(Before It's News)
I was fluent in German when I was a toddler. Well, I was as fluent as a toddler could be. I learned German from my German grandmother and father who often spoke to me in German, the land of their birth and upbringing. Sometime later, when I was five years old, I received a lot of practice speaking German to strangers, because they were crawling through my home in Littleton, Colorado, on a regular basis.
From 1983 to 1985, I visited almost every night when I learned that my father was dying from asbestos poisoning. He explained many bizarre things that I had seen and heard as child. Over the next two parts of this series, I will share the content of the highly classified material that my father shared with me during that time on the topic of Operation Paper Clip, UFO’s, the secret space program and the existence of Extraterrestrials (ET’s).
A Strange Childhood
I had a childhood that was different from many children and my beautiful mother had a marriage that was unique and at times was filled with loneliness.
Before I was born, my father oversaw the rewiring of the Combat Information Center (CIC) on the carrier Franklin D. Roosevelt. The FDR was the first ship in the U.S. Navy to be retrofitted for the installation of nuclear weapons. At the time of the installation, this was the most secure military mission in the history of the United States.
With regard to the mission, the crew and ship was stationed at the naval base in Jacksonville, FL. The installation of the nuclear weapons on the FDR was accomplished at sea. The nukes were operationalized on a mission which extended around the southern tip of South America. My father said this was done to try and limit the amount of “eyes on” surveillance the Soviets would have of the process. This mission was performed at a time before the use of satellites.
During the course of the mission, my father said that for three nights the small task force was followed by “glowing orbs” to the rear of the ship. This will be an important variable as this story plays out in Part Two.
The mission, itself, from start to finish, took 18 months. During that time, my father and mother saw each other for exactly 10 days.
During the course of my childhood, my family was under constant surveillance. Our phones were tapped and our mail was read. We had visits from either the Secret Service or the FBI every six months. The routine was always the same. One agent would generally question the family while another agent isolated one of the family members, at a time, for interrogation. The questions that we were asked were always the same. Do you know what you father does for a living? Who have you told about what you have seen and heard? The interrogations were always accompanied by the use of a polygraph. For a long time, as a child, I thought that this was what every family went through as this became normal to me. These interrogations continued like clockwork until my junior year while attending the University of Denver as an undergraduate student. The FBI showed up, unannounced, at my dorm wearing suits and ties. I was embarrassed and incensed and I started yelling at them until they left. I never heard from them again. Although my father received a scolding with regard to my uncooperative attitude.
The Chronology of My Father’s Work
Following my father’s mission with the FDR, he was early retired by the Navy at 19 years and 6 months with full pension instead of the requisite 20 years required to receive a pension. In other words, the government could not wait to get my father to work on his new project.
My father was allowed to come home to the family and visit for a week, in Iowa, following his formal retirement, and then he left for Denver, Colorado. He purchased a home and began to work at Lowry Air Base in Denver. His work was disguised. His entire unit posed as civilian engineers with the 547th. It was there, that he encountered German scientists who had worked in the Third Reich. Occasionally, my father would bring one or two of them home and they would work on what appeared to be blueprints. During these visits, I would get to speak to the men, often in German, and then my mother would take the kids to the park or the movies. Security personnel, in plain clothes, would accompany the party to our home. Later, the project was moved from Lowry Air Force Base to Martin Marietta located in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains 15 miles due west of our home.
So, what did my father work on during this time? His work centered upon vertical take-off craft. I do not mean the harrier jet, I mean like what you see in the movies. My father worked on anti-gravity technology that would enable a craft to achieve escape velocity from the earth’s atmosphere. Because my father’s role kept expanding, he was able to see the project beyond the compartmentalized view that was imposed to prevent any one person from learning to much.
After my father’s work was concluded with the Nazi scientists, he went to work at Sunstrand Electric in Westminster, Colorado. There he worked on advanced satellite technology that would be used to track outbound and inbound space vehicles. My father’s expertise did not extend into this area, but his service was invaluable because he knew how to organize study groups, action groups and help the process grow to final implementation. In short, he took on the role of a non-technical project manager.
Bill Pawelec and my former News Director, Annie Deriso
It was at Sunstrand Electric that my dad worked with electronic surveillance expert, Bill Pawelec. Bill would later be married to Annie DeRiso, my former director of news at The Common Sense Show. On the
“About” page of my website, you can view Bill’s revelation, made to Steven Greer at the White House Press Corps, regarding the existence of extraterrestrials beings. Bill granted the interview before he died of cancer.
Bill Pawelec actually briefly knew me as a child as he visited my home. However, I do not remember Bill’s two visits. I reunited with Bill in 1993 after I was listening to Art Bell interviewing Vance Davis, formerly of the NSA. Vance’s revelations on Art’s Coast to Coast show were of a nature that I knew that he knew what my father had learned over a 30 year period. I reached out to Vance and was eventually contacted by Bill Pawelec who was also doing contract work for the CIA.
Nightly Revelations
In 1983, when my father received word that his developing lung condition was terminal, I began to visit him on a nightly basis. We talked about everything including the work he did for the government following his retirement from the Navy.
Our conversations took a bizarre twist when I asked my father two questions:
- Who killed JFK and why.
- What was the truth behind UFO sightings?
I was never obsessed with the UFO question, but was fascinated by the Betty and Barney Hill accounts that I had read about as a child.
During the course of our conversations, I learned that every one of the Nazi scientists my father worked with believed that the technology that they were in possession of, had extraterrestrial origins.
In Part Two of this series, I will further develop the role that Vance Davis and Bill Pawelec played in the revelations that I would come to be a part of with regard to the extraterrestrial question and what it means for humanity.
I understand that these revelations will come as a shock to my listening audience as well as my readers. Except for the false flag plan, Operation Blue Beam, I have never written or discussed the subject of ET’s, until now.
What I will reveal will be the culmination of over 30 years of information gathering.
If any of you are wondering why I would wait until now to reveal what I learned about this topic, as a result of the work of my father, Bill Pawelec and Vance Davis, let me save you the time it will take you to construct an email. My mother was the beneficiary of my father’s pensions. Both pensions carried a strong stipulation as to my father’s national security oath. If he had been caught revealing state secrets, he would have been sentenced to life in prison at Leavenworth, sentenced to hard labor, no due process and would have forfeited all financial assets. After my father’s death, the only assets left on the table were my father’s two pensions. If I had spoken publicly about this prior to 2011, the year of my mother’s death, she would have forfeited the rights to his pensions.
The only person that I spoke with outside of Bill Pawelec and Vance Davis was Ken Anderson (former astronaut) and Jim Marrs in a meeting that was arranged by Bill Pawelec in 2005 at the Phoenix airport. This was a meeting in which Jim Marrs and I exchanged information on the topic of Operation Paper Clip that was reverse engineering of the scientific breakthroughs obtained by Nazi scientists.
In Part Two, I will reveal the content of what I have learned and what it means to humanity.
Credit to Economic Collapse