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Dhs Increases Gestapo Tactics

Saturday, November 7, 2015 6:13
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B4INREMOTE-aHR0cDovLzQuYnAuYmxvZ3Nwb3QuY29tLy02blloYjhJOU5SSS9WajJncDNrbFliSS9BQUFBQUFBQUdSYy90ak1tSzdQY2Z2dy9zMzIwL2FsZXgtam9uZXMtZ2lybC1sdWdnYWdlLmpwZw==DHS  INCREASES  GESTAPO  TACTICS  AFTER  RUSSIAN   AIRLINES  DISASTER                                                               Move comes ahead of any official conclusion on crash

Kurt Nimmo | – November 6, 2015
The Department of Homeland Security will not wait to see if the Russian plane that crashed last weekend was the work of terrorists.

The federal agency plans to impose tighter security measures at foreign airports ahead of any conclusion.

In the US, increased security will result in “more diligent baggage screening at major domestic U.S. airports,” according to ABC News.

The move appears to a reaction to remarks made by Obama and intelligence officials in the US and UK that there is a “possibility” the crash was caused by a bomb.

“We know that the procedures we have here in the United States are different than some of the procedures that exist for inbound and outbound flights there,” Obama said.

“What the Department of Homeland Security is looking at is beefing up all these screening procedures at the last points of departure, which would be overseas into the United States—the last chance, if you will, to catch something like a bomb put on an airplane,” Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee Michael McCaul, R-Texas said.

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