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Kingdom of Hawai’i blog, 8-12-15… Ali`i Nui Mō`ī Edmund K. Silva, Jr., “Establishing Our Government”

Sunday, August 16, 2015 3:42
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(Before It's News)

kingdom_of_hawaii_seal_of_the_king_34This is from the Kingdom blog. This is something which Ali`i Nui Mō`ī Edmund K. Silva, Jr., has been considering and working on now for several years, and this is the final document. In it he presents reasons why the Kingdom would best be renewed as it was before, as a Monarchial government. I will likely highlight this later.


Ali`i Nui Mō`ī Edmund K. Silva, Jr., 8-12-15… “Establishing Our Government”

Ali`i Nui Mō`ī Edmund K. Silva, Jr.
Kingdom of Hawai’iAli`i Mana`o Nui Lanny Sinkin: Many people question whether there is a need to have a King or Queen for the Hawaiian nation and, if so, who that Monarch should be. For the past few years, the King has conducted research into forms of government and performance of governments. He has been working on a paper that explains his views to the people. That document is now ready and attached to this email.

Filed under: apocalypse, Hawai’ian Kingdom, new energies, partners in contrast Tagged: Ali`i Nui Mō`ī Edmund K. Silva Jr., Hawaiian Kingdom, Kingdom of Hawai’i


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