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Top 10 Gruesome Conditions That Will Make You Vomit

Wednesday, September 2, 2015 19:43
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Here are ten of the most bizarre, disgusting to look at and think of conditions that will make you want to puke reading about. This article is not to be read by people with weak stomachs or anyone under the age of 18. Viewer discretion is advised.


10. Adiposis Dolorosa

adiposis dolorosa

Also referred to as Dercum’s disease, this is a disease that is closely related to fat. The patient suffering from Adiposis Dolorosa will suffer from lipomas or tumors all over the torso that are not only painful but also very horrific to see. Almost all patients that are affected by this condition are obese middle-aged women. For some unknown reason, it occurs up to 30x more often in women than in men. Nobody knows the cause or cure for this condition and it is often believed that it is genetic. This is a very painful condition and doctors focus on treating just the symptoms, prescribing pain medications, liposuctions and various weight loss techniques.


9. Blaschko’s Lines

Blaschko's Lines

Here is some bad news: we all have some form of Blaschko’s Lines, but they’re invisible under normal conditions. That is until they show up due to a bunch of different disorders that can make the pigmentation on your skin to change. The lines show up as a v-shape on the back, an s-shape on the front, and weird wavy lines on your head and face. Doctors believe that the lines are formed from where the embryonic cells are transported in utero, but the bizarre thing is there are more than nine different diseases that could cause you to have this horrific condition. German dermatologist Alfred Blaschko is credited for the first demonstration of these lines in 1901.


8. Cancrum Oris


Noma, also known as Cancrum Oris, is a rapidly progressive and often gangrenous infection of the mouth or genitals. The mucous membranes of the mouth develop ulcers, and rapid, painless tissue degeneration ensues, which can degrade tissues of the bones in the face. The disease is associated with high morbidity and mortality and predominately affects children under the age of 12 in the poorest regions of Africa. Children in Asia and some countries of South America are also affected.


7. Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome


Imagine having an orgasm 24×7! Doesn’t that sounds crazy? It’s not for those who suffer from a rare, weird neurological condition called Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome. Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome can be best described as an unrelenting, persistent and intrusive genital arousal which has nothing to do with your usual desires. This condition can affect anyone irrespective of age or gender and is so distressful and embarrassing that people with it turn to suicide.


6. Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis

Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis

When a single wart on your body causees distress, imagine how it would feel to have your entire body covered with these things! It is however true for some people who suffer from Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis, a genetic skin disorder characterized by the exposure of wart-like lesions that may occur anywhere on the body. The condition is caused by an inactivating PH mutation in either the EVER1 or EVER2 genes, which are located near one another on chromosome 17. The exact function of these genes has not yet been determined, but they play a role in regulating the distribution of zinc in the cell nuclei.


5. Progeria


Progeria, also referred to as Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome, is an extremely rare, progressive genetic disorder that causes children to age rapidly, beginning in their first two years of life. Children with the condition usually appear normal at birth. During the first year, signs and symptoms, such as slow growth and hair loss, start to show. Heart problems or strokes are the eventual cause of death in most children with progeria. The average life expectancy for a child with progeria is about 13 years. There is no cure, but now there is a treatment drug that can delay the growth.


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