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Warning: Information Your Government, Doctors and Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You To Know

Saturday, August 8, 2015 13:08
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Outside the USA the technology we are describing in this article that cures diseases, controls pain and other aggravating symptoms and corrects chemical deficiencies that cause mental illnesses is commonly used by both the general public as well as medical doctors.  However and unfortunately, in the USA the general public is not familiar with it because the AMA and the FDA never were presented the technology by an organized body of practitioners.  All they’ve been exposed to in America is pharmaceuticals from massive manufacturers who blast the media and themselves with tested/effective drugs and treatments. 

But, for hundreds of years it’s been a common place practice to use either both or one or the other without any conflict or animosity.  Yes, of course we promote the use of drugs and modern medicine, but now because of modern computer technology, it completely possible for a patient to also treat themselves at home with SAFEWave technology that reprograms their immunity, kills pathogens that cause Cancer and other diseases and restores processes and functions that control and eliminate pain and other symptoms as well as correcting mental disorders.

America, compared to other countries, is as far down the list as number 13 why, because curing without drugs is thought of as being a hoax, flim-flam, impractical and immature.  The truth is though, that pharmaceutical companies copy the results and the methods naturally incorporated by nature when it cures diseases.  That’s why China has very little Cancer, why heart disease is minimal and longevity is greater in other modern countries.  Why, because the general public and the medical community use all the techniques, styles and methods known to man to cure and treat patients. 

Go to your doctor, get medicine then buy a SAFEWave Formula to add to your treatment protocol.  Or, just use SAFEWave Formulas and treat yourself by yourself at home on your computer, MP3 Player or CD Player.  50% of our customers do what their doctor tells them and buy our formulas.  The other 50% only use SAFEWave Formulas and nothing else.  But, our specialty really, is to create formulas with SAFEWaves that are designed to do the very same things as drug treatment protocols designed by a physician.  WOW Technology can not cause side effects, disrupt processes and functions and they definitely do not interfere with any drugs or treatments you may be taking.  All they can possibly do is help you get better…they can’t destroy, can’t kill healthy cells or organs, can’t make you sick, can’t interfere with treatments such as chemo, dialysis or diabetes drugs…they are 100% safe and always helpful.  If you have Cancer, don’t hesitate calling for extra help with it now or to prevent it from returning.  Of course, just like when you go to your doctor, the results vary person to person, but it’s been proven and documented that SAFEWaves cure diseases and that that formulas can be created that target any realistic objectives a patient could possibly have.  Call Fr. Gerald Giunta, Symptom Analyst and Cofounder of for an evaluation of your situation.  God Bless You all….Fr. Gerald at 727-418-6206……SAFEWave Wave Over Wave Technological Programs by Lawrence Gilligan… For More Information Visit their website at Common Sense Technologies

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