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By Philosophers Stone
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Raw Milk Farmer Charged For Removing Hidden Government Cameras Spying on His Property

Saturday, October 24, 2015 9:54
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(Before It's News)

Michael Schmidt is as honest as they come. He is a raw milk farmer that takes care of his animals and provides high quality raw milk to his farm shareholders. He has been going back and forth with multiple government bodies and police for over 20 years! He has many eager customers wanting to drink raw milk and some have actually healed from sickness. He advocates for freedom of choice and transparency and will not tolerate over governance. So, when people shout or chant “stop harassing Michael Schmidt” …

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Total 2 comments
  • ALF

    Fighting to keep drinking cow’s milk! HA! It kills you. Drink up fools.
    “Just what was the first person doing with a cow to drink it’s baby’s food?”
    I wonder why folks don’t milk rats! Hmm Rat Juice Milkshakes with maggot!
    Grab a big fat lactating rat, give it a shake and suck the milk out of it! Rats on the run!

    News Flash! TRY WATER

  • DID you know the FAMED Mayo Clinic once used RAW MILK as a CUREALL???

    And no one has ever DIED from drinking properly raised cow’s raw milk. However, many have died and got sick on cows raised unnaturally on cement floors, no access to outdoors, and grain fed.

    That is when they had to pasteurize milk and give you the basically lifeless white stuff.

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