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Why are Christians So Naive about Judaism?

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Why are Christians So Naive about Judaism?

September 8, 2015

loveisrael.jpeg“Judeo Christian” is an Oxymoron

Anyone with a genuine Christian faith would recognize that Judaism defined by Cabala and Talmud, is not only the antithesis of Christianity, but also its mortal enemy.

Whence comes the imaginary camaraderie between Christianity and Judaism? And why are Christians so ignorant – or timid?
(abridged by  
To what degree are Jewish interests antithetical to Christian conservatives?
It is obvious that American Jews have long been aligned with the Democratic Party. In many ways, the “Jewish community” broadly construed opposes many things that Christian conservatives champion.
“[T]raditonally[,] …Jewish voters …have favored Democrats by 2-to-1 margins.”[1]
This leftward leaning goes back at least to the era of Franklin Roosevelt. “[F]unctioning under the …aegis of the Democratic party, American Jews fortied their reputation as the most dependably progressive ethnic community in the United States. In 1940, no fewer than 90 percent of their votes went to Roosevelt.”[2]
Despite the rightward orientation of a handful of Jewish king-makers (chiefly 


Sheldon Adelson,left, but also smaller fry such as Norman Braman, Henry Kravis, Richard Roberts and Mel Sembler, two of whom – by the way, Adelson and Roberts – are said to favor Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker for the [as of this writing] upcoming the 2016 election), “as a group, Jews still endorse the Democratic Party at a rate of around 20 percentage points above most other Americans.”[3]
“Indeed, the Washington Post once estimated that Democratic presidential candidates ‘depend on Jewish supporters to supply as much as 60 percent of the money raised from private sources. Other estimates are lower, but contributions from Jewish Americans form a substantial share – between 20 and 50 percent – of the contributions made to the Democratic party and its presidential candidates.”[4]
Jews provided at least half the money donated to the DNC [Democratic National Committee] in the 1998 and 2000 election cycles.”[5]
Additionally, “as a matter of comparison they [Jews] are generally found to be the most liberal white ethnoreligious group in the United States.”[6]
To illustrate: At least one benchmark indicates that religious Jews are more likely to be atheists than people of other faiths. This is so prevalent that one journalist writes: “Atheism is entrenched in American Judaism. In researching their book American Grace, authors Robert Putnam and David Campbell found that half of all American Jews doubt God’s existence. In other groups, that number is between 10 and 15 percent.”[7]
Within “rightwing Christian” circles, atheism is lamented. But there is a deafening silence from these supposedly concerned “Conservatives” when it comes to atheism infused American Judaism. As one synagogue-attendee, Maxim Schrogin, put it: “Atheism and Judaism are not contradictory, so to have an atheist in a Jewish congregation isn’t an issue or a challenge or a problem.”[8]
There is a conspicuous case-study. Many Christians bemoan the removal of prayer from public schools. What many people do not know, however, is how this removal came about. It was the result of the landmark Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962) case, in which the U.S. Supreme Court legislated from the bench, decreeing it “unconstitutional” for public schools to adopt or encourage the recitation of “official” prayers in public schools.
The genesis of the case was this: “In the fall of 1958, Steven Engel visited his son’s elementary school classroom in Hyde Park, New York. Engel, a Jew, was upset to see his son’s hands clasped and his head bent in prayer. He told his son that this was ‘not the way we say prayers.’”[9]
As George Lincoln Rockwell observed in the late 1960s: “If Israel is a Jewish country and has the right to be Jewish, if Ghana is a black country and has the right to be black, why don’t we have the right to keep a white country white and Christian? Why, how long do you think you people would last if you went over there to Israel and started campaigning in the Jewish schools in Israel against singing Jewish songs? And yet they’re over here campaigning against us singing Christmas carols in ours. …You can’t sing Christmas carols in schools any more. They won’t tolerate it, but we must.”[10]…


In another recent news item, we read about the activist goings on of one Michael “Mikey” Weinstein. “…A Pentagon ban on proselytizing has left some conservative activists fearful that Christian soldiers — and even military chaplains — could face court martial for sharing their faith.
“The Defense Department said this week that proselytizing — trying to get someone to change faiths — is banned. Its statement does not define proselytizing or address the role of military chaplains. It also does not rule out court martial for those whose share their faith too aggressively….[13, 14]
Additional evidence of Jewish left-leaning can be detected from the fact that the overwhelming majority of Jews – “religious” or “secular” – support abortion[15] and “same sex marriage”,[16] both of which are opposed by many “religious Conservatives.”
It is simply a fact that, historically, Jews have been at the forefront of liberalizing and activist politics.
 Another important facet of the larger discussion contrasting “Conservative” and “Jewish interests” must therefore be to note the historical point that Jews have long advanced socialism, communism and other radical, leftist ideologies.[17],[18]
From Moses HessKarl Marx and Ferdinand Lassalle to Leon Trotsky (born Bronstein) and Vladimir Lenin (scion of the Jewish Blank family), Communist-Bolshevism was a decidedly Jewish – and anti-Christian/anti-Russian peasant – movement.[19]
Combined with the fact, established centuries ago by intrepid researchers like Gustaf DalmanJohann EisenmengerAlexander McCaulBernhard Pick and Johann Wagenseil and admitted by honest scholars such as Theodor Keim and Princeton University’s Peter Schaefer, that the Jewish Talmud holds that Jesus Christ was a blasphemer who was not only rightly accused and justly executed, but also – and outrageously – asserts such filthy scurrilities as that the Blessed Virgin Mary was a whore[20] and that Jesus was justly executed for practicing magic and leading Israel astray[21] and is now being punished in hell by being suspended in boiling human excrement;[22] it’s fairly compelling, as Michael Hoffman has argued at length, that the label “Judeo-Christian” is an oxymoron.
This is not a novel idea. Saint Paul indicated: “the Jews …killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to everyone…”.[23]
Nevertheless, Christians continue to labor under the mistaken belief that Jews have some sort of robust kinship with Christians. The counterpoint can scarcely be better made than it was by Saint John the Evangelist, who wrote in 1 John 2:22-23: “Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist – denying the Father and the Son. No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.”
According to John, writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, any person who denies Jesus also has neither the Son nor the Father. Therefore, on Biblical authority, it seems that whatever God the Jews proclaim, it simply cannot be the Father of Jesus – or else the New Testament is gravely mistaken.
As to the idea that (supposed) Jewish pedigree is salvific [leading to salvation] in and of itself, Jesus himself dismissed this when He said: “And do not think you can say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham.” (Matthew 3:9).
In fact, more strongly, Jesus told the Pharisees - the forerunners of the rabbis: “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”[24]
As Saint Augustine of Hippo once reportedly said: “Judaism, since Christ, is a corruption; indeed Judas is the image of the Jewish people; their understanding of the Scriptures is carnal; they bear the guilt for the death of the Saviour, for through their fathers they killed the Christ.“[25]
The main point to Christians was and is: Whence comes the imaginary camaraderie between Christianity and Judaism? And why are Christians so ignorant – or timid?
Related- Pastor Steve Anderson- The Jews and their Lies 
                              Ted Pike  The Zionist Conspiracy from the Beginning

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Total 2 comments
  • There is a Judaism made by the will of God as well as a Christianity. Both are made in Gods image. What you are speaking of is the fruit of religion which is made in the image of man.

    Which one will you choose?

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