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A professor at UCLA School of Law, writing for the Washington Post, says the battle over the Second Amendment will be won by progressives in the coming years, thanks to a secret weapon.
That weapon is immigrants, says Adam Winkler, a law professor and author of the book, “Gunfight: The Battle over the Right to Bear Arms in America.”
In his op-ed, “The NRA will fall. It’s inevitable,” Winkler argues the demographic transformation of America underway for 30 years through mass immigration – both legal and illegal – assures that the fervor Americans have for the Second Amendment will eventually run out of gas.
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Advanced Extraterrestrial Technology And The Coming New Race
Why? The answer lies in the numbers, he says.
“Support for, and opposition to, gun control is closely associated with several demographic characteristics, including race, level of education and whether one lives in a city. Nearly all are trending forcefully against the NRA,” Winkler writes.MORE
Was Spanish Flu (1918) Deliberate Genocide?
Influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 infected 20% of the world’s population and killed between 60 and 100 million people. This is roughly three times as many people as were killed and maimed in World War One, and is comparable to WWII losses. Yet this modern plague has slipped down the memory hole. Why? Was it a deliberate ploy by the Illuminati to finish the job WWI began? – See more at:……
Certain antibiotics should not be mixed with other drugs, foods or alcohol. For instance, drinking grapefruit juice with erythromycins or taking erythromycin with theophylline (a drug used for respiratory ailments) can cause fatal heart arrhythmias. There are many other interactions that doctors know about that the layman does not. That being said, if you do plan on storing these medications, have a pharmaceutical or drug guide on hand to ensure that correct medicines and dosages are given. Used copies of this reference can be purchased at college book stores at a discounted price.
Keep in mind that when antibiotics are used to treat an infection, the “good” bacteria in the large intestine may also be destroyed as a result. Therefore, consider investing in some probiotics to help restore the microbial balance that is disrupted by antibiotics and infections. Probiotics are usually sold in the vitamin section of most pharmacies as well as in health food stores. They can be stored along with your vitamins in your reserve supplies.e