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American Military Seriously Divided……….

Sunday, October 25, 2015 13:03
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America’s Coalition of Treachery

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on October 24, 2015

America’s foreign policy is pure anarchy, each week becoming more unsound, more cartoonish, more phantasmagorical

Colonial treachery
by  Gordon Duff, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow
A tall skinny Gordon in Vietnam, where 200 night ambush patrol missions sharpens one's survival skills
A tall skinny Gordon in Vietnam, where 200 night ambush patrol missions sharpens one’s survival skills
[Editor’s Note:  Dear new VT readers, this is as good as it gets here, what you will read below, the kind of material that cannot be found anywhere else on the planet that is not op-ed based with no actual sources. Older readers already know us.
After all these years, despite the corporate media blackout on VT, we continue to be successful flowing around that, by using what is called “pulling a 180 on them” public relations campaign. We have been able to use being blacked out to getting a lot of attention about what do “they” not want you to see at VT. What are they afraid of?
Syria has become our current main event in this regard, as they eventually saw that releasing more major material through us was allowing them to leverage our coverage, as the world Intel and military also monitor VT to see what is being published there that others will not.
We are heading into a busy last quarter of the year, more so than during the Libyan War, and the fall where we busted Wikileaks (after having been an early fan of the releases), when we discovered that it was a major psyops, with Murdoch and the Israelis seeding releases with material to hurt targeted countries; but they made the big mistake of there being nothing released that would hurt Israel.
The world classified Intel traffic is huge, with all the monitoring going on to keep track of what scams the Israelis and their hasbara helpers are up to. It is impossible to have big Intel dumps like this without the dirty laundry of the paradise of Zion being included. Not a drop of it was.
And then of course, Bibi helped us out when we found his published statement in Israeli news that they had nothing to worry about from Assange, that “He has been talking to us, and assured us we will  be OK.” And then, around the same week, Ziggy went on NPR and gave his wonderful interview that Wikileaks has been seeded and cherry-picked to hurt some, while protecting others.
For you new people, the piece below is a version of Gordon’s famous country level briefings that he generically refers to as his “How the world really works.” They are his trademark and brand, as no one else can do them like he does. They have neither the material nor the balls to do them, publicly at least. In that world, he is known only as “Gordon”.  No one asks, “Gordon who”. Enjoy…Jim W. Dean ]
– First published  …  October 23, 2015 –
US Special forces may soon be training Syrian rebels
We pre-train rebels to join terrorist groups, but  claim we are fighting terrorism. You just can’t make this stuff up!
For days now, an Israeli General captured inside Iraq has been interrogated by what is assumed to be Iranian Revolutionary Guard advisors with the Shiite militias that are currently holding him.
From Veterans Today:
“The Foreign Affairs High Representative at the USA Parliament and Secretary General of the “DESI” European Department for Security and Information Ambassador Dr. HAISSAM BOU-SAID confirmed that Iraqi popular Army captured an Israeli officer whose name is Yussi Elon Shahak, based on the Intel provided by the “US international Parliament and European Department for Security and Information.”The officer’s rank is Brigadier and his military No is Re 34356578765Az231434.”
Even though statements made during his interrogation have been released to the public including a blanket admission that ISIS and Israel’s intelligence service, the Mossad, have been deeply integrated for years and that IDF advisors provide both intelligence and command and control functions for Islamic State military forces, the western press has chosen to censor this story.
Instead, President Obama, part of a “magic triumvirate of the unstable” which includes both Netanyahu and Erdogan, has leveled charges of using poison gas against Syria’s President Assad.
Obama’s charges, made in light of recent revelations that President Erdogan of Turkey as ordered renewed supplies of Sarin gas for ISIS and al Qaeda/al Nusra forces inside Syria, are clear signs that President Obama is no longer in control of his own faculties nor is he likely in control of America’s military forces in the field either.
Over the past two weeks, two separate American attacks on the city of Aleppo have damaged that cities power system and knocked out water purification systems. These leave a city of 2.5 million dependent on untreated water from the Euphrates River, known to be a source of cholera.
We're going to free the sh*t out of you - Ebay patch
We’re going to free the sh*t out of you – Ebay patch
Confirmations from sources at the Pentagon indicate that this was indeed the rationale for the attacks by American planes from Incirlik Air Force Base in Turkey, attacks cited by Russia’s President Putin as “strange.” We are also told that these attacks were planned and executed by American field commanders no longer under command of President Obama and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
In fact, this has been going on for years, a parallel command structure answerable to a cabal [ aka RKM WE'RE IN DEEP DO DO] of wealthy right wing extremists, Bush holdovers and Israel’s Netanyahu.
This parallel command, often spoken of at the Pentagon in whispered voices, was established by former American Vice President Dick Cheney who “shanghaied” the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) and placed it, unconstitutionally, under his personal oversight.
Some in the Pentagon believe that Cheney and former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, though out of government for many years, may well still command American units around the world, particularly in Europe and the Middle East along with powerful naval forces.
B-52H leaving Minot
B-52H leaving Minot
There are also very strong doubts about the security of America’s nuclear forces according to Veterans Today editor Jeff Smith, former inspector for the International Atomic Energy Agency and advisor on issues of nuclear security to former President George H.W. Bush.
Smith, joined by VT editor Colonel James Hanke, USA, SF (ret), former chief intelligence officer of America’s largest nuclear command in Europe at the height of the Cold War, tell a tale of deep intrigue within America’s military and political circles that has led to not only missing nuclear material but the wanton and secretive use of tactical nuclear weapons by the US and other nations.
The tactical nuke dropped on Yemen in 2014 was most likely a neutron type
The tactical nuke dropped on Yemen in 2014 was most likely a neutron type
Particularly telling, however, is America’s treachery in the phony war on the Islamic State. Since the onset of Russian involvement in the air war on ISIS, tensions in the region have risen to unprecedented levels.
None of this has anything to do with legitimate air operations against ISIS and its sister organizations, quite the contrary.
What it has exposed is a long history by the US, Turkey and Israel of using air forces to support terrorist groups in the field, not only direct air support flown by Turkey and Israel illegally operating inside Syrian air space against the Syrian Army and supposedly US backed YPG forces, but active resupply of terrorist groups as well.
Those resupply flights by American transport aircraft,flights President Obama openly admits are giving TOW and Stinger missiles to groups fighting inside Syria are, contrary to the false statements Obama has made, are quite something else.
These American planes, flying out of Turkey and Kuwait are supplying “moderate terrorists” in both Syria and Iraq with drops being made to the Free Syrian Army and al Nusra in Syria and flying on into Iraq’s Anbar Province to resupply Islamic State units fighting against the government of Iraq.
The current 3000-man US contingent based in Anbar is seen by most factions in Iraq, with the exception of the Kurdish Regional Government in Erbil, as part and parcel to a protected ISIS base behind Iraqi lines.
The key factor that has changed is Russian involvement in Syria and with it, the new “real coalition” combined intelligence and operations center in Baghdad staffed by Iraqi, Russian, Syrian and Iranian military intelligence specialists backed by Russian satellite, drone and signals intelligence.
Additionally, Russia is increasingly exerting control over Syrian air space with not only SU30 but now SU35 air superiority fighters being deployed, planes capable of outperforming anything “in theatre,” including the F22 and F15.
What is more telling, however, is the human intelligence factor, something America has never had in the Middle East. Increasingly, the network of thousands of intelligence sources on the ground across the region that led to the capture of Israeli General Shahak, has also led to the incredible success of the Russian bombing campaign in Syria as well, a campaign the Baghdad government would have brought to bear in its own struggle except for US blackmail.
What we can state categorically is this, America has been not only fully cognizant of Israel’s deep involvement with ISIS but has been, from the beginning, not only supporting the Islamic State but is its real parent.
There has been a “sea change” in American opinion, not only the general public but within military and intelligence circles as well.  Assuming that there is a deep divide within these communities with two groups, loyal Americans and those bought, blackmailed or mentally coerced by unsound adherence to extremist religious views, there is no longer any effective or credible command structure behind any American military forces including the 16 intelligence agencies and the up to 300,000 private military contractors and mercenaries, many of whom are the Islamic State.
When does our national security structure become a threat to our national security?
When does our national security structure become a threat to our national security?

Within those within the American defense and security communities, the current warmongering against Russia is seen as not only alarming but is recognized as entirely staged as part of a destabilization process that represents a game theory move against the US government itself by extremist elements which include the organs of the press to no small extent.

America is bombing Syrian civilians, destroying Syrian infrastructure. America’s real coalition staged the refugee crisis, as part of a wider destabilization move against the European Union, driven by the same extremist elements that equally hate the United States.
America is fully complicit in the use of poison gas against the people of Syria and Iraq and President Obama has no excuse for ignorance.
America has in recent days moved military forces into Cameroon, to defend that nation from forces trained, armed and led by the United States. The same is true across Africa.
America is working to destroy Afghanistan as well, keeping on troops to secure the world’s heroin supply while sitting on Afghanistan’s vital mineral wealth.
The wild card has been Russia under Putin’s leadership, an inspiration to voters in Canada who recently threw out Stephen Harper, an American puppet. The same may be possible in Europe and the United Kingdom.
Until that happens, there will be no free press to turn to and only gibberish expelled from the mouth of Obama, a man whose domestic political policies have been, for the most part, laudable. The evidence is there, America’s behavior is pure treachery.
America’s foreign policy is pure anarchy, each week becoming more unsound, more cartoonish, more phantasmagorical. People are noticing.
Last note: I ask you all as a favor to go to the NEO site to take a peek at the original NEO articlefor this reason. We compete for top five placement based on readership, and one of our competitors there is with the World Workers Party member. You can guess what that is. He is using their international email list to boost  his article rankings there, using material that is sourced from already published material.
When they were in their first year, Gordon and I pulled 50% of their traffic during the second half to help them get over the hump of their first grant renewal. They are a much bigger site now with a lot of writers. With our huge VT workload, we have never had time to compile and use email notice lists to help our readership there, so I will be adding these request reminders from time to time to help us there.
These foreign publications are very important to us, as our overseas readership has been growing, and that is where our country consulting opportunities are, as they are getting hammered by the new world. We have been discovered in those foreign publications by people we now work closely with, and some becoming ongoing sources… Jim W. Dean ]

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War who has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues; and is a senior editor and chairman of the board of Veterans Today, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”. NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News


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Total 11 comments
  • You forgot we in the astral see who you are duff,I take you when you die
    I have marked you with many others we control spirit we take you.



  • Having a negro in control SERIOUSLY undermined US military might, our economy and way of life. We are going the way of Africa.

    No food, no leader, no standing army, debt collateral, tribal warfare, etc.

    • Seems to me that you are deaf as well as blind so let me spell it out again for you.

      It does not matter what puppet they put in power to run the USA, it’s a puppet regardless of color or sex and the next puppet will carry on from where the old one left off.

      Money talks, BS walks and jewish bankers control all the money, they pull the strings, you is fooled by the puppet and should know better

  • You couldn’t successfully analyze a pea pod!

  • Warren

    Probably user error, but I am unable to trace this post back to an original. Can you post aa working link? Thanks.

  • Not sure if it has any legs but apprantly Isreal set a fighter jet over to Syria and it crashed so the piolet was left to walk back home.

    The media apparantly has a new blackout on the story and that seems to also include Russia Today who seem to say things as the are most of the time except they want Europe flooded with immigrants and try to paint anyone that stands up to them as being far right, zenophobic, nut jobs and only shows one side of the story.

    Stop the right en-mass from having a say in there own country then you will see things being burned down if talking does not work, we are starting to see this happening in Europe because they don’t have the jobs to go around as it is and wages are already dead low without allowing in more slave labour.


    Did you ever ask yourself WHY hasn’t B0 been arrested? Because the USA has a 100% TOTAL PUPPET MILITARY LEADEr! Remember, B0 personnally HAND SELECTED GENERAL Martin E Dempsey to CONTROL AND DESTROY THE US MILITARY! You can NOT COUNT ON THE US MILITARY TO DO ANYTHING TO HARM B0, but 100% PROTECT HIM AT ALL COSTS, and follow ALL ORDErS OR NON ORDERS to do the right thing!

    One of the benefits from being President, they get to “Hand Select” who runs the Military. The US Military is not self appointed their best from within, but the President does. Do you really think he would appoint an enemy AGAINST HIS AGENDA of his to be SOLE DICTATOR of the entire US Military? Just as B0 is the Sole Dictator of the US, HIGH TREASONOUS General Martin E Dempsey is the SOLE DICTATOR over the entire US Military complex. Their is NO HIGHER uniform member in the world, and “ONLY Give Orders down the chain, and reports to the President himself”.

    UNDERSTAND NOW WHY HE HASN’T BEEN ARRESTED, NOR WILL EVER BE ARREST, or THE MILITARY TAKEN AN ACTION? Who is going to do it? It isn’t the PUPPET APPOINTED MILITARY HIGHEST Treasonous Lowlife Scumbag General Martin E Dempsey… So the Military is 100% off the table to make any arrest, or kick out this FUDGE PACKR! The US military will never ever do anything to protect OUR NATION, but only B0 and his muslium faith, and to DO ALL IT CAN TO DESTROY OUR NATION.

    First I am a War Vet and took and oath to “protect” our nation from foreign and DOMESTIC ENEMIES! I say a big THANK YOU to the lower 95% of the Enlisted NCOs, but for the vast majority of the officers, F=OFF! The majority of you all are criminals, who openly support the criminal actions of all the illegal orders being handed down to you. What have you done? Not a F’ing thing right?

    While the US military has 10s of millions who GAVE THEIR LIVES for our nation, the criminal Officers in the military today are 100% afraid to even say “NO” and lose a rank, or get called on the carpet! You call that honor to the american way of life, our Constitution, and all that the US Flags offers? FU all you officers! You are nothing but criminal, who I pray you never get to see your families again for your cowardly dishonor you have performed for wearing the dishonorable uniform. You value your life, your bribed money, your power, and your self interests azz more then the fighting for your nation and your OATH. You each openly know you are performing illegal criminal orders, yet you comply; so that makes you each HIGH TREASONOUS SCUM, who all need to be tried, and if found guilty for harbouring the criminal orders, you need to be hung, until dead, since the US military is in a “War” status, like in WW1 and WW2.

    Read FACTS ON WHAT THEY DID AND REMEMER, THE Military OFFICErS ARE TRYING TO MAKE IT SEEM THEY ARE “HONORABLE” LIKE THE GROUND LEVEL FOOT TROOPS AND THOSE WHO LOST THEIR LIVES! Yet NOT ONE CAN SAY “NO Sir I WILL NOT FOLLOW THAT ORDER” AND LOSE A RANK, because they “LOVE” OUR NATION SO MUCH? Yeah, just continue to knowingly follow all your illegal orders, so you have each committed criminal actions that you are trying to COVER UP! You call that “honorable” to those in front lines?


    Seems the highest levels military OFFICERS forgot this, and openly wipe their AZZES with the Stars and Stripes, for their own personal “AGENDA”; as it is blantently not in the best interest of “We The People” nor protecting their “Oath” to protect our “1776 Constitution” and our Rights. Why hasn’t one SINGLE General or Admiral ever lifted a F_ing finger to protect our nation? They are exactly like the US Criminal Corrupt Gov, who each openly accept BRIBES to ignore their dishonorable oaths to destroy our nation ONE PIECE AT A TIME! These military OFFICERS value running to get their $15k a month to the bank, and support keeping the US gov criminals in power FOR THE MONEY BRIBE MONEY; and turn their backs to the Constitution, and Freedom! Anyone call them HONORABLE for doing this?

    I pray that each of you Officers ROT IN HELL at Satans feet in the afterlife for your criminal actions you support and supported while wearing the uniform DISHONORABLY. Make no mistake, the 10s of millions of HONORABLE vets WHO DIED FOR OUR NATION, will be waiting for each of you, so you have eternity of facing these heros, since you are 100% OPPOSITE of what they were fighting for. I for one will seek each of you out in the afterlife, and send you directly TO HELL after I expose your HIGH TREASONOUS ACTIONS against GOD and your OATH! You will each see me AND MY ARMY FIGHTING FOR GOD at the Gates of Heaven and Block you AND YOUR FAMILY from entering! Your fake lies do not deserve your children to enter because you are doing it criminally to get them in!

    Read more on all these High Treasonous Generals, including the #1 General Martin E Dempsey, who “just happened” to be “Hand Selected” by B0 back in 2011, to give all orders to the military! This is America’s #1 HIGH TREASONOUS DISHONORABLE SCUM who only talks with B0, and DOES NOT HAVE TO ANSWER TO ANY OTHER Military Person on the planet! People need to ask him on his Facebook page why he openly ignores all printed law, and each and every order B0 tells him to do. He is a spinless lowlife piece of SH_T who has committed more MILITARY CRIMINAL CRIMES THEN BENEDICT ARNOLD! He has turn “HIS” military against the US People, and openly is purging the troops to weaken our nation, as B0 needs to to destroy US! Read more on this lowlife dishonorable scum and you tell me IF HE IS HONEST:


    But God Bless the “Honorable” low level ground foot troops. You need to remove your officers above you, and all public officials for all the crimes they are doing now… NEVER FORGET WHO THEY ARE… And ALL YOU OFFICERS, FU all and I look forward to peeing on each of your faces and graves… You will not be missed by anyone you have turned you back on to free our Nation; but remembered as HIGH TREASONOUS TRAITORS TO OUR ONCE PROUD NATION! Screw you for dishonoring wearing your uniform by not protecting your country, our values, morals, and all the Stars and Stripes Represent. Officers – WE Know you did all you could to destroy our nation for my and your children.

  • Quoting Duff: “Until that happens, there will be no free press to turn to and only gibberish expelled from the mouth of Obama, a man whose domestic political policies have been, for the most part, laudable.”

    So Obama’s foreign policy is a mess but back here at home everything is great. Typical Duff BS.

  • I wasn’t aware that you had the ability to give promotions to someone within the IDF? he’s been an IDF colonel for the past week and now he’s a general in your story.. embellish much?

  • Ever notice how Duff always claims everyone is always a right wing extremists. When the truth is they are always LEFT wing progressive communist lunatics.
    Right wing = conservative….protective
    Left wing = insane….destructive….manipulative….demanding
    Can definitely see Duffy is a progressive. I heard the video he made about the rotten no good Hillary. Duff had her on a pedestal…I wanted to vomit. Am sure he has not helped the situation in telling the Muslims to go after millionaire republicans. Someone needs to twist his head back on straight…. must be on guard with what he says…. and ask yourself, can you believe it????!!!!!

  • AllRoadsLead2NWO

    They should be divided- they should all quit, all go AWOL. They do not fight for a country- but only a corporation. They should burn all of their US INC flags with the gold fringe. They do not even realize what they do, just more slaves to the corporation- If they had any sense of testicular fortitude we would have already seen a military coup and the whitehouse, all of congress and the federal reserve building taken over by the military- but they too are just Corporate Slaves from the moment they were born. All nothing but 100% slaves to LITTLE GREEN PIECES OF PAPER. Look at the flag you worship the gold fringed US INC Federal Reserve International banker flag- not old glory the old dead USA the Republic old glory with no gold jew bag fringy boarder and tassel.

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