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Bombshell Proof Russian Airliner Tragedy an Inside Job!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015 11:14
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(Before It's News)


Glenn Canady (Friend me!) LIKE my other FacebookTruth Warriors Page , Twitter , Tsu , Pinterest and LinkedIn!

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Wikipedia is a known CIA disinformation site by anybody with two brain cells to rub together.  They dutifully tell the official fairy tale about 9/11, JFK, Sandy Hoax and any other lie our government pushes.  


I had never heard of William Mount until yesterday but I like this guy!  He’s a Christian that knows what’s going on and has done some good work here.  He found out that Wikipedia was loaded up with MASSIVE information within minutes of the crash of Russian Kogalymavia Flight 9268 crashing in northern Sinai on October 31st!  Here’s the listing on CIA-pedia!


Within minutes they had a very detailed listing with over 60 References!  Unless there was prior knowledge about what was going to happen to Kogalymavia Flight 9268 how did the listing get up there within minutes!  Within a few minutes of the plane going down there was detailed information on exactly where the plane went down with dozens of references!   I my mind, this proves this was an inside job.  Did the CIA do it?  Did Mossad do it?  Did the ISIS proxy army for the US and Israel do it?  I don’t know but this Wikipedia evidence shows it was an inside job just like 9/11!


Wikipedia Edits Prove Russian Airliner Take Down An Inside Job!



Everything we’re being told is a lie!  As William states in this video, the ONLY thing we can do is PRAY!   Pray the evil is exposed, pray they don’t get their war in Syria and drag the US into it.  Pray Hillary Clinton is exposed and Donald Trump the one telling the most truth becomes our next President by a miracle from God and prosecutions can begin!


Gene Tatum put out HUGE information that must go viral!  He has bene told by military commanders that it’s not 50 advisors going to Syria!  It’s 3,000 ground troops and Support Personnel!   They are lying to us every day on the Fake News about this so spread this video everywhere!


Gene Tatum (CIA) – 3,000 Ground Troops Being Sent to Syria NOW!  Get the word out!

And finally as a side note, I’m very disappointed with Rand Paul who sold out to Monsanto!  This fraud actually said it was “Too Expensive” to label GMO products!  Total lies!   Here’s Luke Rudkowski exposing the Rand Paul scum that won’t talk to the REAL NEWS!   Send this video viral and expose this Rand Paul sellout!  Great job Luke!  Keep up the great work you are doing!


Rand Paul – New World Order Sellout on GMOs!  He also wants to put Snowden in jail!  Total sellout that must now be destroyed by this of us who promoted him!   You don’t compromise on evil!



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