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P. Diddy Says Voting Is A Scam, System Is Rigged

Tuesday, October 27, 2015 13:03
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Singer does a U-turn on voting, saying the U.S. is system is rigged and urging people not to bother voting


Rapper P. Diddy (formerly known as Puff Daddy) who was once a figurehead for the “Vote or Die” movement, has recently come out and admitted that voting is a scam and the system is rigged.

During a Q&A at Revolt’s music conference, P. Diddy was asked about the upcoming elections, and his answer was unexpected. reports:

Diddy told the audience:

“See the things [sic] that’s tricky about politics is there’s so much bullshit with it. We started Vote or Die and… and from the community we’re in, we’re not with hearing too much of the bullshit. So that’s why we get disenfranchised, [we’re] disconnected because nothing that they’re saying actually relates to us… So Vote or Die, and getting out the vote, those things [were] laid out there so people could understand about the process. We started Vote or Die, and the whole process was all full of shit. The whole shit is a scam.”

Diddy said people can vote if they want to, but it probably won’t change anything.

“At the end of the day, I’m not telling you not to vote. But I’m saying be a realist and know that they’re motherfucking kicking some bullshit up there,” he said.

Even if your vote is actually counted (it probably isn’t), it still won’t matter who wins, anyway. They will all carry out the exact same policies with marginally different rhetoric backing them up. It should be obvious by now that this system is not only inherently corrupt. It is failing miserably and in the midst of collapse.

So what do we do? How do we solve these problems? Do we look to authority? Do we put someone else in charge? Of course not! How has that been working out for us? Not very well, right?

Yet when one suggests that everyone needs to give up on voting and take matters into their own hands in their personal lives, people seem to believe that the recommendation compels them to “do nothing.” In reality, the complete opposite is true. Calling for people to abandon voting means advocating doing something to make an impact on the problems that concern them — not simply pushing a button in an election booth, throwing the problem in a politician’s lap, and trusting that something will actually be accomplished.

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