission to another man, but the Judeo-Christan tarnishes his soul. Especially if he’s white.

        • HELLO! i see you have your sheriffs badge! Bless you, i utter agree! the goyim , we shall grind, and the kri-satyans, “sunday xtians” those who wear the mark of rome/beast, shall beneath hooves of bronze be ground, under the threshing sledge, The Ragnarok is upon us! the Gotterdammerung! the death of the gods! and whooo pray tell are the “gods” , we are but surrounded by them! everyone, every single person who does not keep the Commandments, is a god unto himself, a satanist, for they “do what they want” alllllllll hahahahahahaaaaa

          everyone, who does not keep Sabbath, 7th day rest, Hebrews 4:9, is a fekkin satanist. hoohaa

          • What drugs are you frying on, man?

          • this stuff and tamacco


          • that sheriff’s badge is an inverted pentagram. satanic.

          • It’s the face of John “Oh, am I actually a Jew?” Kerry in the middle of it that’s creeping me out.

  • We need to remember that our ememys, the subhuman slim jews are the ones that promote this filth. Witness hollywood. Rid the world of jews and all will be peace and tranquility. Faggots do need to be eliminated. They prey on our children. Also, the jew banksters have raped the world for many years now.

    Jack Lovett

    • Impressme

      It has been proven a fact that most child molesters are straight. Thanks for pointing how ignorant you are.

      • Sure, just show us that evidence that most child molesters are straight.

    • Jews and early Christians were preaching against homos and got martyred for it.

      Are you a homosexual?

      • Impressme

        No! They were preaching against Male and female prostitutes and idol worshiping. Why do you need to know who is a homosexual on here?

  • Absolute utter and complete rubbish!

  • Khazarian directed.

  • The trolls are either not very handsome or not very homosexual.

    My problem with the author’s interpretation is this region does not appear to be the financial epicenter of the world, at the present time.

    But, I would not put it past our homo-in-chief, who bows to the house of Saud, who dissembles useful infrastructure, and who sees it as collateral, to submit power to such a world figure.

    • Anylmouse Quote: “The trolls are either not very handsome or not very homosexual.”

      That is a filthy lie… from a man who butters both sides of his bread with Vaseline… because he loves the taste.

      • Is that your personal photo and given name? Also, what is your home address?

        • You like what you see? The photo is not current but you get the drift.

          EVERY troll is inordinately adonically handsome and ALL are rumored to be totally *gay

          Who’s really trolling for what?

  • Thank god I am beyond sex it does not matter.You humans make a lot
    about sex,what is wrong.There are great things beyond sex,I guess
    you are just still swinging in a tree.

    • sean,

      lack of sexual desire is a sure sign of an awakened one.

  • Homosexuals die 20 to 30 years earlier than straights.
    Just sayin’.
    Obama’s gay agenda is therefore killing millions and must be stopped urgently: gather and spread this news NOW.

  • Thanks to the dictatorial US Supreme Court, America has become a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah.

    St. Peter warned: “He (God) condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction, reducing them to ashes, thus making them an example to those who in the future should live impiously.” (2 PETER 2:6)

    No wonder the earth has recently become surrounded by a blanket of plasma tens of thousands of miles thick and growing thicker at the rate of 40 miles per day.

    Plasma (ionized hydrogen gas) is the same substance lightning is made of.

  • Gays practice DEMON SEX. The sex of the DEVIL their father who likes to MOCK God as in the Garden of Eden. All what he does is MOCK God day and night.

    Have you ever seen two men kiss and have sex? VILE and DISGUSTING. An ABOMINATION! They love to MOCK GOD!

    Our country and world is destined to go up in a FIREBALL because we have legalized ABOMINATION – something VILE and DISGUSTING to God.

    Take your pick – CME, EMP, or a 40,000 degree nuclear warhead? Or maybe even a GIANT ASTEROID! As it is written pray that you may be accounted WORTHY to ESCAPE and to stand before the Son of Man!

    • Cool your jets, k1ke worshiper. You’re the kind who thinks of di :roll: cks in asses all day long.

      • omw, your diction and ways betray thee unto me, o wolf in wolfs clothing

    • Caucasian Male Slime wrote,
      Gays practice DEMON SEX.
      Funny, that is EXACTLY what your old lady said after every visit I made to her (behind your back, of course)!
      PLEASE FORGIVE ME, Caucasian Male Slime, for I DID SIN!
      :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  • Where’d my comment go? Is posting an excerpt from a 12 year old rolling stone article not allowed for some reason? Is profanity not allowed when it’s a direct quote?

    • Correct, AFAIK profanity is simply autoblocked by BIN, the posts being deleted a few minutes after they appear.

      • The Obama fans in the comments here are pro-gay agenda.
        Gays kill with their gay agenda. Gays live 20 to 30 years younger than straights and account for 75% of Syphilis and 85% of AIDS/HIV.
        It’s so shameful.

      • Homosexuals like Geeper knows he’s working for the Antichrist.
        Obama’s the Antichrist.
        They keep on doing their unworldly support of the Devil because it’s too late for them to turn around now and they’ll never stop being sodomites and evil after spending their lives as perverts.

      • Geeper one question. Nothing personal but: “Can you imagine you stop being a sodomite?” You homosexuals die 20 to 30 years younger than the straights so I’m just askin’. It’s for you, just asking if death seems like a bad solution to your life of filth?

        I’m not homophobic to people like Geeper, I like homosexuals and wonder if the dangers they live with a worth it.

        Syphilis and HIV/AIDS are close enemies to them and generally get to them and cut down their life spans. Just askin’. Hoping this is helpful because it’s URGENT TO KNOW THIS. I’m here to help the homosexuals not knock their lifestyles. I’m here to ask the question to them: “Is it worth dying for to be homosexual like you, Geeper?”.

        • I bet you like homosexuals, Geir. I bet your porn collection… I mean “research material” is chock full of em.

      • Maybe they could work on autoblocking creepy old French guys saying “huh huh, I think you’re gay, tell me that you’re gay, tell me what you do, please tell me all about it, I like homosexuals, please talk to me about being gay”.

  • so what? Create a new conspiracy theory: the Homo Conspiracy, the Homo Agenda?
    Sounds a bit familiar. During the early 1900s in Europe it was the Jew conspiracy, the Jew Agenda, and in the end a dictator suffering from Cesarian delusion came to slaughter millions of innocent Jews, in the belief that this was needed to save the world.
    Who, ask I, secretly wishes to do to the homosexual minority similar horrid things, as Hitler did to the Jews?
    This article, though it is correct that ancient Greek writers thought homoeroticism to be superior to heterosexuality, is a big bunch of hatred propaganda, and no Christian should give an ear to this ugly kind of tune. It is not us but God who judges the sinners, we are not here to judge and punish each other, but to help each other to do good and think good.
    Furthermore one must distinguish the homosexual individual from homosexual politics and its promoters – both are very different from each other.
    I know only one homosexual personally; this man, an artist, is a bit weird in his thoughts but utterly harmless. He never superimposes any of his preferences upon others, he just wants to survive as the man he happens to be.
    On the other hand I once met with a very arrogant and domineering homosexuality politician, from the German Aids Hilfe, who harshly criticized me for the fact that I, in my job as a medical doctor, had ordered some special disinfection measures after changing bandages on a healing operation wound in a HIV positive homosexual. This patient had felt offended by this measure, which was based on simple logic and common Sense, and at once he had called the Aids Hilfe to complain about me, and at once that arrogant “professional” personally came to my clinic to “update my medical education” about when to disinfect specially after HIV contact and when not. What a fuss! Why come to my workplace and intimidate me? Had he just called me on phone to ask why I had done this and that, and told me politely that actual standards do not recommend special disinfection after handling wounds in HIV patients if they are under crust and no longer bleeding … this would have been enough. So I think that perhaps there is some true core in the new conspiracy theory, and this is the over-running, loud, demanding behavnior of the homosexual minority in USA and some european countries. I think this sub-culture remembers the humiliations and legal persecution of Homos during former times, and reacts to this hurtful memory by inflating their collective and individual Egos in order to never, never experience such things again. But I fear that those expansive and “proud” homosexuals will call upon themselves new contempt and discrimination by this very behavior. People with aberrant sexual patterns should better stay in the background. Homosexuals of today should stop molesting the public with their “private specialties”. Nobody wants to hear about them.

  • Nothing has galvanized the people on this board more than this article in my time, into two respective groups.
    dogs and humans. you both know who you are deep down…don’t you?

  • The gays demand that any church that will not allow puffs to get wed must not receive any money from tax payers but the same does not apply to mosques.

    Should we close any shop that only sells Hala meat or make every shop sell both men and womans clothing

    Gays are the first ones to get violent or start to thorow abuse on line and need to get out of peoples faces and our schools where the gay agendar is pushed to the hilt.

    Boys should become men, not puffs




  • it is much more about “HATE”

    I have heard about extreme hatred on both sides, male and female

  • I see you had the time to go On for five pages about your haTe for other people’s choices , if you had time to go on for five pages about this I’m going to say you probably have never tried out a pussy or a dick and console your self in the small pleasures you receive from your own hand.

  • HOOHAA! the days of lot! woop! i am in the right p[lace! omw its been boring, soon the Ragnarok!@ hey hey Father dont like it if the world makes His Law illegal! ahhhhhh soon the blackwings! corpses stacked to the sky! blackened air, soot and sulfur! fearful noises in the night@ crushing darkness! terror beyond compare! sing with me! (sound of music, “my favorite things”)

    Corpses and gizzards,
    and blood smeared intestines,
    burned bones and charred flesh and pits full of quicklime,
    blaaaack eyeless sockets, tearing off wings,
    theeeese are a few of my faaavorite things!

    read Maccabees hey, step one to getting Fathers Blessing in yer military endeavours is to kill off all the sons of belial in ze area, hoopaa! so! queers! to the front of the line! yer blud is full of very valuable nutrients an micro nutrients that must return to the earth, she is drained and moeg, and they are wasted if locked up is vessels off uselessness, they aint yours, hand em over, hohohoooo future looking bright hey. you guys gonna looove us, me an mine make this lot look like telly tubbies hey

    • I will pray for you man. Jesus loves you and is standing at the door; let him in to your heart and accept him as your Savior before it’s too late, man.

      • i am of those who say Acts 24:14, i belong heart mind an soul to the Mashiach, under the vow of numbers 6, biryonim netsarim, and i quote my inheritance explained in Jeremiah 51:20 onwards, to ye, for you i have nothing but courtesy and kindness, for ye belong to my Master, and therefore i am but only thy servant, i qoute also Rev 13:10, Job 29:17, Proverbs 8:13 , Proverbs 6:12, Psalm 139 and Ezekiel 21, topped off by Luke 21:22, read in order, should explain everything, and HAIL HAIL HAIL unto thee, ye who has repented, for you i would gladly absorb many arrows for it would please He who saved me from gehenna

      • Jesus is standing at the door so he can roger him senseless, like the Jewish butt pirate that he is. huehuehue :twisted:

  • Homosexuality in The Jewish State – Texe Marrs

  • What is sickening.. homosexuals make up less than 1% of Our total population. But with the support that they get from Hollywood .. the MSM .. (one know gay & ‘bias’ ) supporter on the Supreme Court.. and a gay POTUS ( ) you would think that they are a majority!

    We all know and some have family members that are gay. We don’t think that this lifestyle is normal… but we have never held it against them, because this is a free country (so far) and they can do as they please. I have to admit that sometimes they were not included in some of our friends get-together’s … as many others would do when things are not compatible … as in thought and activities. They really didn’t mind ( it would have been uncomfortable for them ) and at times they enjoyed it more being with friends of their own social means and interest. This is not to say that we are not still friends and family.. just distant at times. They seem to be happy and ‘QUIETLY’ go about their own way without subjecting and slandering others for not being like them .. and this is what this has come to!

    You ‘DO NOT’ tell Us that we have to ‘totally’ approve of this ‘lifestyle’… We will approve of it on Our own terms!
    You really opened a can of ‘worms’ .. Obama and your ‘corrupt’ Supreme Court!
    How in the hell are heterosexual’s going to explain to their children that gay marriage and the gay ‘lifestyle’ is normal!?!

    What WE need to do is impeach this lying, foreign national, criminal,( Obama ) and maybe this will get rid of the two illegal ‘leftwing’ & bias rubber stamps that he put on the Supreme Court.. I don’t know what We can do about the ‘old’ half dead lady that’s still sitting there.
    And start boycotting All of the Democratic ‘Socialist ‘ Party supporters: Hollywood-Hawaii- ABC-NBC-CBS-MSNBC.GE- CNN -NY&LA Times-Houston Chronicle -USA Today- TIME- Vanity Fair- “O”- Esquire-People- RollingStone- Harry Reid: Las Vegas- Disney…and the list goes on…you know who they are!

  • You seem to be under the illusion that any Christian Identityist Redneck or WASP Zionist Yankee Muricans are CAPABLE of thought!

    These are the feudal slaves of the powerful WHOEVER that happens to be.

    And, by definition, their definition, they are there to beaten black and blue in all matters.

  • Re; The Homosexual Movement Is The Most Hateful And Most Vile Group In All Of The Western World
    Fagots by Nature and Definition are Defects-Defective, but as being the most Vile Group, (NOT EVEN), the most Vile Group are those who Promoted and raised Fagots to a Power in this united states toilet, (THAT MOSE VILE GROUP WOULD BE THE JEW’S).
    Definitions have meanings and when you let Jew’s-Liberals-Fagots-Right Wing Jew Golem’s, Subvert the Definitions They Win, with Fagots the Definition Problem is in part Lumping all of them into one Group when there are TWO, (the first Group are Genetically Defective, the second are Socially Defective), when you talk about weather you can Fix a Fagot, you must Define what Fagot you are Talking about, you can Fix a Socially Defective Fagot, but you can not Fix a Genetically Defective Fagot, by keeping this Distinction-Definition Out Of The Discussion, the Jew and other Trash can Claim and Pretend it’s a Life Chose they make, so when People are talking about Fixing Fagots the Jew-Left go to the Genetically Defective Fagot to Bank on, (and they can not be Fixed as the Defect is Genetic, then the Lew-Liberal Jump to the Socially Defective Fagot and Claim it’s a Live Chose Not A Genetic Defect, (UNTILL YOU PIN THEM DOWN ON A DEFINATION OF WHAT KIND OF FAGOT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUTYOU CAN NOT WIN).
    This Letting Jew’s-Liberals Establish, Create the Definitions for Fagots and other Issue Discussions has the Same Outcome as with the Horde of Mexican Criminals Crossing the American Borders, When the Jew’s-Liberals, Defined these Criminals as Immigrants, they Mixed the Legal Immigrants and the Mexican Criminal into One Pile of Garbage, no one can have a Real Working Discussion on Stopping the Mexican Criminals, as the Jew-Left will Change who you are Talking About from, [Legal Immigrants, Criminal Border Jumper, or Mexicans who have been in America a Long Time who are as their Children Criminals], Back and Forth Leaving the Parties Chasing their Own Butts and Looking Like Monsters because there is no Defined Base On Who You Are Talking About.
    When you Talk about Fagots you Must Define What Kind of Fagot you are Talking About Or You Will Not Win, (You also must remember that most times when you have a Discussion on Line with some one who it seems Believes as you, if your on the Right, the Person on the Other Ens is a Jew, a Liberal, or a Government Rat, Trying to Bate You, (Trapper).

  • Impressme

    This is the most hated thread I have every read! There is a place in Hell for those that hate. The vomit and lies in many of these comments tell me there are very few Christians on this board. Yes you all have the right to your opinions. However as sick and misinformed many of you are. Jesus did not teach Christians to behave this way. And yes, G-d will judge all of us. Let the first one cast a stone who believes he has not sin.




    • Well then; if “I Am” isn’t a scathing indictment of homosexuality, I don’t know what is…… :eek: :eek:

  • cecilwhitt


    I’m a white male nobody from nowhere and heterosexual to boot…an old and failed but still practicing artist. Mostly I graze this site for entertainment value as some of the posts can be quite creative in there idiocy. I rather enjoyed your analysis…at least the first half. I couldn’t finish the article, so there is that as well. Indoctrination, mind control, superiority…it’s just so easy to do isn’t it, C.

  • OP you have the right to your opinion of course. But I’d like to submit to you, and others like you that are preoccupied with sodomy lately: YOU TOOK THE BAIT. DIVIDE AND CONQUER HAS WORKED. The last thing TPTB want is solidarity and revolution. All of this (gay marriage, the transgender movement etc) is carefully timed to coincide with the removal of your general freedoms. Meanwhile: everything your founding fathers stood for IS BEING TAKEN AWAY. YOUR COUNTRY RAPIDLY BEING DESTROYED. NOT because of gay marriage or the confederate flag. It’s much, much bigger and very sinister. If you are a true American you should be fighting hard to retain the Bill of Rights. Instead you are obsessing over the private behaviour of peaceful citizens. Again. You have the right to your opinion and beliefs but please. Spend your energy on what is really important. There are many historical precedents for what his happening. Before Hitler took power, he quietly enacted laws to make everything he was about to do perfectly legal. He used the chaos of an economic meltdown as a cover. I beg you. Fight the real evil.

  • If you’re putting your peepee in another man’s butt, you have serious problems. Homosexuality is a sickness, and anyone who practices homosexuality is a perverted deviant. The filthy sodomite Jews running Hollywood want you to think their lifestyle is normal because they’re being outed. next, they’ll be telling you pedophilia is okay too. What do you expect from the seed of Satan?

    • Odd to hear you refer to someone as “the seed of Satan”, RD. Almost as if your profile has been hacked, or you’ve cracked.

      • The Jews are the seed of Satan. They are pushing their filthy lifestyle on us. How is that being “cracked”?

        • The point I was making was that for an Agnostic, using terms like “Seed of Satan” seems out of character for you, that’s all. I was wondering if the zealots managed to convert you. lol

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