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AZ: Open Carry at Wells Fargo

Tuesday, August 11, 2015 8:19
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(Before It's News)

I was helping a good friend who is in the process of ending a bad relationship.  He needed to do some business at a Wells Fargo bank.  I scanned the door, and did not see any signs forbidding firearms on the bank entrance.  I was openly carrying my Glock 17.  I went into the waiting area and sat down next to a couple of other customers.

I asked one of them to take my picture.  To my surprise, she asked “What are you doing, casing the place?”  I replied that if I were doing that, I would use my smart phone and make a video.  It would be far more informative, and no one would ever know.    She did not seem alarmed, or show any indication of leaving.  She thought, however, that taking pictures inside of a bank might be forbidden.

A bank member came out and stood a few feet from me.  I do not know if she noticed the pistol or not.   A customer asked her a question, and she replied.  It became obvious that I was not something she was concerned with.


My friend finished his bank business, and I had him take photo of me inside the lobby, next to the Wells Fargo sign.  Outside the bank, I noticed an AZDOT (Arizona Department of Transportation) notice with a 2016 motor vehicle sticker inside.  It had tire tracks on the outside, but the address was clear.   I dropped it off in a post office box.

Some banks in Arizona choose to create nominal “gun free zones”.  As a private business, it is their choice.  I was happy to observe that Wells Fargo is not one of them.

©2015  by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.
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