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The collapse of Europe
by Jon Rappoport
August 22, 2015
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)
“For a long time, we’ve lived with the delusion that prosperous nations were going to raise the standard of living of poor nations. That was a piece of infernal propaganda. The objective was always the exploitation of those poverty-stricken nations. Their land, their resources, their labor.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)
Let’s start with this bit of background:
The fear of individuality comes from the apprehension that a human, unchained and alive, might create something that would expose the titanic hoax of the collective and the group; the apprehension that an individual might create something undeniably great and different; and, therefore, put collective human society in its proper perspective.
And so the individual is called upon to sacrifice himself on the altar of the group.
That is the directive.
The counter-force is the individual using his rational mind, his imagination, and his creative force to surpass this societal brainwashing.
The first step is realizing he is not part of the great collective Cheese Glob.
But most people in so-called “democracies” would not see things this way. They would object. They would claim “the needs of all the people” are not being met. They would claim no one has the right to rise above the standards of the masses.
And “the masses” now refer to wide-open borders in Europe and, as in America, the influx of huge numbers of people fleeing from other parts of the world.
Many of these immigrating people hope for, and expect, economic survival in their new homes. They expect government assistance programs. This is no melting pot. This is a vast extension of the Welfare State, in which the concerns of the individual have no place. No place at all.
Stereotypes are the order of the day. “Which group do you belong to? What race are you? What ethnicity? What are your grievances and demands?”
On the surface, this vast program appears to be humanitarian in nature, but nothing could be further from the truth. Sowing chaos in the nations of Europe is the objective.
Why? Because Globalism, like every elite scheme in the history of the planet, lives by the motto, “Order from Chaos.”
Create chaos, then move in with tighter control, to “solve the problem.”
Wall-to-wall surveillance, militarized police, decimation of free speech.
In this atmosphere, it is very easy for the individual to forget and cast aside his own power and his own unique vision of the future, and his own capacity to invent the future.
It is very easy for the individual to forego rationality and logic as useless objects of a bygone era and simply sink to the level of a stimulus-response creature.
But if that happens, what is left?
During centuries of struggle, Europe carved out a mission of individual freedom, against all odds, and there were eventually many victories.
Now, there is the danger of all that going down the drain.
If the liberation of the individual from the State and the Church is now viewed as a mere fantasy, an old dream, an old lie of history, an old delusion, then the future is turned over to Globalist masters and their program of mass control.
There is a joker in the deck. The European mega-corporations, which are part and parcel of the Globalist network, will discover that their consumer base is shrinking. In short, there will come a point at which these corporations can’t expand by selling their products in the marketplace. Too late, the corporations will realize they are expendable in the diabolical Globalist plan.
One of the winners? The Vatican.
The Roman Church has always realized that their best days are those in which poverty escalates. People then return to older forms of hope and desperation. People then grasp at straws.
Make no mistake, the humanitarian pronouncements of this Pope are a cover story that obscures the Church’s true ambition: flourishing in a time of crisis.
The longer the crisis, the better. The vision of widespread poverty as a permanent condition is the Church’s wet dream. It brings back their glory days.
At its core, the entire Globalist operation is aimed at making the individual believe he is helpless.
Whether and to what degree this program succeeds is not in the hands of any group. It is in the hands, the soul of the individual himself.
Which is why my work, for the past decade, has focused more and more on the individual, his power, his life-force, his mind, his imagination, his uniqueness.
The future is up for grabs. Will the wide channel of individual freedom and power, which has been dug for centuries, in a great struggle, be the substance of the future, or will the coming century devolve into one great planetary Collective, mindless and begging for scraps?
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.
Filed under: Energy & Imagination, Globalist, Perverse Magicians
Jon Rappoport has worked as a free-lance investigative reporter for over 30 years.
Good article Jon, good to see you back on BIN…
Here is a word from the Lord… America is coming into her inheritance.
Lets identify them by what they really are, which is Satanists.
The Lord has been identifying them all for years through the prophecies He has given to Linda newkiek. The Queen of England and Evelyn de Rothschild are two of the most powerful, they control Obama, and Satan controls them. However in the over all control is our Saviour who uses them all to do his bidding…
Obama Antichrist Prophecy June 30, 2012
My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God, yes Jesus, Lord of Lords and King of Kings! I tell you again, that I am One and the Same! I am your Saviour! I am your Redeemer; and I am Most High God; and besides Me, there is none! But, there come those, who wish to quibble, who wish to find fault and who wish to dispute the truth of who I am! And some say, “She speaks to another Jesus! She hears from another God!” But, I tell you, My Blessed Child, that among these very mockers are those, who speak to another god. They speak to another Jesus! For, I am not found among them; and these include some of your biggest critics, who control the churches, and who mock these works.
But, now, My Blessed Child, I come to you and I tell you a very important thing! And, this very important word is about to accelerate all of My judgements in the earth! Yes, people will look here and they will look there and they will say, “Oh, look at these Satanists! Oh, look what they do!” But, I tell you this! Hear Me in this! For, I am empowering the Satanists over you!
Just as I raised up Nebuchadnezzar and I empowered Nebuchadnezzar to come forward and to overrun and defeat My people, who did evil and who would not heed the warnings of My prophets, I have now raised up another in your midst! Indeed, he is Satan’s choice and Satan has put him over you through his secret organizations. But, I tell you now that I control Satan! He does what I allow and what I command!
I wrote the Book of Revelation; and I have spoken through My prophets down through the ages, for this is what My people chose. And, I have honored their choices!
But now, hear Me in this! Make no mistake about it! Barack Obama is the antichrist! Whine all you want! Be in denial all that you want, but you will not change who he is; and you will not change the fact that I put him over you!
He is your worst nightmare, oh America; for he will burn you down and laugh as he sees you burning! He has no allegiance to America; for his allegiance is to Satan; and this man’s heart is set upon his rule of the whole world!
You, oh America, are but fodder for his fires, you wicked and adulterous peoples of America! And, burn you will! Yes, you will burn; and the fires will spread all across this nation, even before the nukes come! Yes, you will burn, oh America! For, you will not repent! And, because you will not repent; and I have called out to you for many years to repent of your evil ways, and you will not hear My cries, I tell you that you will burn! (The Lord warned the prophet, Dumitru Duduman, that America will burn. We have now come to that time!)
And, the famines, great famines, will begin to rip across this land, from one city to another and from one part of this land to another! In years past, I warned you through My words, which I gave to My servant, Linda Newkirk. I told you that if you would not repent that I would dry up your corn fields, that I would bring famines; and you would not hear! You would not believe!
Now come the famines, and you can see it at your door! For, the droughts are so great! And, now the great fires come, yet few of you can see them, and these fires continue on! Now comes also the time when your antichrist president will wallow in his victories! For, now comes also the time when he is coming into his power!
What will you do, oh you decadent nation of America? You will fall! America will fall! Yes, America will fall, and all over the world, the people will shudder! They will panic! They will fear with a great fear! For, they shall soon say, “America is fallen!” Yes, the whore of the world is fallen! That old wicked woman, who made the world to drink of the cup of her perversions, has fallen!
Yet, not all will fear, but only those nations, who have depended upon you, will fear! Many will rejoice! Many will be joyful! They will be glad; for you, oh decadent nation of America have terrorized many nations!
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