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Dana Durnford (Recently Arrested) Tells His Story on Richie Allen Show

Sunday, November 8, 2015 9:42
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(Before It's News)

Lorie Kramer

Dana Durnford, The Nuclear Proctologist shares his story on the Richie Allen show broadcasted from Manchester.  These charges were brought by Woods Hole and the University of Victori, B.C. only because Dana dares to tell the TRUTH about the disasterous consequences of the ongoing meltdowns of the Fukushima nuclear reactors in 2011; and the 5,600 missing species on the coastline of British Columbia, the nursery of the Pacific.

Dana needs our help to obtain legal assistance for his defense.  His free speech has been taken from him, his work has been censored.  This is vital information that the evil powers that be do NOT want in the public eye.  YOU deserve the truth as it affects your life and all life on the planet.

Please listen to his interview and share it far and wide. “They” may have opened a huge can of worms by taking this to the level of criminally charging Dana because now he will be able to defend himself in court with the TRUTH.

He desperatly needs our help. Please send him whatever you can to help him, and all of us, to get the reality of the Fukushima devistation out for all to see.

Dana asks …”Please support me in this unrepresented attack upon your liberty and your freedom of speech and donate at paypal… by typing in my email [email protected] or use credit card at my site its a big company handling those transaction so its very reliable .

Watch his interview below, send it to all your friends. Pass it on so together we can get Dana the assistance he so badly needs, and deserves as quickly as possible. It’s time to stand up for this man, and for all of us.

Dana’s orignial video alerting us of his arrest.

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