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Interesting Development: Secret Service Issue Warning To Pope, Life In Danger Coming To US — Plus Pope Francis & Globalist Religion (Video)(Video)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 10:02
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Interesting Development: Secret Service Issue Warning To Pope, Life In Danger Coming To US


16 Sep 15


Pope Francis visits the US next week to address Congress and the United Nations. What do the pope’s positions on climate change and economics mean in light of end times prophecies of a global government–and global religion? Plus Secret Service issue warning to Pope Francis that his life is in danger coming to the United States of America. Hmmm… more prophecy coming up?


Secret Service Issue Warning To Pope, Life In Danger Coming To US

Members of the president’s Secret Service detail have confided to WND concern that they cannot adequately protect Pope Francis in the United States under current plans that include allowing the pope to ride through crowds next week in Washington and New York in an open vehicle. The agents’ concerns about the Sept. 22-27 papal visit are compounded, they say, by an ongoing environment in which politically correct management decisions compromise the elite recruitment and excellence for which the Secret Service was distinguished when it was managed by the Department of Treasury.

The Secret Service is now under the Transportation Security Administration, a branch of the Department of Homeland Security. WND has confirmed that several Secret Service agents currently assigned to papal security for the upcoming visit are seeking to transfer to other federal government agencies, because discipline and morale has deteriorated to dangerous levels under current TSA management. “Secret Service are fleeing in droves seeking security positions in other government agencies,” one Secret Service source for this article told WND on condition of anonymity. FULL REPORT 


Pope Francis and the Globalist Agenda

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Total 11 comments
  • It would be funny if he were shot in the head and then arose, up after being dead, wouldn’t it? After like, 3 days? but that will not happen. He is not Prince William or some other Royal dude.

    the Pope will probably not be shot. unfortunately.

    • What does it matter any way? Reptilians’ have multiple lives.

      • The Bible is not painfully clear, on whether there is a literal attempt, made against the life of the Antichrist (whomever that may be).

        But, it is typically understood that his miraculous recovery only seems to give him more celebrity, ie. “Who can make war against him?”

    • Funny? You won’t be laughing when it actually happens. ;-( THe pope has been giving hints all year long that he IS going to be “assassinated” . I think that the scenario you describe is precisely what is going to happen. I don’t know if he plans on being resuscitated after 3 days, or 3 hours, or what, but I bet it’s a “3″ something… I could be wrong, of course, I mean, I usually am….but then again, that’s with regards to wimmens… :sigh:

  • Because that guy gives tme the creeps, jut like the other one. (other Pope).

    Ratzinger, and also John Paul II and also that brown dude in the pic next to Pope.

    Child molesting church Fathers, yeah, they ought all to be shot.

    • islam rape children and slices off little girls’s skin.

      Eat More GMO :mad:

      • AllRoadsLead2NWO

        Humans are GMO’s genetically modified organisms or Organisms Modified Genetically -OMG’s.

        BEHOLD -23 or 24 pairs of CHROMOSOMES. Someone or something or a group came here and spliced our DNA. The former version of ourselves had 24 pairs which was whacked down to what we have now- 23 pairs of chromosomes.
        Whomever did this is the one PLAYING GOD. If we went back in time 100,000 years or so with all of our gadgets- we would be called GODS.

  • Obama head wound,pope head wound who is trying to steel
    the story.


    • AllRoadsLead2NWO


  • Yeah, we all can only wish………….it would be delightful to see one of the Luciferians shot down….but it likely will not happen…too bad…..POS Pope and Obama will no doubt be protected…after all they made a deal with devil…right? besides you’d probably have to run a gold stake through their hearts to stop them…..

    • AllRoadsLead2NWO

      Lucifer and the lesser angel called satan- never killed anyone. The only killer in the book of constantines stories id the vain, jealous, favorite playing god of israel that is ‘jealous of all other gods”. If the lesser angel satan- who loved god of israel more than anyone was “evil” (live) or “bad” he would HAVE KILLED JESUS WHEN HE HAD THE CHANCE.

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