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Black Lives Matter myth: Radicals condone violence

Saturday, October 24, 2015 8:43
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Black Lives Matter anarchists have no problem crashing meetings and brazenly disrupting dialogues to get their skewed message out. They took over the leftist Netroots Nation gathering in Phoenix in July, and demanded that Democrat presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley each acknowledge that only “Black Lives,” not “All Lives” matter. O’Malley was booed for making such a grand faux pas and apologized. 

Such weak acquiesce from the left only emboldens these subversive provocateurs. Within 48 hours of NYC police officer Randolph Holder, 33, being shot and killed Thursday by a bullet to his forehead, they were marching through the streets, chanting, “It is right to rebel, NYPD go to hell!” Both the officer and the murderer are black. This obscenity follows an earlier mantra, “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon,” inciting violence against officers. Yet the hypocrites who have declared open warfare on police have no trouble accepting police protection for their demonstrations.

Last week in California, the group’s obstructive thugs grabbed the microphone from Los Angeles’ Democrat Mayor Eric Garcetti, forcing him out of a Town Hall meeting with constituents. Outside, he was surrounded by a screaming mob, some of whom climbed on the Mayor’s car and stomped on the hood. No one was arrested.

The increasingly rabid activists most often target easily coerced white Democrats, who quickly fall in line.

The group’s issues are what they refer to as police brutality resulting in deaths of young black males and the need to lower incarceration rates. What is left unsaid is that the high death rates are most often gang related and the result of black-on-black gun valence.  Incarceration occurs, not in a vacuum, but when there is a conviction for criminal activity.

Now these radicals have the ear of Barack Obama, who struggles without his trusty teleprompter to justify their indefensible actions, (video) calling it a “legitimate issue we have to address and take seriously,” gratuitously throwing in the “tough job the police have.”

As Daniel Greenfield concludes in his well documented FrontPage mag report, “For black lives to really matter, black violence has to matter.”

Today we ask, where are the protests regarding this tragedy? Or this one that occurred in Tempe just days ago? Young black lives were put in grave danger or lost forever by parents who should provide the safest haven for their defenseless children. Black Lives Matter forgot about them.


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