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This Is How Emotions Cause Pain in Different Body Parts

Wednesday, September 9, 2015 14:28
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How Emotions Cause Pain in Different Body Parts

We’re all aware of the way emotions such as anger, or sadness, or joy makes us feel, it’s assumed that these emotions are universal and we all feel the same way, right?

New research has actually found that scientifically, emotions that are felt are consistent in each individual, regardless of other influencers such as age or gender.

Dr. Susanne Babbel published an article [1] in Psychology Today exploring the connections between emotional stress, trauma and physical pain. She discusses in her article how chronic pain – which can be defined as a prolonged debilitating pain – may be caused by emotional and stress issues just as much as it may be caused by physical issues. Experts within this field have noted that traumatic events may have a significant impact on the development of pain – with around 15-30% of patients who are suffering from chronic pain, also being diagnosed with PTSD.



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