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In today’s video, Christopher Greene of AMTV reports on 5 Chinese Warships off the Coast of Alaska for the first time ever .
“Another Chemical Plant Explosion China” # 4
30 Holistic Doctors Poisoned With Powerful Psychedelic At Health Conference
Dabhoo77- Is China Hinting At Using Weapons With UFO Technology In New Simulation?
Trump will expose the shill and bring him down!
Trump won’t expose anything, except his bald spot and his utter stupidity.
He so stupid that he has made billions.
He is still pocket change to Warren Buffet at 67 Billion to trump’s 9 billion- and all are pocket change to the Rothschild’s $700 Trillion total net worth- the are the kingpins of the world-period.
I agree, he has made billions, after inheriting a huge fortune. Doesn’t take a genius, to be born into money.
What makes him an idiot, is his attitudes, his ideas, and his words.
You don’t need intelligence to make $.
You need a sufficient initial amount to bribe key positions with.
The Donald might be stupid, Bill, but he sure knows how to pick em and, as egotistical as he is, doesn’t balk at hiring people smarter than himself. Now that’s a mark of a good leader.
It won’t work though because the bureaucracy is going to suck the very life out of him and stonewall his every idea till he blows it all off. Mark that.
I can’t wait to see Trump glumly reading from the script and saying whatever he’s told to for fear of his life. It shouldn’t be too hard to spot either as i’ve had the practice of one of my home grown uber-businessman giving it a go. Oh boy was he going to kick some arse and take names except several public apologies later he decided he didn’t have an opinion on any topic whatsoever.
Another of our PM’s tried to preempt the judiciary and publicly told retirees to stop paying a certain tax cause he was going to change that law anyway. Well now the Judiciary demanded his job and got it which, of course, is the way it should be.
We wrote songs about the right honourable Prime Minister, Rob Muldoon and here’s to his memory. Give the video half a minute. It’s actually the official music clip from the time and the old at the start guy is the PM.
Knobz rule!
An egotistical, stupid, billionaire, christian president… anyone seeing how HORRIBLE our future is going to be if we let that bastard lock up the country for their “purpose”?? Genius!
I’m voting this time. Not for anyone you’d think:)
Do you read philosophy, Joker? The reason i ask is that you, me and Plato agree that a benevolent dictatorship is by far and away the best option and he went so far as to say that democracy was easily the very worst.
Guess what; your wish will come true when Jesus returns. Go figure, huh?
What makes you think this country will last till the next election ? Everything ends this month
shut up fear troll
Go and hide behind the sofa you sound scared of everything
A NEGRO in Alaska??? Say it ain’t so Joe……..
A racist on a conspiracy site? Say it aint so Joe!
An E.T. for an avatar pic on planet earth?
I call him what he wants to be known as (and he and his liberals stated this) and I am the racist??? No, no, my friend, you and the Negro are.
Say it ain’t so Moe!
Lots of muslims, too. The women look like penguins, but at the wrong pole. It confuses the bears.
no he still hadnt been to Alaska as president and was asked to officially rename Mt Denali and also help draw attention to the global warming problems, nothing like secretly meeting real aliens and talking about ufo abductions
He went to prove that contrary to popular Alaskan belief, Polar Bears are not unlucky; and that they are, in fact, endangered.
How about Barry in Alaska to plan the next FALSE FLAG! with his fellow Communists. Too bad he didn’t fall off the boat or be mistaken for a Grizzly bear and got shot.
Maybe China wants all the money they lent us back and decided to finally threaten Obozo
Chris Greene? You’re seriously gonna take that death-faking CIA-paid shill’s word for anything. HE’S A NEW WORLD ORDER MOUTHPIECE, spewing half-truths and flat out lies that his illuminati handlers tell him. Just like: ALEX JONES, DAHBOO7, MARK DICE, and ADAM KOKESH. All death fakers. All bought and paid for by the One World Government.
This doesn’t explain anything! He may be meeting with China? That is all? He may be meeting with aliens on Chinese warships, He may be getting Chinese takeout from Chinese warships because there is no Chinese food in Alaska? He may be suggling in prostitutes and fireworks? All viable reasons for going to Alaska, but no, just fear mongering as usual.
Sarah Palin!
Obama’s going to impregnate Bristol, and never call her again. Payback for all the trash Sarah’s been talking, since ’08
I think someone bet him to the punch. It was a good idea though.
Ok…So democracy failed, we knew this 50 years ago…
Tell ya what, when it all comes together as the new world order, I’m not going to be mad, I’ll miss being free….but it’s sadly the only way we as a species can get ourselves to the next planets. We will be ok guys, the less we fight ourselves the more we can fight to outlive our mother earth. We must keep HER safe by leaving!
Religion must be abolished, how do we do that? Our kids need to be taught truths! Never lie to them and tell them they will definitely go to a magical land if they get dunked or pray to the freakin stupid rock.
And guys come on, it’s China they already own the world, give it a decade and they will be running us entirely, why even sweat over obama? He is literally just doing what he is told, he’s the mask, forget “smoke screen” it’s made of rock!
Survive people, learn and do, that’s all we as “peasants” can do. I enjoy life and all I own is a car and trailer, but my family and my knowledge is what matters instead of my things.
“Religion must be abolished, how do we do that? Our kids need to be taught truths! Never lie to them…”
While i agree with this statement entirely i’d hazard to guess that Joker lacks a thorough understanding of what “religion” means and very little idea what the annual celebratory traditions are really all about.
By the time young Americastanians have left elementary school many have already figured out that we lie to them about the tooth fairy, santa/x-mas, easter and even their birthday celebration.
No no, Joker, all of these traditions trace their origins directly to the pagan occult and have no part in the Biblical narrative. So while i agree with you it is religion that is the problem not the Bible.
Mayhem well said even though my son had to go and live in another country 9 years ago to survive and have a fair standard of living ( and hes a qualified Charterd Accountant… )
You see the NEW WORLD ORDER Commonwealth & America take our young white kids
because they are well educated and taught to work hard under our old system so they are an advantage to any country…
While us middle class folks over 45 years old do not qualify to migrate unless we have Millions or big business to offer as a ticket in….
So here i am stuck waiting for :- Die Swart Gevaar to rob, rape and kill us…..
Like our 3000 + White Farm Families :- Robbed Raped Tortured and Killed By ” Blacks ”
And Our Black High Court Judges Say ~ And I Quote :- ITS NOT RACISM !
And by the way ~ here im called a ” Racist ” now because im ” White “….
@Bob. I’m not at all interested in politics but perhaps if the white scourge hadn’t deceived, cheated and stolen the birthright from black africans they wouldn’t hate you all so much.
I do have empathy for your plight but i’m entirely un-sympathetic to it. Reap what you Sow as it is written.
Pretty sure I never said bible. Idk what the heck you’re talking about, I know religious belief, and screw the pagans. They didn’t know any more than the Christians and Muslims. Traditions? Do you see how stupid tradition is? At all? The tooth fairy? That is exactly my point! If we don’t feed kids bull-shtako from the get-go then they may just be smarter than we could imagine. We don’t need traditions, we need moral understandings stemming from our own needs as a species.
Our traditions have held us back and made us weak.
thank you
I’m not surprised that you have no idea what i’m talking about, Joker, and perhaps if i had said “Faith” in place of “Bible” i might have been more clear so let me put it another way.
Religions, all 4,000 odd flavours as far as i can tell, are not steeped in the Bible even though they’ll hold one up while beating their chest. Religion has no part in the Faith. Religion is not taught in the Bible rather “Church” is the body of Messiah (the people) not the building down the road that only gets used for 2 hours per week.
I freaking hate religions and churches – not the people (ecclesia/body) but the organization – and not one of them can show me where any of these “traditions” are to be found in Scripture. Can you? How about Jesus birthday, do we know it? No we don’t. How about one example, from the Bible, of anyone celebrating a birthday (not a birth but a birthday). There is no such example.
Jesus was very unlikely to have been born on christmas day given that it is taught that the shepherds were tending flocks at the time and that sounds more like April to me but in reality we don’t actually know that for certain either.
Further more i believe that we are warned about the christmas tradition. Jeremiah 10:1-5 seems to describe the decorated tree, to a tee, but you’ll have to decide that for yourself as the passage might be about all idolatry and not specifically X-mas.
Add to that Easter being a fertility ritual that worships Ishtar the pagan goddess of fertility. Ishtar v Easter, heck it even rhymes?
Yes, my friend, traditions have held us back and if you chase that rabbit down its burrow you will eventually find that it is the Talmudic-Judaising-Pharisaical religion of traditionalists who are at the route of much wickedness.
Do you know who they are, Joker? Well they are the cowards who called for Jesus crucifixion and the same demons who today claim that Messiah is boiling in excrement. The same who proudly boast that they will kill our King, all over again, when he returns. They are the same as the un-scriptural occupiers in the nation state that today we call Israel and who call themselves Jews but are not.
Well i’ve got news for them that comes straight from Scripture. They may have killed the Savior but when He returns as Judge killing Him won’t be an option. By the way i say “may have killed Jesus” because the Bible actually teaches that He gave up His life with a loud cry. Giving something up is not the same as having it taken away.
Please notice, friend, that i have made allowance for the things that we do not know and i ask you… How many Jesus Freaks, have you met, that admit to not knowing all the answers?
See……you disappoint mayhem. I thought we were going to have a nice conversation…..I’m so sad now……….
Jesus….probably never existed….and is definitely not coming back to transport you through spontaneous quantum teleportation just in the knick of time….I just wanna say, that if people like you would actually see the dark*…the world would be a much brighter place…
Oh okay you just want to rail at things you clearly don’t understand, Joker, and i’ll leave you to it. Have fun ranting into the vacuum.
Spare a thought for how silly you looking going off on one who has been agreeing with you this whole time.
This video brings up many valid points but I suspect that by addressing to many truths that sheeple have ignored they will lump it all together as conspiracy theory when in reality most of it it obvious truth.
Obama does act as if global warming is a big issue and he could be in Alaska for an environmental photo op.
China is a more logical reason. An economic cold war is always being fought; a shooting war could start soon too – especially if collapse in trade means China no longer benefits from the current world system.
Read – Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate
Sarah Palin Rally In Washington. Joins Trump Sept. 9 Against Iran Deal (Video) She’s Maybe Divine Tibetan Incarnation /obama/2015/09/sarah-palin-rally-in-washington-joins-donald-trump-sept-9-vs-iran-deal-video-shes-maybe-divine-tibetan-incarnation-2473914.html
The only way to win a war with China, is by beating them through
economic means and that starts with getting the Clintons — just like
the Rosenbergs — arrested, trial-ed and convicted for treason, for
selling and leaking industrial, political and economic secrets to China.
Next vote Trump into the White House, the only presidential candidate
whom the American Eagle feels comfortable enough with for sitting next
to. The rest of this Video is fear-mongering propaganda for losers.
This lying, foreign national, criminal POTUS wanted to show the world that he could still do anything ‘illegal’ that he pleases without the ‘leftwing’ MSM and ‘corrupt’ Federal Justice Dept. saying or doing anything about it.
He can (ILLEGALLY) fire a General, campaign for Sharia Law in Africa (2007) … on and on.. and even name a mountain after himself…. “Denali” means “The High One”
And weak, anti-American, gullible ‘fools’ still follow him and his ‘Marxist’ Democrats!
The same kind of idiots that followed Hitler into power… Oh how proud he would be of the American Democratic ‘sheep!’
The sheep are Christian, following pushers to their death. Muslims are wolves coming to kill all they can….we as men must not follow anyone but stand alone, when we all stand alone, we become one.
” we as men must not follow anyone but stand alone, when we all stand alone, we become one.”
As The Expert on EVERYTHING once said: “When the blind lead the blind, they BOTH fall into the pit,”
You are an ignorant child!
You forgot to tell us “The real reason” obama went to alaska. My hypothis, free vacation.
He wanted to complete his visit to all 57 states, or was that 58?
This guy was quite right about many issues of the illusions we all live under here in USSA today ! How the elites control you ! It is all at my site in spades and great detail for FREE ! all to help you to a far better life with many answers you can easily apply.
I just wanna add from earlier, I really wanna propel off an apt building:) lmao
first time ever this year.
Don’t worry. Hellary will NOT be elected. I’m predicting she won’t even be nominated.
As for the rest of it… well, I’m old, retired, getting to be physically messed up, have no where to run to or hide out.
If the SHTF in any number of nasty ways, I’m done for. Giving up? NOT. Just sayin’.
Me too, but unlike you, I intend to take a bunch of them with me. lol