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Total Emergency Alert Update — Wait ’til You See This! All Hell Is About To Be Let Loose! Global, Yes Global Meltdown! Alex Jones (Video)

Saturday, September 5, 2015 11:30
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**Total Emergency Alert Update**  All Hell Is About To Be Let Loose! Global, Yes Global Meltdown!


5 Sep 15


Heads up every single thinking person! Alex ties together the shocking events that are hurtling us towards a worldwide meltdown, enough to BLOW YOUR MIND. All the crucial factors are set and the moment is fast approaching. Total shtf. Are you continuing to prepare?






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Total 41 comments
  • Yeah I saw that video. The only thing left we all can do now is to…..
    Eat More GMO :mad:

    • …and then ask yourself this question why saudi arabia and the rich muslim countries REFUSE to allow not even one single refugee from syria to be housed in their country but they themselves pass all those refugees to EU countries and US……. saudi is not USA friend….. thats because saudi is sending all the terrorists to the western countries so that the western countries end up being destroyed but the saudi mullahs are stupid for allowing that now because too obvious it was their own intention doing that and they think we usa will protect saudi arabia anymore?

      Eat More GMO

      • AllRoadsLead2NWO

        The USA Corp. will protect Saudi Arabia as long as they have oil per the saudi prince’s agreement with the Nixon Administration- creating the Petro dollar in agreeing to trade oil in the Federal Reserve System Dollar. Don’t take STRAFOR’s Alex Inc. too seriously you have to remember what William Cooper said about him and his insane broadcast’s and in my opinion single-handedly causing the ignorant Y2K panic.
        Check some of Alex’s insanity here;

        • Let me sum up alex jones for you!
          NO criticism of isra-HELL at ALL = a Talmud reading & acting shill for isra-HELL!
          Alex is for people who cannot read that well.
          Lots of vids!

    • Wow Cow … you are talkative today… Alex has fired you up … deeper down the rabbit-hole …. Saudi Arabia is doing what U.S. wants done …

      • you mean flood britain germany united states and rest of western nations with sleeper cells to destroy our own countries from within while saudi arabia, and mullah lands sit back and watches us die off while they get left untouched?

        Eat More GMO :mad:

    • GMO means Gorilla, Monkeys and Obama. Are you suggesting they are related?

    • I think what is more scary than what anyone is talking about and is lending credence to what they say is that you have a negro in control.

      I think that is what is making everybody scared. We know it’s not right to have a negro up there. One being is that he was illegal and that is weighing in on it too.

      That something is not right with the negro.

      • :lol: I am actually colorblind on skin hydes and pigment stuff,…. but one thing for sure, your current leader is running things like Hitler did in a not too distant dimension flip side parallel world.

        Eat More GMO

    • Eat More GMO and drink FLUORIDATE WATER.

    • There is still enough time for a Wal-Mart Prepper Food Run


  • There are so many of these stories now because we are seeing this happen right before our eyes. But this story was also written 2000 years ago “it will take a days wages to buy a few loaves of bread”. Sorry to tell you this, but Yes, the end is very near now. It’s time to get right with God, or face 7 years of hell on earth. Please Choose God. Find out how at God Bless

    • Uh no, defense contractors (AKA the people who own your congress) thrive on the peoples resonance of fear. This is more of the same. Monday, Obama will get on TV and try to float a trial balloon to invade some country (To destabilize it to steal oil or minerals from said country) saying something to the effect of Them “needing democratic elections”. I cant wait for the new date these clowns come up with when nothing happens on September 23.

  • World is ending but dont forget to buy my stuff.

  • The ones who say this isnt real are the same ones that better not show up on our doorsteps looking for a handout, because that is where their hand will stay, Out! I have had a gut feeling that for some time that jade helm was about Yellowstone blowing or the ring of fire theory. I have never seen the world in the shape thatit is in and if You think something isnt about to happen well, let me say this before the phones and internet goes down for a while,
    * I Told You So! And so did Alex!* Prepare for the worst and hope for the best!

    • Alex will probably be the 1st to cry like a little girl when it will happen.

  • “Alternative” Media = The entire system is going to collapse any week now.

    MSM = The entire system is always fine and could never crash.

  • There is ONLY ONE WAY, and that is through Jesus/ Yashaya. Please accept Christ into your heart and repent of your sins. Admit that you are a sinner and do everything you have within yourself to turn away from those sins. Jesus/Yashaya will not let you go once you give yourself to him. He sacrificed himself for ALL of us. Of course its not always easy.  Ephesians 6:12 ” For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”.  Accecpt the way of the light, grow your faith in Christ, stand in your faith. These are the last days and WE MUST FIGHT FOR OUR SOULS! Love you ALL! GOD bless and may he have favor with us all!

  • I’m so sorry what? I couldn’t hear over the Minotaur in my yard!

  • Economic collapse must occur to make the population desperate enough to accept dictatorship.

    Revelation 6:6 “And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius.” It helps to understand this means a meager amount of food will cost a full day’s wages: Matthew 20:2 “he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius for the day.” When food shortages and inflation mean a man’s entire income goes to food just to survive, how can he support a family or pay any other bills? He can’t even feed himself on his days off, if a day’s wages basically buys a day’s bread for one person. If children are starving, parents will agree to almost anything for the dictator’s handouts and “solutions.”

      Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate

    • Lol, then let all these cowardly, self-important fools get what’s coming to them.

      Your God helps those who help themselves, right?
      Phssh…. these people aren’t helping themselves.

      The Middle class has TENS OF TRILLIONS of combined dollars of disposable income since the 50s…

      > Has any of that gone to buy land, so that like-minded people can start feeding ourselves and our CLOSE communities with quality, nutritious, fresh produce FROM OUR OWN YARDS??

      > Has any of that gone to FREE ENERGY RESEARCH!?!! TO INVESTIGATING and restoring the inventions of Nicola Tesla, Stan Meyer, Henry Moray, Jan Ascanius, or ANY of the thousands of inventors in between?

      > Has any of that gone to democratize Goods Manufacturing… get workshops into peoples houses so that we can build more and more out of our houses and communities, not relying on distant factories of questionable ownership?

      > Have these people spent time INVESTIGATING THEIR OWN TERRIBLE, FAILING HEALTH!?! … and finding ways to fix it?

      No. :mad: :mad: Of course not. :mad: :mad:

      These fat, sloppy middle-class CATTLE have spent their money on guilty late-night HBO porno binges, guilt out-of-marriage wh0res and trysts, cheap indulgent restaurant outings, trips to F*CKING Disneyland, Cancun etc, Big-screen TVs, John Deere sit-down lawnmowers, expensive clothing…. etc etc etc etc ETC… for DECADES!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

      :evil: :evil: Well, now they will reap the whirlwind that they chose. :evil: :evil:

      This has nothing to do with ‘Gawd’ or “Jeesus” or “Yaweh” or “Prophecy” or (jerk it jerk it jerk it).

      :mad: It has to do with IDIOTS. CHOOSING. TO. BE. IDIOTS. :mad:

  • Everyone talks, Obama is a “fear monger” and all that…..I hate to apparently be the first to tell you that YOU are the real problem. You like the bible? Use it to make yourself sleep at night a little better, thinking an old man(apparently like 7 or 8000 years old….haha) is protecting you? Do you even know the TOLL your little “Faith” brings on the world? THAT’S the real veil. If you want morality that way you should have picked up Jefferson’s revised bible! Ya know, since you all love to think you’re worth something to this country, maybe study what our forefathers wrote. Ha, I have the “Satanic verses” too, it’s quite a read. I hope that the majority of Christians have fun with their sad existence, thinking that they are born with evil in them that they have to wash away by believing in a book written in caves by guys WHO DIDN’T KNOW ANYTHING GOING ON IN THE WORLD. The Muslims at least are honest in what they want! One day, a United World will look back in disgust at what their fathers did, just as we do our fathers


    • I was accosted by 2 bible-pushers on Friday (Mormons) the first thing I said – my faith is mine period end of the story. They wanted to know why I was so defensive and told them once again MATTER CLOSED. One was an australian living in california and the other american. Both on their first MISSION to my middle of nowhere. Wished them good luck though.

      • My girlfriend answers the door every time they come here…..I never get the chance to flip their little world around on them :’(

      • I turn the Morons on to the ONLY Healing sacrament on the face of this earth!
        As, presented by the Church of Cannabis, the ONLY High Sacrament is ………Cannabis!
        THE END!

        • Yes….she’s how I manage to put my back and mind at ease, there is no other, truly.

      • Doggoneit

        Sick and tired of Mormons, and or Jehovah’s, door to door soliciting?

        Next time they come to your door, answer it naked and watch their facial expressions :eek:

        This should take care of them without you having to waste a single breath.

        • And….you will have a hilarious story to tell….

        • Roaring laughs! Although the Australian was worth a second look – too bad I was old enough to be his parent…

  • Isn’t defcon 5-1, not 1-10? Lol

  • Alex, you may have alot of information that is probably dead-on about our country….but please, please stop appealing to the 1.3 or so stupid people with your Armageddon lie, HE’S NOT COMING BECAUSE HE DOESN’T EXIST. Have you ever seen God? I can tell you how in one word.
    Who wants to see God???

    • I used to feel the same as you do. Yes he does exist, but there are no words that an unbeliever will ever accept in accord with him. I wanted to see him and I have. This was my life changing, born again experience 25 years ago. Fear not, for He is with us always.

  • Heads up, every thinking person should already understand that Alex Jones is the epitome of controlled opposition, a dis-information agent. He provides his fan base with half truths, at best, which are worse than full lies, as half truths make it much more difficult for his fans to use discernment. A.J. is a parasite.

    • Thinking people, puh-lease, next thing you’ll be telling us there’s mermaids and flying reindeer. I wonder, THOTH, do the sheeple notice how braggarts like AJ are all for the revolution except they must stay well behind the lines, in their air conditioned studio, to tell all-of-ya’ll what to think next?

      • Mayhem

        I believe the sheeple notice nothing more than what is suggested to them by the wolves. By letting men like AJ tell them what to think, they have forgotten how to think for themselves. Intellectual apathy has caused the sheeple to rely on men like AJ to tell them the ‘truth’, as opposed to searching for it within themselves.

        Also, look at his facial expression on the video link above. Is that his serious face? His expression tells me that not even he believes the verbal diarrhea that spews from his mouth.

        • I think you’re right.

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