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Clinton, seen here at a Latinos for Hillary event on Oct. 16, seems to have the strong endorsement of the Brady Center. (Photo: Hillary 2016)
The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence is set to honor Hillary Clinton at an upcoming gala next month, presenting her the Cuomo Visionary Award.
The Brady’s have been the leading edge in the war against gun violence for generations and are well known for going the extra mile. In recent years they have set up parody travel sites for gun traffickers, distributed fake campaign ads, called pro-gun lawmakers industry “lapdogs,” lost high-profile legal cases in Kansas and Colorado then faulted the Indiana National Guard for receiving extra training on civilian concealed carry following terrorist attacks.
With that in mind, its probably safe to say the Brady’s recognize inspiring gun control figures and plan to celebrate Clinton’s efforts over the years.
“We’re honored to recognize Mrs. Clinton for her leadership on this issue,” reads a statement from the group. “Throughout her career as a public servant, Hillary Clinton has repeatedly put the safety of the American people above the influence and interests of the corporate gun lobby. She serves as an example for all policymakers who truly want to serve the constituencies they are elected to represent.”
Further, the Brady Center is simultaneously hopeful that Clinton, a suitor to the Democratic nomination for president in 2016, will be on tap to help them expand background checks to cover private sales on a national basis.
“Mrs. Clinton was there when the historic Brady Law was signed by President Bill Clinton and she has demonstrated a clear commitment in support of our efforts to ‘finish the job’ and expand those lifesaving Brady background checks to all gun sales.”
The group will present the former Secretary of State with the Mario M. Cuomo Visionary Award at the Brady Center’s annual Brady Bear Awards Gala in New York on November 19.
[ Brady Campaign ]
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