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By Philosophers Stone
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Must Hear: The Banks are Gearing Up for the Collapse – Dave Hodges

Tuesday, August 11, 2015 6:36
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Total 16 comments
  • If Dave Hodges is saying it then it must be true. /end sarcasm

  • Nancy636

    These guys are delusional concerning the chance of turning back this country, they forget God in this. He has said enough.

    • You have it right. Ignore God at your own peril.

      John 3:16

  • NO shortage of TROOLS commenting here are there.
    Research the history of propaganda / Ralph Waldo Emerson if you
    agree with these folk.

  • Is this story from 2013? I think it is. Please!!!!! WTF??? Cant you guys use something current?

    • In case you’re new here, No. They can’t.

      • If BIN should suddenly be gone, the Cluck would fall over and lie quivering in purposeless poop . Dave on the other hand is a great guy … a man of honor and integrity …. the man of the hour … Go Dave :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:

  • IF your not part of the solution your part of the problem.
    If your not involved yet, please check out this link.

  • The banks are gearing up to go digital.

    All major corporates, including apple, are investing billions in cash replacement.

    They’ve trialled it across Africa and they’re nearly ready. (Google it and see).

    Hoarding Cash??? In 3 years you will have to declare it when all cash is withdrawn from use.

    • ive been watching that also. looks as though i shouldve been a computer hacker

      • You are a computer hacker. Unskilled and lazy…. but, a hacker none the less.

  • Super Solar Storm To Hit Earth – ‘Carrington Effect’; 400 Nuke Plants Will Melt Down/Explode, Lawsuits Needed; via @AGreenRoad

  • The only one language the international Banksters will understand is:
    DUMP their money!
    Crash JP Morgan – Buy Silver!

    • Ken

      Steve is that you?

  • How terrible it will be if and when the financial system in America does collapse. We should all hope this never happens. Imagine no electricity…so much is tied into that electric meter, water…oh my gosh, what would we do if we lose our ability to get clean water when we need it. So many are ‘praying’ for the destruction of America, they, know not what they do. Please, we must help America and we aren’t helping America when we wish on our country, America, any harm, for any reason.

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