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by Deb Jordan, The Pete Santilli Show & The Guerilla Media Network
In the 2nd hour of the Pete Santilli Show, J.B. Williams, advocate for the constitution, details his quest for articles of impeachment against Barack Obama.
About J.B. Williams –
JB Williams is a writer on matters of history and American politics with more than 3000 pieces published over a twenty-year span. He has a decidedly conservative reverence for the Charters of Freedom, the men and women who have paid the price of freedom and liberty for all, and action oriented real-time solutions for modern challenges. He is a Christian, a husband, a father, a researcher, writer and a business owner. He is co-founder of action organizations The United States Patriots Union, a civilian parent organization for The Veteran Defenders of America. He is also co-founder of The North American Law Center, a citizen run investigative legal research and activism organization preparing to take on American’s greatest legal battles. Williams receives mail at: [email protected]
Co-Founder of NALC
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Be sure to tune in to the Pete Santilli Show daily at 5pm-8pm PST / 7pm-10pm CST / 8pm-11pm EST. Pete & his co-host Deborah Jordan broadcast daily for 3 hours to discuss breaking news headlines, and interview some of our nation’s most interesting patriots & controversial guests.
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Age’ bafwetu jonky ga lo president wena glala lapa Africa ena chele wena :-
tin enza lo president is a :- Munimperial ena glala lapa big house fanigalo Parliamunt
gooshu gooti excitmunt and its not an experimunt !
Kenya ~ Key ‘n’ A
They are only doing it now because it won’t make a difference. What a cop out!
Jesus said to be careful of those coming in his name (Christians) in the Apocalypse. He said to not follow them at that time (which is now!).
Watch out for false christs. Demonics passing off as a Jesus-follower.
I’m the one to follow because I alone reveal Obama’s the Antichrist based upon the proof. In Obama’s hometown Chicago the lottery drew the Mark of the Beast aka the Number of the Antichrist 666 on the day after his election.
That’s not statistically possible (666 is drawn just three times a year in that lottery so for it happen when the president is elected – in that place – is impossible. It’s a miracle. It’s as predictable as if lightining had hit there at that time.) and is proof beyond any doubt that Obama’s the Antichrist.
The Bible doesn’t tell you how you’ll recognize the Second Coming and it says people like you, saying you’re Christians, will be false christs ALL OF YOU. (Jesus said that. He said “don’t follow those coming in my name [as Christians]“.)
The Bible says the Second Coming will come like lightning. That’s unexpected and unprepared, and comes by surprise.
Then it says the Second Coming will come like a thief at night.
So you’ll be sleeping and the Second Coming will surprise you in your slumber and shock you out of it. But it’ll be too late for you.
If I, a Buddhist, am your Messiah and Jesus your Bible says you can’t know that. it says you’ll be taken aback by the good news of the Apocalypse. If you claim to know those things yo’ure lying. The Bible predicts people like you will be liars.
Tibetan Tantric Buddhism is the highest form of culture in the world. Buddhism never carried out war like Islam and Christianity do.
Islam is the worst thing existing in the world.
For you information trashman you’re ugly and stupid. You say Im made my point on Obama. The answer is No, you didn’t get my point.
You say Obama’s an Antichrist.
I said Obama’s the Antichrist.
If you can’t get the difference between the word “an” and “the” then you’re beyond help. You’re a broken lost person.
Follow me or you’ll not get to heaven.
“If I, a Buddhist, am your Messiah and Jesus your Bible says you can’t know that. it says you’ll be taken aback by the good news of the Apocalypse.
Follow me or you’ll not get to heaven.”
How many times do you have to be told there are consequences when you skip your meds? In any event, “Follow me or you’ll not get to heaven” is quite delusional and erroneous. If you were to say, “Don’t follow me, or you’ll never get to the medicine cabinet,” this would be credible.
Alright. Get back to trolling, carry on… meds first, now…
There aren’t any meds for his condition.
“whatever happened to crazy?” Chris Rock.
A Christ comes once in the physical. Isn’t it a curiosity that so many who call themselves “Christians” do not know that? So, what of this “second coming?” This takes place in the etheric. Is this not how He appeared after Golgotha? And this is consistent with occult doctrines, as well. Jesus is the only supreme representative for the representation of the Christ in mankind.
And there is a distinct connection between Buddhism and Christianity in a spiritual form. In fact, this should be quite apparent to those who absorb the Book of Luke. Spiritual research shows that the Buddhist worldview and all its gifts to humankind flowed into the Luke Gospel, and moves from compassion and love into pertinent and urgent deeds. Buddha taught of love & compassion. Christ is the power of love & longer enough to feel their pain, but to heal. It was necessary that people were introduced to the former, firstly.
The future of Christianity will resemble Buddhism with the Christ Impulse.
Yikes, buddy don’t add oil to the fire!”
Obama’s clearly the Antichrist.
Those who know that are in the truth.
Those who reveal it worldwide to everybody from East to West will alone be saved in heaven.
The Antichrist is the Abomination i.e. homosexual.
Obama’s got AIDS.
People are talking about it on Internet. Obama Has AIDS. It’s Revealed. “Bone-Thin” Obama Appearance Renews Poor Health Rumors…(Video) POTUS Is Sick, Unfitted /obama/2015/10/obama-has-aids-its-revealed-bone-thin-obama-appearance-renews-poor-health-rumorsvideo-potus-is-sick-2474638.html
I’m the only one in the world who’s revealing that Obama’s the Antichrist BASED UPON the fact that the lottery in his hometown drew the Number of the Antichrist 666 on the day after his election.
That’s proves Obama’s the Antichrist beyond doubt.
There are many false christs and false prophets. But among those, I’m the only one which is real, not false and brings the simple facts which anyone can understand even if they’re not Einstein and they have a modicum of a brain in their head.
Just follow me and forget everything else.
Do it now. Don’t wait. Hurry.
Are you paying travel costs, food, lodging and misc expense for all of these followers?
And just exactly where is your destination? Idiot.
Follow me, I’m the only way to heaven in the end times.
Ignore the false christs heckling me in the comments.
They’re Minions of Satan/Obama and he’s the only thing they have in their demon-led lives.
Fly up a hogs butt.
I got Crowpie banned for making death threats to me.
She’s a troll working for Obama and she impersonates as an Obama operative.
She’ll get CONSECUTIVE LIFE TERMS in jail for doing that as concerns the US president.
*uses mocking voice*
I got Crowpie banned………
……You sure can tell ‘em donkey boy.
He is “An” Anti-christ. The Anti-christ will come from the middle East. From the seat of Pergamon. From the former Roman empire
Obama’s “THE” Antichrist not “An” Antichrist.
Invoking the Bible about where the Antichrist comes from us dumb and is the sign of people who can’t use their brain for an instant. No Mensas there, that’s for sure.
Indeed, the Antichrist is the “Man from Nowhere” who hides who he is and where he comes from.
Getting ready for Halloween fruitcake??
Yeah, they’ll impeach Obama just like they did Bush, it will never happen.
jdp…We’ve heard it all before, so don’t tell us your close to impeachment, tell us it is done,he is impeached!
By the time they could even get started, he’ll be stepping aside for the next clown.
Too late . . . the damage is done.
Well, then why do they go along so much! Seriously, you would not know this is a two party system! Impeach? All I see is participation, cooperation, and a willingness to pass his bs. Democruds are more critical of this president than repuklicans!
another transparent dangling carrot to fool the sleepy, the dull, the ignorant.
Trump is Adolf! He says all the things people want to hear. Just like Germany and adolf, a desperate country picks an extreme leader. And when he’s elected, it will be what the people asked for, a dictator! America is in the same place Germany was in the 30s, we want change, the guy screeming the loudest about the things we want, will be elected.
Sadly, this is how Obama got elected
elected? It is an Indirect Election. They do not use the popular vote- the sheeple do not even chose the fake party candidate. Left arm or right of the same beast. 2 sides to the same NWO coin. The New World Order Party always wins every time- guaranteed watch both wings of the NWO give their New World Order speeches- bush (R-NWO) and obama (D-NWO)
There is no difference in the end- which do you like better the right arm version of the NWO or the left NWO. Doesn’t matter you will get whichevcer next relative is appointed by the bilderberg group and the board of governors of the Federal Reserve MONEY CHANGER System. The party choices must be related to the other presidents and a total slave to the NWO. If not, they will be cut down in the Money Changer media until they drop out after the manufactured media ‘public opinion trashes them on your brainwashing money changer media. Here have a former judge tell you the 2 party system is fake- and for doing so he gets promptly fired from his tv show.
Adolf was a National Socialist. The word NAZI mean National Socialism. Bernie is a NAZI and a jew, imagine that.
can we have a “two for one” sale and get rid of judge roberts at the same time barry gets booted out?
Impeach is not good enough. Nullify everything he has ever done as president.
He is our leader,NOT the President,he is ineligible to hold office in this country ! That nullifies everything he has done. Case closed ! He is still a British Subject under international law of nations. His birthright reverts to the country of his father and Kenya was a British colony until 1963. His mothers birth and citizenship have no bearing on his citizenship.
This the same tactic with Clinton. Big whoop!!! They finally impeach and he still stays in office till the end of his term….. still get paid with pension for life by the American people! WE THE PEOPLE DONT WANT HIM IMPEACHED- WE THE PEOPLE WANT HIM HUNG FOR TREASON!
However, before a president takes the office they are required to sign an agreement that they will not seek any legal actions against the past president for their crimes against America and Humanity!
Headline should read “Idiots ‘Very Close’ To Believing Everything They’re Favorite YouTubers Tell Them, YouTubers Continue To Earn Money From Their Clicks”
I can’t wait for Obama to get out of office, and someone else moves in. Then everyone will start calling THAT person the anti-christ, and I will have a ton of ammo to mock them by bringing up all the previous ‘news’ garbage.
I’m not going to waste much time replying to this post because someone at BIN likes to delete my posted replies ..
But here it is…
Your lying, foreign national, criminal POTUS is not going anywhere. Even though … in front of Leavenworth KS firing squad is where he ..Hillary, Bill, Harry, Nancy & Soros should be. They have done more damage to this nation than any spy, traitor or terrorist has done in the history of this nation.
I’m going to stop now to see if they delete this reply.. if not… the ‘truth’ will be back at you… if you can stand it.
Imagine when that creep of Trumpy gets elected.