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TND Guest Contributor: Rory Hall, The Daily Coin |
Over the past several years we have made food donations to the local Rescue Mission part of our budget and everyday life. We do not give currency to people on the street or selling newspapers on the corner. If you need to eat and want to eat we do our part to ensure people have food. This helps our community and it helps us to keep our preps rotated with better dates. If a person incorporates this regiment into their prepping program you will see an immediate impact on several levels of humanity–not only yours, but the people you are assisting.
I was reading “Soothing the Savage [Beast]” at Survival Blog and it reminded me of some very important aspects of disasters. Disasters, as we have discussed endlessly, come in many forms. Disasters, or just everyday life, happens when we least expect it. Our whole world can, and will, change as time goes by. Our reaction and response to these changes makes the difference in what happens next. This is a simple premise of prepping. Being able to better handle tomorrow and not be taken by surprise when our world changes in a moments notice.
Catnswife discusses how music, music equipment and musical instruments are an important aspect of our humanity. I couldn’t agree more. As we have gathered our prep items, and our donations for the Rescue Mission, we always include some item(s) that are strictly human. Be it make-up for the women, personal hygiene or chocolate/candy. These three categories are strictly human and remind us that we are human. Music, as Catnswife points out, is another strictly human aspect of life. The combination of these items, especially during a high stress situation, will calm just about anyone. If people have a tangible item that brings them back to center those people are going to be easier to get along with, more productive, if need be, and much happier in general.
If we simply focus on “getting through” and “surviving” what is the point? If we give up everything that makes us human we are no different than the other animals. Having a piece of chocolate or proper hygiene can make the difference between having an awful day and a calm, relaxed day. It all lies in the mind.
Having music as part of your preps is a great idea, one which I have overlooked even though I live in Music City USA! As Catnswife puts it:
To be sure, the sudden loss of the ubiquitous music mobile device will cause frustration, particularly with younger generations, who plug-in to tune-out or separate themselves from others. Expect a period of unpleasant withdrawal! The wise home leader will keep a small stockpile of earphones and batteries, which take up little space, along with a plan to help individual members of the household transition. Having good radios available will help, if music stations are still on the air.
If you are planning on setting up a barter network or being a barter baron in the future it may be worth adding musical equipment to your list. Items like various guitar strings to accommodate different needs. Inexpensive, currently plentiful, and will be a welcomed addition to some musicians during hard times. Something as simple as guitar strings could not only make someone’s day it could help calm a high stress situation for a family or community.
I know some of you are thinking that this sounds naive and like a bad idea as it will attract undesirables. Well, that’s why we have a 2nd Amendment, to protect our communities and ourselves.
Having something like women’s make-up can be a huge deal if something goes wrong and your community, or our nation, find things have gone to hell. Make-up is purely human. Make-up, in my opinion, is one of those items that can make a huge difference in how a family or community operates. If the women are able to come close to operating as they did “yesterday” life is going to be much better for everyone. Before you begin writing that hate mail and calling me a chauvinistic pig, I am not saying that anyone is less than or different or greater than. Women wear make-up, period. Not all women, but a lot of women and having the one item that makes a woman feel like a woman can be a great stress reliever. This is one of those items that can be easily overlooked as you go through your prepping items, prepping routine and gather gear for “tomorrow”. Make-up is expensive! It is also highly personal, which is the reason the make-up section in a store is its own section!! Lots of floor space dedicated to compacts, eyeliner and the like could be a clue! Is the compact you have in your barter bag “the one” that was worn before? Probably not, but it is the one that is available and will be the new “one” until things begin to settle down–if they ever settle down.
These are just a couple of items that may help make a high stress situation a little less stressful. Who knows you may be able to trade a piece of chocolate for something of real value, like a canned ham, a pound of salt or labor for a day! Being human is big deal, let’s not forget that we are humans having a spiritual experience while we are hoping for the best and prepping for the worst.
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